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Post - Scroogerello

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In English / Re:Polidoro Famedoro
« il: Giovedì 27 Dic 2018, 16:52:23 »
Hi Scroogerello. First of all the Glomgold family tree is very interesting, thanks for the link! As you point out, it doesn't exist a Polidoro Famedoro, it's just part of the lie from Flintheart to convince Scrooge. Besides, Flintheart states that he hasn't got any brother at all (which I think doesn't exclude a possible sister). Do you remember in which story is she mentioned?
Thanks for your response! It's a shame that Polidoro doesn't really exist; It would have been interesting for Glomgold to have a brother, since most of the comic book families only have cousins, uncles, and nephews.

Glomgold's sister was never mentioned as far as I know, but since he has a few nephews (with a different last name than him), I had to give him a sister on the tree.

Oh, and before I forget it; i was wondering if Magica De spell's "Nonna melia" from this story: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+MI+++40-1 is the same character as Nonna Caraldina from the stories with Rosolio and Minima? Or is she a different Grandma?

In English / Polidoro Famedoro
« il: Giovedì 27 Dic 2018, 14:26:37 »
Hi, I just have a question about Flintheart's brother Polidoro from the story "Il segreto di Cuordipietra" ( https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+3230-1 ) by Francesco Artibani. I havent read the story (it hasn't been published where I live yet) but I've seen bits and pieces of the story on the internet, and from what I understand Flintheart's' story about his brother's deal with Gideon is a lie from Flintheart. However, does this also mean that the brother doesn't exist? I ask this because I made a Glomgold family tree, and I don't know whether I should include Polidoro as well.

Thanks in advance! If ypu want to see the Glomgold family tree, as well as the other trees ive made, see here: http://s44.photobucket.com/user/Scroogerello/library/?sort=3&page=1
If you have any additions please tell me!

In English / Grandma Duck and Scrooge as brother and sister: which stories?
« il: Giovedì 21 Giu 2018, 23:58:36 »
Hi all!

I recently read Marco Rota's "Buon Compleanno, Paperino!", and I enjoyed it a lot (especially with the beautiful illustrations!) interestingly, it's one of those stories where Grandma Duck and Uncle Scrooge are presented as brother and sister. I was wondering: do you guys know any more (good) stories where Scrooge and Grandma are siblings (maybe even stories that show them  together during their past/childhood?). I think it's quite an interesting concept. Also, does anyone here know where exactly the idea of Scrooge and Grandma being siblings origins from? My understanding is that Guido Martina invented it (since it wasn't in the original American stories) but I may be mistaken.

In English / Donald's parents by Guido Martina
« il: Lunedì 26 Mar 2018, 23:34:52 »
Just read that in an old Guido Martina comic from the 1950s (this one: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL++219-AP ), Donald's parents briefly appear. Anyone know more about this, or perhaps has access to images of the characters?

Also, as I read his, I was wondering--have Donald's parents appeared (or at least been mentioned) in any other stories before "The Life and Times"? You'd think there's be at least a couple of occasions, perhaps in more obscure (classic) Italian stories.



In English / Re: Scans of Disney character relatives
« il: Domenica 9 Lug 2017, 17:21:03 »
Hi Scroogerello,
Congratulations on your project and for the passion you have brought in making those genealogical trees. It is always my pleasure to meet enthusiasts from other parts of the world, albeit only virtually, and I wanted to tell you two things:
The first is a thank you for having been addressed to us at the Papersera forum, I hope that you are still following, also because otherwise you could not answer the second thing, that's a question: I can not get into your site, Where there are the genealogical trees. It seems a pity, so I want to know how I can get in or if you can give me the right link.
Thanks so much
Hi Tommaso,

Thanks for your interest in these trees! And you're right; the link in my original post doesn't display the trees anymore. You can now find them here: http://s44.photobucket.com/user/Scroogerello/library/?sort=3&page=1

I update them every now and then, so any additions are still very welcome!  :)

And many thanks to Paolo for the scan of Rockerduck's uncle--I'm still working on the Rockerduck family tree, so it's a great addition.

