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Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.

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Indiana Goof
PolliceSu   (1)

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PolliceSu   (1)
    Hello everyone! I'm new here to this forum, very pleased to meet you. :)

    I'm writing because I saw just yesterday the following YouTube clip:


    It shows an Indiana Pipps (Indiana Goof) toy, and it appears to be real. Would anyone here happen to know where I can buy it, maybe from an online Italian toy store?

    Thanks for your help! :)


    Brigitta MacBridge
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      Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
      Risposta #1: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 12:42:33
      Looks like one of the miniatures from "Disney Parade" or "Disney Collection" collections.

      Informations about the two collections:


      Maybe some other user will be able to tell from which collection the miniature comes...

      Chiedo aiuto ai paperseristi: la statuina di Indiana che si vede nel filmato linkato da Indiana Goof, viene dalla "Disney Parade" o dalla "Disney Collection"? O da qualcos'altro? E dove si può comprare? Nel caso, scrivete pure in italiano, provvedo io a tradurre...
      I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

      "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi


      Imperatore della Calidornia

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        Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
        Risposta #2: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 12:46:55
        Chiedo aiuto ai paperseristi: la statuina di Indiana che si vede nel filmato linkato da Indiana Goof, viene dalla "Disney Parade" o dalla "Disney Collection"? O da qualcos'altro? E dove si può comprare? Nel caso, scrivete pure in italiano, provvedo io a tradurre...
        Eh, è quello il problema: da nessuna delle due!

        Anch'io infatti stavo rispondendo, ma poi mi sono accorto della cosa...

        Però ho la sensazione di averla già vista... forse faceva parte della Gippippa in allegato sul Topo? Non sono chiare le dimensioni della statuina... :-/

        P.S. quasi quasi stamane stavo per rimuovere il topic, visto lo spammone di ieri notte, e il titolo equivoco... :P
        « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 13:26:06 da pacuvio »


        Brigitta MacBridge
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          Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
          Risposta #3: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 13:02:47
          Però ho la sensazione di averla già vista da qualche parte... forse faceva parte della Gippippa in allegato sul Topo? Non sono chiare le dimensioni della statuina... :-/

          Potrebbe in effetti venire dalla gippippa:

          Il che spiegherebbe la posizione "accucciata" e il fatto che sembri tenere in mano qualcosa che poi non c'è...

          Translation for Indiana Goof:
          looks like the miniature comes from a toy which was sold together with "Topolino": the toy included Indiana's car ("Gippippa", in italian) and Indiana together. You can see an image of it in the link I posted.

          Both collections I quoted ("Disney Parade" and "Disney Collection") do include an Indiana Goof statuette, but without the car.

          « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 13:03:59 da pacuvio »
          I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

          "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi

            Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
            Risposta #4: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 16:17:31
            Wow, thank you all very much for the fast replies! I appreciate your help very much. :)

            Are either of those items still being sold, and is there maybe an online store I can buy them from? I live in the United States and would love to get them. :)

            It does look like that one link is actually selling the one with the car, is that an actual online store or someone selling it second hand? I'm trying to use the online Babel Fish Translator to read it, but it doesn't always work so well, lol. ;)
            « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 16:24:44 da Indiana_Goof »


            Brigitta MacBridge
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              Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
              Risposta #5: Mercoledì 9 Giu 2010, 12:37:18
              Wow, thank you all very much for the fast replies! I appreciate your help very much. :)

              Are either of those items still being sold, and is there maybe an online store I can buy them from? I live in the United States and would love to get them. :)

              Uh, qualcuno qui mi può aiutare? Io non so se sia possibile acquistare i pezzi singoli delle varie collection... è possibile ordinare una sola statuina alla DeAgostini dagli Stati Uniti?

              It does look like that one link is actually selling the one with the car, is that an actual online store or someone selling it second hand? I'm trying to use the online Babel Fish Translator to read it, but it doesn't always work so well, lol. ;)

              Well, yes, apparently that site puts sellers and buyers in direct contact by giving the seller's phone number, and in this case it is someone selling it second hand. I don't know the site myself, I'm sorry: I just found the page by looking for "gippippa" on google.
              That particular toy was in the shops some months ago together with the "Topolino" magazine. I don't think you can buy it directly and "first hand" from Disney Italy, but maybe you could look for it on eBay or similar sites.

              For instance, some Indiana statuettes are currently on sale on eBay Italy:

              Hope this helps. :)
              « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 9 Giu 2010, 12:42:40 da Brigitta_McBridge »
              I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

              "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi

                Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
                Risposta #6: Sabato 2 Apr 2011, 09:15:59
                Sorry that I'm so late in replying, I had some connection problems for a while.

                But anyway, thank you very much for your help. I'll give it a try. :)


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