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Donald is finally rich but how many times ?

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    Donald is finally rich but how many times ?
    Sabato 20 Feb 2021, 15:17:20
    Hello Disney fanatics ! :) I was wondering how many times Donald became rich at the end of an Italian story from the 60s, 70s and 80s. When I say rich I mean with plenty of money or plenty of gold taking place in 20th century tales. I would really appreciate any titles of stories ! Thank you in advance ! O0 ;) :)
    There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                           Carl Barks


    Brigitta MacBridge
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      Re:Donald is finally rich but how many times ?
      Risposta #1: Domenica 21 Feb 2021, 11:15:59
      How much "rich" does Donald have to be to count the story in?  ;)

      At the end of https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL++795-AP he has a bathtub full of money and bathes in it. Not sure if it counts :)

      At the end of https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL++726-D he has earned half a million dollars.

      This volume: https://inducks.org/issue.php?c=it%2FCWD++49 also has a frame-story at the end of which he owns a million dollars.

      I'm pretty sure there are many others, if any other comes to mind I'll add them to the list.
      I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

      "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi

        Re:Donald is finally rich but how many times ?
        Risposta #2: Lunedė 22 Feb 2021, 14:29:16
        Oh, thank you for the links ! :) Some of these stories are familiar to me but I think I'm looking for a Scarpa story from the 70s or 80s, I'm not certain, I have unclear, vague memories from reading the ending of it. Donald gets to keep a large amount of gold bars without his uncle being aware of it, does this ring a bell to you ?
        There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                               Carl Barks


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