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A massive Duck Family Tree-project on another forum

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PolliceSu   (2)

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PolliceSu   (2)
    Hello there! Over at The Feathery Society forum, we are working on a Donald Duck Family Tree that includes every Duck-relative that has ever appeared in any media. It is a huge project and the tree already features almost 700 characters. Here’s what it looks like at the time of writing:

    However, the reason I am writing here is that I and the others involved suspect that there are more relatives out there that have yet been placed on the tree. Below is a link to the thread on The Feathery Society forum. Feel free to come over and contribute if you know of any more relatives, or just visit for the fun of it! :)


      Re:A massive Duck Family Tree-project on another forum
      Risposta #1: Martedì 26 Ott 2021, 16:08:33
      First of all, welcome on the forum!

      I've quickly scanned your tree, and I may have a relative of Scrooge that you still miss. In Zio Paperone e il risparmio controproducente Qui, Quo and Qua find an old painting in the dumping ground. After cleaning they read a name, Adolphus Mortimer de' Paperoni. Paperino says that this one is a "distant relative" of Paperone. He refuse to buy the painting, but later regrets it, because the frame is full of money.

      Another relative is from Fun Director. Scrooge looks at a distorcing mirror and says he looks like cousin Fatso. Strangely the italian translation makes no mention of him, but looking at another mirror PdP says he looks like his skinny cousin Menelao.

        Re:A massive Duck Family Tree-project on another forum
        Risposta #2: Mercoledì 27 Ott 2021, 19:29:59
        First of all, welcome on the forum!

        I've quickly scanned your tree, and I may have a relative of Scrooge that you still miss. In Zio Paperone e il risparmio controproducente Qui, Quo and Qua find an old painting in the dumping ground. After cleaning they read a name, Adolphus Mortimer de' Paperoni. Paperino says that this one is a "distant relative" of Paperone. He refuse to buy the painting, but later regrets it, because the frame is full of money.

        Another relative is from Fun Director. Scrooge looks at a distorcing mirror and says he looks like cousin Fatso. Strangely the italian translation makes no mention of him, but looking at another mirror PdP says he looks like his skinny cousin Menelao.

        Thank you!

        Adolphus Mortimer is already on the tree - he's Quagmire McDuck's grandson and Scrooge McDuck's second cousin!
        However, Scrooge's cousin Fatso is new to me! I'll add him in the next update! :D


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