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Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora

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PolliceSu   (1)

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    Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
    Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 10:30:32
    Hello from France !  :D This is such a colorful, vivid place, I am glad I have found you, all of you ! :) Please excuse me for not speaking your beautiful language ! I am a french woman who enjoys reading Disney comics since many years ago, especially stories created by Italian creators like Romano Scarpa, Massimo De Vita, Giovan Battista Carpi, Giorgio Cavazzano and several others. In my humble opinion Disney comics would be incredibly poor without the vast Italian artistic contribution, my favorite Disney character is Scrooge McDuck (Picsou in France). I have recently stumbled upon the story called Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora, I must admit I was quite disappointed by it and this doesn't occur very often with Italian-made comics. I have a soft spot regarding Greece and its culture and I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this particular work. I know that Guido Martina is a skilled comic book writer and I'm sure I have enjoyed his scenarios in many storylines but this time I was annoyed by the things I was reading, maybe it was partially the fault of french translators, I don't know, I consider this story as a defamation toward Greek culture, Greek people and not funny at all, I am so sorry to say this ! It is only my opinion, ofcourse ! I wonder why this story was never published in Greece.
    There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                           Carl Barks


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    PolliceSu   (1)

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    PolliceSu   (1)
      Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
      Risposta #1: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 14:08:23
      Hello Artemis and welcome in Papersera!  :)

      I saw in Inducks that the story you are talking about was not written by Guido Martina, but by Bruno Concina. In the title Uncle Scrooge is called 'Zio Paperone' and not 'Paperon de' Paperoni' but the story is the same. I've never read it and I can't have an opinion about it.



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        Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
        Risposta #2: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 14:14:51

        Cornelius, the story is written by Martina (but I haven't read it, so I have almost nothing to say about it)

        « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 14:16:56 da Paperinika »

          Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
          Risposta #3: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 17:43:40
          Thank you for your warm welcome ! :) In case you read the story one day I would like to know what you think about it !
          There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                                 Carl Barks


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            Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
            Risposta #4: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 20:53:48
            So we have another "Vaso di Pandora" titled to Uncle Scrooge and in this second case I have the story in an old comic book series.
            Thanks to Paperinika for the news and I'm going to read this story to see if I will also find certain defamatory situations towards Greek culture as written by Artemis.

              Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
              Risposta #5: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 21:31:03
              Thank you Cornelius, I am curious to know what you think about it !
              There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                                     Carl Barks


              Imperatore della Calidornia
              PolliceSu   (1)

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                Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
                Risposta #6: Lunedì 22 Ott 2018, 13:17:18
                After having red this story I can say that Guido Martina, more than having defamed Greece and its culture, has emphasized the ignorance of the ducks, in a particularly demented context whose rate was, perhaps, in the stories published in the monthly comic book "Almanacco Topolino", greater than those published in the weekly "Topolino"

                The italian author, no matter how great he was, did not like 'continuity' and could alternate, in different stories, a Scrooge who, thanks to his youth journeys, knew the habits and customs of different peoples in addition to the history of their countries, to a particularly ignorant Scrooge like in this story.

                Beyond these themes, this subject does not have a convincing plot: other duels between Scrooge and Rockerduck, always written by Guido Martina, were of a much higher quality. This is a story written quickly, without too many claims. Other details testify to the incivility of many tourists (the writing "W la Juve" on a column) and the presence, in these archaeological sites (I think in every part of the world) of sly and trickster people who try to take advantage of naive and ignorant tourists, as the ducks in this occasion.

                A positive thing is definitely the drawings by Giulio Chierchini, a great cartoonist still in business despite his 90 years just completed!

                « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 22 Ott 2018, 13:30:04 da Cornelius Coot »

                  Re:Paperon de' Paperoni e il vaso di Pandora
                  Risposta #7: Venerdì 2 Nov 2018, 21:40:05
                  Thank you so much Cornelius for this frank and thoroughly objective answer, it clears up any possible misunderstandings for me ! ;D Nobody is impeccable, flawless, error-free, unmistakable, faultless or blameless even the greatest of writers and authors. Guido Martina remains among the top Disney writers in the history of the world comic book industry, his reputation is still quite unblemished. I can safely say that I couldn't agree with you more ! :) :)
                  There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                                         Carl Barks


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