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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #4020: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 20:23:23
    Già. Peccato che il tizio sia tedesco.
    Scusate, non lo sapevo  
    « Ultima modifica: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 20:23:46 da adoro_la_Disney »
    Topolin, Topolin, viva Topolin!
    Assomigli a tutti noi, sei furbo e birichin
    e perciò noi gridiam, viva Topolin!
    Cit.Full Metal Jacket


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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #4021: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 20:33:31
      Sì ma ora traduceteglielo, che così Don potrebbe pensare che sia stato un italiano, se non addirittura uno di noi...
      « Ultima modifica: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 20:36:32 da pacuvio »


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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #4022: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 21:58:13
        Ma non credo che succeda perché la legge qui in Italia fa schifo, confronto alla vostra americana  

        Su leggi specifiche circa i contraffattori non saprei se è meglio la legge americana o quella italiana.
        In altri campi la legge americana è ben peggiore di quella italiana (armi, pena di morte, sanità pubblica...).


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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #4023: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 22:01:54
          Next one will be a Don's Goofy...?! I really have no words... :-?

          Il prossimo sarà un Pippo di Don Rosa...?! Davvero senza parole... :-?
          « Ultima modifica: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 22:09:17 da Dippy_the_Dawg »
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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #4024: Domenica 27 Gen 2013, 22:45:08
            In memoria di chi ci ha "cucinato" tante storie memorabili...


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #4025: Venerdì 1 Feb 2013, 03:27:08
              I have some question to Mr. Rosa:
              1)      $crooge arrives in Louisville in 1880 when he was 13. Grandpa Beagle is alredy father of three boys, so in 1880 he is at least 35 years old. Age difference between them is 35-13= 22. In the last chapter the year is 1947. $crooge is 80 years old. So Grandpa Beagles would be over 100 years old. Is it true?
              2)      In "Gyro’s first invention" you say that Helper was originated from Donald’s lamp.  Donald is therefore unintentional Helper coauthor. But in the story “The duck who never was”, you show that a damaged Helper exists although Donald was never born. How is it possible?
              3)      Is there anything else about $crooge life that you’d wanted to tell? One extra-chapter that will remain only in your mind? Or, on the other hand, something that you’d preferred to tell in other way? (outside the image of superhero, attributed to $crooge in chapter VIII, masterfully corrected and explained in Hearts of the Yukon).

              I grew up reading Lo$ and I consider that one of the best novel ever written. I could not wait for new extra chapters when I was a child. In fact it is placed in the seat of honour near Shakespeare, Dante, Homer, and, of course, the Carl Barks Library, and the poster of Duck family tree: the only pity is the missing of two character: Ludwig v Drake and Sir Simon… but there is Fethry!!!! I agree, he’s not a good character, but in Europe is too famous. It’s not possible a family tree without him.


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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #4026: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 00:01:33

                I wanna show to Don Rosa this last cover of "Topolino" (the italian weekly comics magazine) where Flintheart Glomgold appears for the first time, together with Rockerduck, Magica and a Beagle Boy, united against Scrooge in a long story divided in 4 episods ("Uncle Scrooge and the last adventure").


                I remember your story "A little something special" where all the enemies of Scrooge had a meeting in the Duckburg underground for the 50° anniversary of Scrooge's arrival.
                In this italian story (written by Artibani) RK and FG decided, to defeat their common enemy, to send Beagle Boys to steal just the Old Number One and Magica to make disappear all the money in the bin: US defences are not prepared to this anomalous double attach and collapsed: this will be the beginning of other financial-economic tragedies in the first episod, waiting for the second one.

                If Flintheart Glomgold is becoming (slowly) a well-known character in Italy is thanks to you that drew on him for your stories, very loved in our country too (beginning at the first one, "The Son of the Sun").

                Voglio mostrare a Don Rosa quest'ultima copertina di Topolino dove Cuordipietra Famedoro appare per la prima volta, insieme a Rockerduck, Amelia e un Bassoto, uniti contro Paperone in una lunga storia divisa in 4 puntate (ZP e l'ultima avventura).

