Good morning everyone! My name is Alban, and I’m one of the main redactors at the French fanzine Picsou-Soir, and I thought it appropriate to properly introduce our work to our Italian friends.

We started in September 2019, and release four issues per year — one for each season. In fact, we’ve just released our 6th issue, which is largely devoted to Christmas. (Yes, I’ll admit it’s a bit late for that, Christmas in February and all, but you know how it is with delays... ^^)
Recently, we were lucky enough to get a two-page feature in the official
Picsou Magazine recently!

Everything can be seen online here: Even if you can’t read French, don’t hesitate to have a look! At least there is the fanart section, which does not (always) require a deep knowledge of the language.
P.S. Picsou-Soir also has a side-project on its Facebook page, titled "An Exquisite Duck!" Basically, it's a game between artists that consists in creating a story together strip by strip! There have been 21 participations so far, and since this is my brainchild, I hope it'll go on for 20 more strips! (By the way, I'm starting to run out of participants, so if any of you fine Italian fellows want to join us, I'd be MORE than happy!

) Here's a link to a special Tumblr account that collects all the strips so far (from newest to oldest, so you should start at the very bottom!):, everyone!