I also want to talk about the Arabic publications
In the past the magazine was in a different publishing house ( like the issue you have ) and it stopped in 2003
Until that time we only had two publications:
Mickey and Mickey Guaib
Mickey guaib is monthly and mostly for italian stories and Mickey is weekly and for stories from other countries
When the magazine moved to the other publishing house they have also the same two magazines
Until 2012 when a new series was launched: Disney comics
https://inducks.org/publication.php?c=eg%2FDCThe series is still coming out, but in the beginning there was 3 or 4 issues every year
Now we only have one or two
There is also a series for X Mickey, they have published in six issues all the stories of the series
https://inducks.org/publication.php?c=eg%2FXMAnother publication is Donald Quest in two issues
Disney fantasy in five issues ( it's the same as Paper fantasy in the cover and in the stories except few of them )
Disney adventures in three issues, in the beginning they said that a new issue well come out every three months, but the first ( pippo reporter ) was in 2019
The second ( Topolino e Pippo on the road ) was in 2020
And the third ( pippo reporter 2 ) was in 2021 then it stopped
PKNA in 11 issues until now ( each one has 2 stories )
We also have special publications
Dracula by bram topker ( it's not available now )
Il principe Duckleto
Duckenstein by Mary Shelduck
The first series of diary of a wacky knight
Natalissimo ( two issues)
What I don't like about our publications is that they are few
Beside the weekly and the monthly magazine Disney comics and PKNE are the only ongoing series with only one or two issues per year for each
On the other hand in the recent years the translation became really bad