                Ricordo la tua storia "Qualcosa di veramente speciale" dove tutti i nemici di Paperone si riunivano nei sotterranei di Paperopoli in occasione del 50° anniversario del suo arrivo in città.
                Nella storia italiana (scritta da Artibani) RK e CF decidono di sconfiggere il loro comune nemico spedendo i Bassotti a rubargli solo la Numero Uno e Amelia a far scomparire tutto il suo denaro nel Deposito: le difese di Paperone, impreparate a questo anomalo doppio attacco, crollano e questo sarà l'inizio di altre tragedie economico-finanziarie nel primo episodio, aspettando il secondo.

                Se CF sta diventando (lentamente) un personaggio noto in Italia è grazie a te che lo hai ripreso nelle tue storie, molto amate anche nel nostro paese (cominciando dalla prima, "Il figlio del Sole").
                « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 02:45:35 da leo_63 »


                Don Rosa
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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #4027: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 01:17:01
                  I just now returned from my visit to Angouleme to help the new Disney licensee Glenat Comics, one of the biggest and most important comic publishers in France, with the launching of the French "Don Rosa Library". It breaks my heart that a publisher in Italia will never be able to publish such a series.
                  Did any of you watch "my" Face book page for the many posted photos and reports on my trip? (It's not really MY page since I dislike self-promotion, but I had to give "official" permission for the fans/friends who operate it so well.)

                  >>>>>1)      $crooge arrives in Louisville in 1880 when he was 13. Grandpa Beagle is alredy father of three boys, so in 1880 he is at least 35 years old. Age difference between them is 35-13= 22. In the last chapter the year is 1947. $crooge is 80 years old. So Grandpa Beagles would be over 100 years old. Is it true?

                  I'd say he was more like 40 to have adult sons in 1880, so by 1947 he would be at least 107. And in "A Little Something Special" which took place in 1952, he would be at least 112. Amazing, isn't it?! It baffles science.

                  >>>>>2) In "Gyro’s first invention" you say that Helper was originated from Donald’s lamp.  Donald is therefore unintentional Helper coauthor. But in the story “The duck who never was”, you show that a damaged Helper exists although Donald was never born. How is it possible?

                  I guess, in that reality, someone else must have bought that lamp and later given it to Gyro to be repaired.
                  (By the way, I assume you knew that I wrote "Gyro's First Invention" about 10 years AFTER I wrote "The Duck Who Never Was". So, another explanation might be that I have a new idea once every decade.)

                  >>>>>3) Is there anything else about $crooge life that you’d wanted to tell? One extra-chapter that will remain only in your mind?

                  Nope. After "The Prisoner of White Agony Creek", I felt like I had said all I needed to say.

                  >>>>>the poster of Duck family tree: the only pity is the missing of two character: Ludwig v Drake and Sir Simon…

                  Yes, Egmont would not allow me to place Ludwig there in that 1993 Family Tree (but he IS there in my later versions, married to Matilda McDuck). And the space-time continuum prevented me from placing Sir Simon there since I created the Tree in 1993 and I told the story with Sir Simon about 13 years later. Another of my one-every-decade new ideas.


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #4028: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 10:12:59
                    A good new from Angouleme. The most sold book has been the first French volume of Don Rosa Library: http://lucaboschi.nova100.ilsole24ore.com/2013/02/la-giovinezza-di-picsou-stravende-.html

                    Luca Boschi does not say the number of copies, anyway... We'll see if it will be pubblished also in Italy, maybe by Rizzoli-Lizard...

                    Ottime notizie, il libro di Don è il più venduto ad angouleme. Speriamo che esca in italia, magari con Rizzoli...


                    Casey Coot
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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #4029: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 14:07:13
                      Hi Mr. Rosa! I am a big fan from Finland, and I've just finished reading your 200 pages of interesting answers on this forum. I have many questions for you, but I'll at least start with the most important one. Famous Swedish donaldist Stefan Diös has already partly answered it for me (here you can read the answer in Swedish: http://www.kalleanka.se/default.aspx?section=artikkel&id=17203&pagenr=1#content), but I'll see if you have a better answer (not that his was bad, but you probably have the best answer if anyone has).
                      The question is actually two questions. In November 2011 I started researching about the Beagle Boys, some very interesting Duckburg characters. I then decided to make a family tree for them, but I didn't find all the facts that I needed. My first question is: what are the numbers of Blackheart Beagle's sons? Many different numbers have been used by you and Barks, but in "The Beagle Boys vs. The Money Bin" their numbers are 176-167, 176-176 and 176-671. Are those the "real" numbers according to you?
                      My next question is: which of the seven "modern" Beagle Boys are brothers, and who are their fathers? I guess that 176-167, 176-176 and 176-671 are sons of the fathers with the same numbers, but where should I put the other ones?
                      Thank you for existing!


