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    Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
    Risposta #15: Domenica 28 Giu 2015, 01:50:18
    Thank you, I am glad people keep answering even a month later!

    It's so nice you like my comic strip. I'd like to do more of them, although I have trouble thinking of funny ideas (the McDonald one was on my mind for years!).

    I don't have specific kind of story or authors I like, I enjoy each story individually...

    But then, I could safely say Massimo de Vita is one of my top favorite Italian authors!

    I think I will open a new topic in Italian to post my drawings and comics, translated (including others that are not here). Is that a good idea?


    PolliceSu   (1)

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      Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
      Risposta #16: Domenica 13 Dic 2015, 12:20:57
      Hello everyone. I am very glad to be in this forum.

      I am French, and am learning Italian so that I can discover and appreciate more of those great Disney comics made in Italy, which are among my favorites!

      I have loved Disney comics ever since I was very little; they were my introduction to stories as a whole.

      I grew up and forgot a bit about them, turning to things like manga. But, many years later, I rediscovered them by finding Topolino magazines in original Italian. Many stories that were never in French.

      Recently, I bought many old Disney comics and studied them so that I could learn more of the comic's universe, draw the characters myself and bring to life an old dream.

      I hope to share my passion with you...

      Grazie, tutti. Io spero che potrò parlare bene italiano per più partecipare nello forum.

      These are indeed wonderful. Thanks for sharing your art with us :)
      « Ultima modifica: Martedì 12 Gen 2016, 11:48:15 da inthenight »

        Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
        Risposta #17: Lunedì 11 Gen 2016, 00:43:18
        Thank you so much!!


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        PolliceSu   (1)

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          Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
          Risposta #18: Lunedì 11 Gen 2016, 17:54:22
          Great artist! Congratulations ;)

            Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
            Risposta #19: Martedì 12 Gen 2016, 00:19:09
            Thank you very much!

            I think I can show you this comic I drew some time ago... starring Donald Duck and Howard the Duck (by Marvel):

            ... and Super Duck.

            Don't know who Super Duck is? Check this out. The fact that he is a ripoff is not even the worst problem.  ;)
            « Ultima modifica: Martedì 12 Gen 2016, 00:20:37 da Arcanor »


            Uomo Nuvola
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              Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
              Risposta #20: Martedì 12 Gen 2016, 00:21:04
              compliments, orora. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]


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                Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                Risposta #21: Mercoledì 13 Gen 2016, 00:00:26
                Great artist, great gag! :D
                In memoria di chi ci ha "cucinato" tante storie memorabili...

                  Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                  Risposta #22: Giovedì 21 Gen 2016, 02:55:58
                  Hello again!

                  I don't understand why, but I couldn't write and log in anymore!

                  My account is called "Ex Utente", and I don't know if I did anything wrong to be banned.  :( If I did, please explain to me.

                  Apparently, this is a bug on the forum? There is somebody else who had this problem?

                  Anyway, I just wanted to understand. Thank you very much for allowing me back under the same username, just to sort things out.


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                    Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                    Risposta #23: Giovedì 21 Gen 2016, 09:34:36
                    Hi, don't worry, it's just a bug. It happened to other users. I think Paolo will resolve it. ;)
                    Sappiate che tutte le cose sono così: un miraggio, un castello di nubi... Nulla è come appare  -  Buddha



                      Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                      Risposta #24: Venerdì 22 Gen 2016, 02:09:01
                      Hi, don't worry, it's just a bug. It happened to other users. I think Paolo will resolve it. ;)
                      Ah, I am relieved! Thank you.


                      PolliceSu   (3)

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                        Re:Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                        Risposta #25: Domenica 29 Lug 2018, 17:06:43
                        Hello, I haven't been here in a long time, but I'm back!

                        I have made more Disney duck parody art!

                        Do you know the indie game Doki Doki Literature Club? I have drawn a DuckTales parody:

                        For reference, this is how Doki Doki Literature Club looks like:

                        And the DuckTales image I used as reference:



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                          Re:Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                          Risposta #26: Mercoledì 1 Ago 2018, 15:00:54
                          Just Monika

                            Re:Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                            Risposta #27: Venerdì 12 Ott 2018, 21:12:03
                            Salut Orora, vos dessins sont vraiment magnifiques ! :D Vous avez du talent époustouflant ! :o Your art is so much appealing and original than quite a few well-known comic book artists, well done ! You deserve world wide recognition ! I find your humour quite witty, keep up the excellent work, two thumbs up, bravo ! :) :) ;) ;D
                            There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

                                                   Carl Barks

                              Re:Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
                              Risposta #28: Giovedì 16 Apr 2020, 14:33:24
                              Hello again! I couldn't connect to my second account or recover a new password, so I have created another new account! From now on, this is Orora! (aka Gaucelm)

                              Salut Orora, vos dessins sont vraiment magnifiques ! :D Vous avez du talent époustouflant ! :o Your art is so much appealing and original than quite a few well-known comic book artists, well done ! You deserve world wide recognition ! I find your humour quite witty, keep up the excellent work, two thumbs up, bravo ! :) :) ;) ;D
                              Merci beaucoup, Artemis, ça fait plaisir! It is so nice to hear! This is encouraging me to continue!


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