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Paperinik alla riscossa in French

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    Paperinik alla riscossa in French
    Mercoledì 4 Dic 2019, 23:32:37
    Sometimes I follow the French publications in order to keep up with the language while enjoying my favorite Scarpa stories at the same time.. I couldn't help but notice a huge translation error ! ??? :surprised: While I was flipping through ''Les Chroniques de Fantomiald'' I stumbled upon Donald Duck enjoying a homemade sandwich and a full glass of beer with foam all over it.. The French translation says ''So hello fresh lemonade and homemade sandwich''.. I don't know what to think, it's either a careless, ridiculous, translation blunder or a deliberate act in order to ''protect'' young, impressionable minds from indulging in alcoholic beverages, what do you members think ?
    There was no difference between my characters and the life my readers were going to have to face..

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      Re:Paperinik alla riscossa in French
      Risposta #1: Mercoledì 11 Dic 2019, 11:09:49
      Sometimes I follow the French publications in order to keep up with the language while enjoying my favorite Scarpa stories at the same time.. I couldn't help but notice a huge translation error ! ??? :surprised: While I was flipping through ''Les Chroniques de Fantomiald'' I stumbled upon Donald Duck enjoying a homemade sandwich and a full glass of beer with foam all over it.. The French translation says ''So hello fresh lemonade and homemade sandwich''.. I don't know what to think, it's either a careless, ridiculous, translation blunder or a deliberate act in order to ''protect'' young, impressionable minds from indulging in alcoholic beverages, what do you members think ?
      is the usual deliberate absurd act of "politically Correct"  which, based on some hypocritical mentality o fashion in this period, it should protect young minds  ??? SmRoll :D . Also in Italy in the further re print of the story the phrase has been changed in "fresh soda and sandwich"


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