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Polidoro Famedoro

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    Polidoro Famedoro
    Giovedì 27 Dic 2018, 14:26:37
    Hi, I just have a question about Flintheart's brother Polidoro from the story "Il segreto di Cuordipietra" ( https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+3230-1 ) by Francesco Artibani. I havent read the story (it hasn't been published where I live yet) but I've seen bits and pieces of the story on the internet, and from what I understand Flintheart's' story about his brother's deal with Gideon is a lie from Flintheart. However, does this also mean that the brother doesn't exist? I ask this because I made a Glomgold family tree, and I don't know whether I should include Polidoro as well.

    Thanks in advance! If ypu want to see the Glomgold family tree, as well as the other trees ive made, see here: http://s44.photobucket.com/user/Scroogerello/library/?sort=3&page=1
    If you have any additions please tell me!


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      Re:Polidoro Famedoro
      Risposta #1: Giovedì 27 Dic 2018, 14:55:45
      Hi Scroogerello. First of all the Glomgold family tree is very interesting, thanks for the link! As you point out, it doesn't exist a Polidoro Famedoro, it's just part of the lie from Flintheart to convince Scrooge. Besides, Flintheart states that he hasn't got any brother at all (which I think doesn't exclude a possible sister). Do you remember in which story is she mentioned?
      La mia collezione INDUCKS



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        Re:Polidoro Famedoro
        Risposta #2: Giovedì 27 Dic 2018, 16:52:23
        Hi Scroogerello. First of all the Glomgold family tree is very interesting, thanks for the link! As you point out, it doesn't exist a Polidoro Famedoro, it's just part of the lie from Flintheart to convince Scrooge. Besides, Flintheart states that he hasn't got any brother at all (which I think doesn't exclude a possible sister). Do you remember in which story is she mentioned?
        Thanks for your response! It's a shame that Polidoro doesn't really exist; It would have been interesting for Glomgold to have a brother, since most of the comic book families only have cousins, uncles, and nephews.

        Glomgold's sister was never mentioned as far as I know, but since he has a few nephews (with a different last name than him), I had to give him a sister on the tree.

        Oh, and before I forget it; i was wondering if Magica De spell's "Nonna melia" from this story: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+MI+++40-1 is the same character as Nonna Caraldina from the stories with Rosolio and Minima? Or is she a different Grandma?


        Papero del Mistero
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          Re:Polidoro Famedoro
          Risposta #3: Venerdì 28 Dic 2018, 11:30:42
          You're welcome! I've never read "Amelia e il guanto di nonna Melia", but as from the INDUCKS page "nonna Melia" seems to be another character, different from Grandma DeSpell and Caraldina.
          La mia collezione INDUCKS


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