                      Brigitta MacBridge
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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #4030: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 16:33:43
                        Sono appena tornato dalla mia visita ad Angouleme per aiutare il nuovo licenziatario Disney, Glenat Comics, uno fra i più grandi e importanti editori di fumetti in Francia, nel lancio della "Don Rosa Library" francese. Mi spezza il cuore che nessun editore italiano potrà mai pubblicare questa serie.
                        Qualcuno di voi ha tenuto d'occhio la "mia" pagina FaceBook con molte foto e resoconti del mio viaggio? (Non è davvero la MIA pagina, perché io non amo l'autopromozione, ma ho dovuto dare il mio permesso "ufficiale" ai fan/amici che la fanno funzionare tanto bene.)

                        >>>>>1)      Paperone arriva a Louisville nel 1880 quando ha 13 anni. Nonno Bassotto ha già tre figli, quindi nel 1880 ha almeno 35 anni. La differenza di età fra loro è 35-13= 22. Nel capitolo finale l'anno è il 1947. Paperone ha 80 anni. Quindi Nonno Bassotto dovrebbe avere più di 100 anni. È giusto?

                        Direi che dovrebbe avere più sui 40 anni per avere dei figli adulti nel 1880, quindi nel 1947 ne avrebbe almeno 107. E in "A Little Something Special" che è ambientato nel 1952, ne avrebbe almeno 112. Incredibile, non è vero?! La scienza non se lo spiega.

                        >>>>>2) In "La prima invenzione di Archimede" dici che Edi ha origine dalla lampada di Paperino. Paperino è quindi un coautore non intenzionale di Edi. Ma nella storia "Il genio del compleanno" fai vedere che un Edi danneggiato esiste anche se Paperino non è mai nato. Come è possibile?

                        Immagino che, in quella realtà sia stato qualcun altro a portare quella lampada a far riparare ad Archimede.
                        (Per inciso, assumo che tu sappia che ho scritto "La prima invenzione di Archimede" circa 10 anni DOPO che avevo scritto "Il genio del compleanno". Perciò un'altra spiegazione potrebbe essere che ho una nuova idea ogni decennio.)

                        >>>>>3) C`è qualcos'altro della vita di Paperone che avresti voluto raccontarci? Un capitolo extra che resterà solo nella tua mente?

                        No. Dopo "La prigioniera del fosso dell'Agonia Bianca", sentivo di aver detto tutto quello che avevo bisogno di dire.

                        >>>>>il poster dell'albero genealogico dei paperi: l'unico difetto è la mancanza di due personaggi: Pico de Paperis e Sir Simon.

                        Già, la Egmont non mi permise di mettere Pico de Paperis in quell'albero del1993 (ma lui C'È nelle versioni successive, sposato con Matilda De Paperoni). E il continuum spazio temporale mi ha impedito di metterci Sir Simon dato che ho creato l'albero nel 1993 ed ho raccontato la storia con Sir Simon circa 13 anni dopo. Un'altra delle mie nuove idee una-ogni-dieci-anni.
                        I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

                        "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi


                        Don Rosa
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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #4031: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 22:39:04
                          Casey Coot:
                          >>>>>My first question is: what are the numbers of Blackheart Beagle's sons? Many different numbers have been used by you and Barks, but in "The Beagle Boys vs. The Money Bin" their numbers are 176-167, 176-176 and 176-671. Are those the "real" numbers according to you?

                          Blackheart Beagle had only 3 sons who were shown in Barks' untitled story of $crooge fighting them during on the Mississippi River, and which I also used in chapter 2 of my "Life of $crooge". In my story I used the same 3 prison ID numbers on their shirts as Barks used in his original story. I won't go run off to see what those numbers were -- I assume you can easily check that for yourself. I should have used those same 3 numbers when I showed those sons in the scrapbook being looked at in the "vs. the Money Bin" story. Did I not?!?!

