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copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370

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PolliceSu   (1)

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    copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
    Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 13:24:34
    Ciao & Duckup from Germany,

    I heared of this new italian comic book:
    "copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370"
    and I would like to get one issue of this book for my collection.
    I try to find someone to help me. May I please you to help me?

    Thank you very much, best regards & ciao,

    Greetings from Germany sends by a fan of Italian Disney Comics


    Gran Mogol
    PolliceSu   (1)

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    PolliceSu   (1)
      Re: copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
      Risposta #1: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 19:45:26
      Hi, Alex, and welcome to the forum! It’s nice to know a german fan of Italian Disney Comics! :)

      I try to answer your question. The Topolino 1370 isn't a real comic book issue, it wasn’t in the newspaper kiosks: it's a special little book realized by some users of Papersera Forum. In Italy the number 1370 of Topolino was never edited due to a strike, so from the 1369 the collection goes directly to 1371. To realize a “fake” number 1370 was a joke, maked just for fun (not for money!) and of course in a very small number of copies. They were almost totally distributed during the “Mostra Mercato di Reggio Emilia” last month, as a nice gift for the ones who bought the book “Topolino Tremila”.

      So, sorry, I don’t think it’s possible to have one of them, unless someone who has one of the few copies decides to send it to you... I hope you can find him/her! Greetings to you, have a nice time with Disney Comics! ;)
      « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 19:46:15 da Paper_Butler »

        Re: copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
        Risposta #2: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 20:26:39
        Hi Paper Butler,

        thank you very much for your answer and have a great time with Disney comics, too.

        I know, that the Topolino 1370 is not a real comic book, and that this book was not available in the newspaper kiosks. It is a pity, that there is only a very small number of copies of this book. :'(
        I hope, that I could find someone, who likes to sell or trade his copy. If that does not work, I hope that maybe sometime will be a second edition of this book. :D

        Many thanks for your answer & greetings from Germany to all Italian fans of Disney comics,


        Dittatore di Saturno

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          Re: copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
          Risposta #3: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 20:34:21
          This book doesn't exist and there will be no other edition. :)
          « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 20:34:59 da hendrik »
          ... non ferma a Verkuragon!


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            Re: copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
            Risposta #4: Mercoledì 10 Lug 2013, 21:50:09
            I hope that maybe sometime will be a second edition of this book. :D
            That would be impossible. We can consider the Topolino 1370 a Very-Very Limited Edition. :)

              Re: copia pirata ed apocrifa del Topolino 1370
              Risposta #5: Giovedì 21 Mag 2015, 05:58:11
              Volevo anche io ottenere una copia.


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