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Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists

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    Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
    Risposta #15: Domenica 23 Giu 2013, 12:18:19
    Who will be the 21st? (No doubt for the 1st of course)
    The only writers in the list who don't also draw are Pezzin (18), Martina (19), Faraci (23) and Cimino (28).
    Not even Bill Walsh (if he's not the 21 st).


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      Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
      Risposta #16: Lunedì 24 Giu 2013, 19:21:42
      The "winner" with a large gap is of course Carl Barks.
      But the 21st is Fausto Vitaliano, behind only Pezzin and Martina among the "writers only".


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        Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
        Risposta #17: Sabato 29 Giu 2013, 16:04:21
        I'm feeling happy about all the comments here! Mille grazie! :)

        To conclude the project, here are the complete results and some other statistics: http://www.fieselschweif.de/kuenstler/wahl-2013/statistik/

        If you scroll down to "Ranking der Nationen", you can see that Italy is on the first place of the country ranking. ;)


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          Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
          Risposta #18: Sabato 29 Giu 2013, 21:06:49
          Congratulations to 313er, very nice project! Grazie a te! :)

          I've already said I'm sorry for the low position of Rodolfo Cimino (only 28th), but I'm really happy that our great "Italian School" is on the first place of the ranking for countries, even before United States, where it all begun... ;)
          « Ultima modifica: Sabato 29 Giu 2013, 21:07:27 da Paper_Butler »


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            Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
            Risposta #19: Mercoledì 3 Lug 2013, 10:00:19
            Well, let me say: who else?! Evidently he's not so overrated... ;)


            no, I guess there are some people that underestimate Barks both as a writer and artist  :)
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              Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
              Risposta #20: Lunedì 8 Lug 2013, 13:02:21
              I unfortunately don't know a word of German. I think using Topolino to learn Italian it's a grand idea! I've learn English watching movies. And talking with my American friends. Otherwise, I could not speak a word. I was wondering if in Germany there still are comics like Topolino. What I miss in US are Walt Disney Comics like in the 30s and 40s. Fortunately, there is Topolino, and still sketchers like Cavazzano! And De Vita and Mastantuono!  


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                Re: Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
                Risposta #21: Giovedì 29 Ago 2013, 15:20:07
                Nice website!Unfortunately I can't read German :P


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