In English / Re: Scans of Disney character relatives
« il: Giovedì 25 Giu 2015, 15:53:24 »
I've received a scan of Pete's brother Pedro from a fan at another forum by now. I'm still searching for the following ones (as well as any other additions/remarks, if there are any!):
Pete's grandpa Gambadistagno from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2518-6
Pete's aunt Pierrette from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2002-3
Pete's aunt from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2461-2
Neighbour Jones's uncle Jasper from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=D+96315
I'm also thinking of making a Rockerduck family tree, for which I need a scan of Rockerduck's uncle from:
Many thanks in advance!

(For those interested: I've recently updated my Pete family tree. This tree, as well as the rest of the ones I've made so far, can be seen at my Disney Wiki Page: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/User%3AScroogerello).

- Scroogerello  :)

In English / Re: Scans of Disney character relatives
« il: Lunedì 22 Giu 2015, 23:49:46 »
Many thanks, La Spia Poeta and Anders And!  :)
Another thing you may not know: Caraldina is Magica's grandma, not her aunt.
Yes, I know, but in translations, she is listed as Magica's aunt rather than her grandma. And, as I figured Magica's aunt called 'auntie' on my tree looked much older than Caraldina, I didn't find it logical to make Caraldina actually one generation older. But you're right; originally, Caraldina was intended as Magica's grandmother.

Any other scans of the remaining character on the list in my previous post are still very welcome!

In English / Scans of Disney character relatives
« il: Lunedì 22 Giu 2015, 14:31:21 »
Hi all,
I've been constructing family trees for Disney comic characters, using scans from my own collection, the internet (usually the INDUCKS tool) and from members of  the DCF-Disney Comic Forum. You can see the trees at my Disney Wiki user page: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/User%3AScroogerello , I occasionally update them. The trees are however, missing quite a lot of scans (most of which I marked with the "scan needed"-sign). Most of them can be found in Italian publications, and therefore I was wondering if you guys here could provide scans of the following characters:

Pete's brother Pedro Bafo-de-onça from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=B+860071
Pete's grandpa Gambadistagno from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2518-6
Pete's aunt Pierrette from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2002-3
Pete's aunt from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=I+TL+2461-2
Neighbour Jones's uncle Jasper from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=D+96315
Magica De Spell's uncle from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=B+880105
Magica's other uncle from http://coa.inducks.org/story.php?c=B+860220
If you've got any other additions/remarks on the tree, please notify me! :)
Many thanks in advance!

In English / Re: Goofy's family
« il: Giovedì 9 Giu 2016, 16:44:41 »
Thanks!  :)
Now, on a similar note--does anyone happen to recognize the character called "Grandpa McDing'h" on the tree below (made by a certain Adrien Miqueu)? The art style looks like Floyd Gottfredson's (perhaps Romano Scarpa's?) style, but I can't find the story from which he is. I did read that Goofy's grandfather appeared by the name of "Walter De Pippis" in a recent Topolino issue, but I don't think he's the same character as the one on the tree.

In English / Goofy's family
« il: Martedì 29 Mar 2016, 14:37:14 »
Hi, all!

On the Italian wikipedia page for Goofy (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippo), the following caught my attention in the list of Goofy relatives the page showed:
Pappo, fratello gemello
Pippanda, sorella maggiore

Now, if I'm not mistaken, this means that Goofy has a (twin) brother called "Pappo" and an older sister (sorella maggiore = older sister, right?) named "Pippanda". Is this true? If so, does anyone here know which stories Goofy's brother and sister appear in? Many thanks in advance!  :)


In English / Zenzero
« il: Sabato 30 Gen 2016, 14:35:30 »
Hi, all!
On the INDUCKS, I came across this Seven Dwarfs comic by Romano Scarpa:
According to its description, it features an extra (eighth) dwarf called "Zenzero", created by Scarpa himself. Does anyone here have any more info on this story? Does Zenzero have any particular character trait (like most of the original dwarfs)? Where does he come from? What does he look like? And is it a fun story?
Thanks in advance!


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