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Post - Artemis

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In English / Re:Donald is finally rich but how many times ?
« il: Lunedė 22 Feb 2021, 14:29:16 »
Oh, thank you for the links ! :) Some of these stories are familiar to me but I think I'm looking for a Scarpa story from the 70s or 80s, I'm not certain, I have unclear, vague memories from reading the ending of it. Donald gets to keep a large amount of gold bars without his uncle being aware of it, does this ring a bell to you ?

In English / Donald is finally rich but how many times ?
« il: Sabato 20 Feb 2021, 15:17:20 »
Hello Disney fanatics ! :) I was wondering how many times Donald became rich at the end of an Italian story from the 60s, 70s and 80s. When I say rich I mean with plenty of money or plenty of gold taking place in 20th century tales. I would really appreciate any titles of stories ! Thank you in advance ! O0 ;) :)

In English / Paperinik alla riscossa in French
« il: Mercoledė 4 Dic 2019, 23:32:37 »
Sometimes I follow the French publications in order to keep up with the language while enjoying my favorite Scarpa stories at the same time.. I couldn't help but notice a huge translation error ! ??? :surprised: While I was flipping through ''Les Chroniques de Fantomiald'' I stumbled upon Donald Duck enjoying a homemade sandwich and a full glass of beer with foam all over it.. The French translation says ''So hello fresh lemonade and homemade sandwich''.. I don't know what to think, it's either a careless, ridiculous, translation blunder or a deliberate act in order to ''protect'' young, impressionable minds from indulging in alcoholic beverages, what do you members think ?

In English / Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
« il: Venerdė 2 Nov 2018, 21:40:05 »
Thank you so much Cornelius for this frank and thoroughly objective answer, it clears up any possible misunderstandings for me ! ;D Nobody is impeccable, flawless, error-free, unmistakable, faultless or blameless even the greatest of writers and authors. Guido Martina remains among the top Disney writers in the history of the world comic book industry, his reputation is still quite unblemished. I can safely say that I couldn't agree with you more ! :) :)

In English / Topolino e il ribelle di Thairos
« il: Lunedė 15 Ott 2018, 21:31:46 »
Has anyone read this story ?? It was published in 1962 but it takes place in 2018 !! :o ???


In English / Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
« il: Venerdė 12 Ott 2018, 21:31:03 »
Thank you Cornelius, I am curious to know what you think about it !

In English / Re:Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
« il: Venerdė 12 Ott 2018, 21:12:03 »
Salut Orora, vos dessins sont vraiment magnifiques ! :D Vous avez du talent époustouflant ! :o Your art is so much appealing and original than quite a few well-known comic book artists, well done ! You deserve world wide recognition ! I find your humour quite witty, keep up the excellent work, two thumbs up, bravo ! :) :) ;) ;D

In English / Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
« il: Venerdė 12 Ott 2018, 17:43:40 »
Thank you for your warm welcome ! :) In case you read the story one day I would like to know what you think about it !

In English / Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
« il: Venerdė 12 Ott 2018, 10:30:32 »
Hello from France !  :D This is such a colorful, vivid place, I am glad I have found you, all of you ! :) Please excuse me for not speaking your beautiful language ! I am a french woman who enjoys reading Disney comics since many years ago, especially stories created by Italian creators like Romano Scarpa, Massimo De Vita, Giovan Battista Carpi, Giorgio Cavazzano and several others. In my humble opinion Disney comics would be incredibly poor without the vast Italian artistic contribution, my favorite Disney character is Scrooge McDuck (Picsou in France). I have recently stumbled upon the story called Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora, I must admit I was quite disappointed by it and this doesn't occur very often with Italian-made comics. I have a soft spot regarding Greece and its culture and I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this particular work. I know that Guido Martina is a skilled comic book writer and I'm sure I have enjoyed his scenarios in many storylines but this time I was annoyed by the things I was reading, maybe it was partially the fault of french translators, I don't know, I consider this story as a defamation toward Greek culture, Greek people and not funny at all, I am so sorry to say this ! It is only my opinion, ofcourse ! I wonder why this story was never published in Greece.

Pagine: [1]

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