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Grandma Duck and Scrooge as brother and sister: which stories?

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    Hi all!

    I recently read Marco Rota's "Buon Compleanno, Paperino!", and I enjoyed it a lot (especially with the beautiful illustrations!) interestingly, it's one of those stories where Grandma Duck and Uncle Scrooge are presented as brother and sister. I was wondering: do you guys know any more (good) stories where Scrooge and Grandma are siblings (maybe even stories that show them  together during their past/childhood?). I think it's quite an interesting concept. Also, does anyone here know where exactly the idea of Scrooge and Grandma being siblings origins from? My understanding is that Guido Martina invented it (since it wasn't in the original American stories) but I may be mistaken.


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      Re:Grandma Duck and Scrooge as brother and sister: which stories?
      Risposta #1: Sabato 23 Giu 2018, 17:44:54
      In the Sixties, I think...
      We all italians were actually convinced that Scrooge and Elvira were brothers.
      In many stories the two referred to each other as “my sister” or “my brother”, such as in some story by Scarpa.

        Re:Grandma Duck and Scrooge as brother and sister: which stories?
        Risposta #2: Domenica 1 Lug 2018, 22:59:29
        Hi all!

        I recently read Marco Rota's "Buon Compleanno, Paperino!", and I enjoyed it a lot (especially with the beautiful illustrations!) interestingly, it's one of those stories where Grandma Duck and Uncle Scrooge are presented as brother and sister. I was wondering: do you guys know any more (good) stories where Scrooge and Grandma are siblings (maybe even stories that show them  together during their past/childhood?). I think it's quite an interesting concept. Also, does anyone here know where exactly the idea of Scrooge and Grandma being siblings origins from? My understanding is that Guido Martina invented it (since it wasn't in the original American stories) but I may be mistaken.

        I don't think any stories were ever published with the two of them during their childhood. However, in Nonna Papera e la torta rivelatrice, which is the third chapter in a 10 part story known as Il segreto del Totem Decapitato or Operazione Quack the first encounter between the two of them is shown. It's a Guido Martina story and I think you're right in saying he was the first who made them siblings.

        In the story they are said to be siblings although they had never met before (no explanation is given as to why they grew up in different places) but they had heard about each other.
        « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 4 Lug 2018, 20:00:55 da Walecs »


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          Re:Grandma Duck and Scrooge as brother and sister: which stories?
          Risposta #3: Mercoledì 4 Lug 2018, 13:34:10
          We all italians were actually convinced that Scrooge and Elvira were brothers.
          All isn't the right word.
          I never thought it: when I was a child, I believed that they were secretly in love (don't ask me why)


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