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"Spectrus" says hello!

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PolliceSu   (2)

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    "Spectrus" says hello!
    Sabato 18 Mar 2023, 09:39:04
    So after reading the forum for quite a long time, I finally signed up. Unfortunately I barely understand any Italian, so I always use the inbuilt translator of Vivaldi, or sometimes DeepL when that fails. I hope I can eventually learn the language though, so I can read the great Topolino comics as they were written! (I learned Latin in school, but... :crazy:)

    A shoutout to Grande Tiranno for encouraging me to register nonetheless. (I wanted to anyway so I could see images uploaded to the forum.)

    Some people might know me from various online forums / groups. I've also participated in the German fanzine "Bertel-Express" and interviewed Francesco Artibani, Roberto Gagnor, Rudy Salvagnini and a few others. We'll also publish some of Simone Cavazzuti's articles in translated versions soon.

    I'm a fan of Scarpa, Casty, Francesco Guerrini, Massimo De Vita, Giulio Chierchini, Barks, Rosa, Alessandro Perina & many other artists. I also love many of the 'more recent'  :grandpa: series like PKNA, DoubleDuck, MMMM, X-Mickey, Wizards of Mickey and Topolinia 20802!
    ^^ Traduzione automatica dall'inglese (automatic translation from English)


    Cugino di Alf
    PolliceSu   (1)

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    PolliceSu   (1)
      Re:"Spectrus" says hello!
      Risposta #1: Sabato 18 Mar 2023, 09:52:45
      Welcome to this forum, I hope you enjoy it.
      I'm a fan of Scarpa, Casty, Francesco Guerrini, Massimo De Vita, Giulio Chierchini, Barks, Rosa, Alessandro Perina & many other artists. I also love many of the 'more recent'  :grandpa: series like PKNA, DoubleDuck, MMMM, X-Mickey, Wizards of Mickey and Topolinia 20802!
      You're a person of good taste ;)
      Luca Giacalone


      Grande Tiranno
      Diabolico Vendicatore
      PolliceSu   (1)

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      PolliceSu   (1)
        Re:"Spectrus" says hello!
        Risposta #2: Sabato 18 Mar 2023, 09:55:44
        Ciao! Thank you too for subscribing ;).  I hope, and I am sure, that you will be fine here!

        Il Grande Tiranno
        « Ultima modifica: Sabato 18 Mar 2023, 10:02:37 da Grande Tiranno »
        Catturamento Catturamento!


        PolliceSu   (1)

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        PolliceSu   (1)
          Re:"Spectrus" says hello!
          Risposta #3: Sabato 18 Mar 2023, 12:05:55
          Welcome to this forum, I hope you enjoy it.
          I'm a fan of Scarpa, Casty, Francesco Guerrini, Massimo De Vita, Giulio Chierchini, Barks, Rosa, Alessandro Perina & many other artists. I also love many of the 'more recent'  :grandpa: series like PKNA, DoubleDuck, MMMM, X-Mickey, Wizards of Mickey and Topolinia 20802!
          You're a person of good taste ;)
          Thank you. Also, I forgot Gottfredson  :minishock:
          ^^ Traduzione automatica dall'inglese (automatic translation from English)


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