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Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?

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    Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
    Martedì 11 Lug 2006, 19:29:13
    Buongiorno ragazzi!

    I would like to get contact with the editors at Disney Italia. Is there anyone at this forum that has some e-mail adress to the editors?


      Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
      Risposta #1: Mercoledì 26 Lug 2006, 20:16:55
      I have only found this: sergio.baro@disney.com on this site http://www.disney.it/WDI/disneyinitalia/poles/publications/index.htm.

        Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
        Risposta #2: Giovedì 27 Lug 2006, 15:37:16
        Thank you! I'll try that one.
        But isn't there any contact information in the beginning of the Topolino paper?


        Giovane Marmotta

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          Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
          Risposta #3: Giovedì 27 Lug 2006, 16:56:25
          Thank you! I'll try that one.
          But isn't there any contact information in the beginning of the Topolino paper?

          Yes, they're actually at the end of the publication but I haven't a copy here at work!  :D I'll check  it this evening and post the infos tomorrow it nobody answer you before  ;)

          Btw Marcus, where are you from?

          « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 27 Lug 2006, 16:57:29 da Pk »

            Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
            Risposta #4: Giovedì 27 Lug 2006, 19:54:53
            Oh, that would be great. :)

            Sono suedese, abito vicino la cittá Kalmar.
            « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 28 Lug 2006, 00:21:57 da Marcus »


            Giovane Marmotta

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              Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
              Risposta #5: Venerdì 28 Lug 2006, 18:00:01
              Hi Marcus, I have seen that our two cities (mine being Fano in Italy) there are a few less than 2.000 km!!! :o and, about the contact infos, well I have checked and the only ones usually listed on the last page are general phone numbers for the writing office, which are, from abroad:
              tel. +39 02 290851
              fax +39 02 29085162
              and the only email I have found in Disney.it is:
              sergio.baro@disney.com as aroby told you before.

              I hope this infos can help you too,
              ciao!  ;)
              « Ultima modifica: Martedì 1 Ago 2006, 18:08:55 da Pk »


              Allegro Castoro

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                Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                Risposta #6: Giovedì 19 Ott 2006, 19:33:06
                Well, but there are another magazines like W.I.C.T.H,can you folks from Italy,really help us with this.

                What is the Witch editor´s e mail.
                From Paperino and PK too.
                  I want to submit my drawings and don´t have an e mail adress.
                I draw in Cavazzano style. Please help.

                  Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                  Risposta #7: Domenica 29 Ott 2006, 15:57:14
                  There ought to be someone in this Forum that has some contact with the editors at Topolino. There must be some email-adress that you can mail?



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                    Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                    Risposta #8: Lunedì 30 Ott 2006, 15:17:39
                    I don't have it but I don't think for those who have them they have permission to give personal addresses to other people... maybe the best thing you can do is calling by phone and ask...

                      Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                      Risposta #9: Lunedì 30 Ott 2006, 15:40:01
                      I don't have it but I don't think for those who have them they have permission to give personal addresses to other people... maybe the best thing you can do is calling by phone and ask...

                      Well, you got a point there, but maybe someone who has it may be able to send it in a personal message to me? I can assure you that I'm not going to send spam or anything like that.



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                        Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                        Risposta #10: Lunedì 30 Ott 2006, 16:06:40
                        Well, you got a point there, but maybe someone who has it may be able to send it in a personal message to me? I can assure you that I'm not going to send spam or anything like that.
                        Well, good luck! :)


                        Giovane Marmotta

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                          Re: Get contact with editor at Disney Italia?
                          Risposta #11: Martedì 7 Nov 2006, 17:25:03
                          Well, but there are another magazines like W.I.C.T.H,can you folks from Italy,really help;) us with this.
                          What is the Witch editor´s e mail.
                          From Paperino and PK too.
                            I want to submit my drawings and don´t have an e mail adress.
                          I draw in Cavazzano style. Please help.

                          Sorry I don't have these emails  :'(  but have you ever considered to send your drawings by snail mail to Disney's italian address?
                          Being Cavazzano a fan fave I am very curious to see your artistic output,
                          have you "published" your drawings in the web, and in that case have you a website where they can be seen?   ;)

                          Cheers!  8-)


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