                          The Beagle Boys Barks used in his "modern day" stories, and which I used in all my "modern day" stories, were (I decided) Blackheart Beagles' *grandsons*, so there were more than 3. In the story about the "Menehune Mystery" $crooge mentions that there are 36 Beagle Boys on the ship in the story (then there must have been some cousins in there was well?). In another story Barks once showed 12 Beagle Boys in one panel. But normally he used 7 Beagle Boys, so I never used more than 7 myself. Obviously, I was never afraid of extra work or overdoing everything, but I also NEVER wanted it to seem like I wanted to top Barks, so if he generally used a maximum of 7 BBs, that was all I wanted to use.

                          As to the prison numbers of those 7 grandsons (not sons), I used the same numbers that Barks did. The 6-digit numbers always started with "176" and then used those same 3 numbers as the last 3 digits after a hyphen. Therefore, the numbers were 176-176, 176-671, 176-617, 176-716, 176-761, & 176-167. There is no 7th combination possible. That's why you'll notice that when I ever showed all 7 BBs in one panel, one of them would always have his back turned to you so that you could not see his number (because I don't know what it would be!).

                          >>>>>My next question is: which of the seven "modern" Beagle Boys are brothers, and who are their fathers? I guess that 176-167, 176-176 and 176-671 are sons of the fathers with the same numbers, but where should I put the other ones?

                          It should be no difficult feat for 3 sons to father 7 grandsons. Or even 12 grandsons. As to the 36 grandsons mentioned in the "Menehune Mystery" story, I'll leave it to you to figure out whose sons they were. But as I said above, my guess is they were simply cousins.

                          As to which grandsons are the sons of which fathers... cripes, I dunno. Just having the same prison number would not be an indication of a father-son relation. After all, the prison system assigns the numbers, right?

                          I don't envy you the mission of creating a Beagle Boys Family Tree. Seems slightly impossible.

                          >>>>>Thank you for existing!

                          Think nothing of it. It's something that I seem to accomplish without even concentrating on it.
                          « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 22:46:23 da Don_Rosa »


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #4032: Venerdì 8 Feb 2013, 23:33:32
                            I mentioned "BB vs MB" because under the photographs of the fathers/sons you just use 3 prison numbers, while in "The Master of the Mississippi" you actually use many more numbers: 176-671, 176-167, 167-176, 167-716, 167-617, 176-716 and 176-617. I might have missed some.

                            The ways in which you hide the 7th BB's prison number are just hilarious!
                            « Ultima modifica: Sabato 9 Feb 2013, 08:14:03 da CaseyCoot »


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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #4033: Domenica 10 Feb 2013, 23:33:28
                              Come e perchè Don Rosa ha smesso di scrivere fumetti Disney raccontato da Don Rosa stesso. Assolutamente da leggere.

                              "Something not in the Guidebook? Impossible!"
                              "I never thought it would be happen in our lifetime!"
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                              HDL in D 2003-081

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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #4034: Lunedì 11 Feb 2013, 23:11:21
                                I just read the link point out by Alle
                                (by the way thanks to Alle)
                                and I finally got the whole picture.
                                I completely agree with Don Rosa on his point #1 and it was a great move to just go ahead and copyright his name.
                                What a smart move!
                                This goes without saying that I am so sorry to hear that you went through all that kind of troubles with your eyesight.
                                Nevertheless, although that stuff can happen to anybody, I cannot but congratulate you with your smartest move.
                                And this finally explains why they will never do any Don Rosa Collection in Italy. Too stingy….
                                Thanks again for all the beautiful drawings and stories you gave your fan in all these years.

                                Ho appena finito di leggere il link indicato da da Alle
                                (a proposito, grazie ad Alle)
                                e finalmente ho capito cosa e’ successo.
                                Sono completamente d'accordo con Don Rosa sul punto # 1 ed è stata una grande mossa chiedere i diritti d'autore sul suo nome.
                                Che mossa intelligente!
                                Va da sé che mi dispiace sapere di tutto quello che ha passato sopratutto per quanto riguarda i problemi con la vista
                                Tuttavia, anche se queste cose possono capitare a chiunque, non posso che congratularmi con Don Rosa per questa bella mossa!
                                E questo spiega, infine, perché non ci sara’ in Italia una Don Rosa Collection.
                                Troppo avari ....

                                Grazie ancora per tutti i bellissimi disegni e le storie che ha ai suoi fan in tutti questi anni


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