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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #3690: Venerdì 27 Gen 2012, 22:38:55

    Well, sorry, I can definitely not take thanks for that. As I've said on this forum before, if my stories were printed in Italia as *I* intended (and as Barks would have intended his stories be printed), $crooge's Money Bin would NOT have been filled with gold coins. The whole idea, the entire joke, behind Barks' idea for the Money Bin is that it is filled with common "pocket change"... primarilly ordinary American nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and silver dollars... low-denomination silver-colored coins... NOT valuable gold coins. The joke is "Yow! This guy is SO cheap that he has an entire 3 cubic acre vault of pocket change!!!"
    So, the coins in "my" Money Bin (and Barks') are silver (with a sprinkling of copper pennies). Not gold.

    I'm sorry I was not informed....thanks for the specification.

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    Brigitta MacBridge
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #3691: Lunedì 30 Gen 2012, 10:20:30
      Ah, Brigitta, il nostro dedito traduttore! :) Di nuovo, grazie molte perché sopporti i miei post lunghi e noiosi... :-[

      In origine, quel passaggio nel mio post era un po' più lungo, ma ho deciso di essere più gentiluomo e di tagliarlo. Sostanzialmente, nel video sembrava che ti fosse a malapena data la possibilità di finire un pensiero, a volte perfino una frase, che lui già irrompeva con la traduzione. Era come se ti fosse permesso di parlare solo il 10% del tempo. Molte persone, nei commenti al video, erano offese da questo suo comportamento, indipendentemente dal fatto che conoscessero l'italiano o meno. Era uno stile che funziona solo se chi parla non può sentire il traduttore, che può essere sentito solo dal pubblico, per mezzo di cuffie.

      Penso che se mai mi trovassi in una simile situazione ad una conferenza pubblica, prenderei degli appunti per permettere a chi parla di finire il proprio pensiero prima di tradurre.

      Beccato! Quella immagine mentale sembrava abbastanza vera da farti includere Pintail Duck nel tuo albero genealogico come un antenato realmente esistito, anche se per quanto ricordo, né Paperone né Paperino ne avevano mai sentito parlare prima! ;)

      Hmmm...forse quello avrebbe potuto essere un modo per spiegare il concetto allo zio Carl. Paperino e Paperone non sapevano di Pintail fino a che non sono stati ipnotizzati.
      I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #3692: Lunedì 30 Gen 2012, 18:11:56
        >>>>>Also, what about Back to long ago?

        Haven't you read that story yourself? There is no time travel. No one travels physically back in time. $crooge is simply hypnotized into visualizing a scene that supposedly happened in the past. But it was a mental image, that's all.

        Another and more extensive mental time travel is in King Scrooge the First, where the ducks relive the actions of their ancestors of 4000 years ago.
        Don, I suppose you never read Jerry Siegel's Disney work, never printed in the USA. He made a interesting time travel story, Zio Paperone e la scorribanda nei secoli, where Scrooge, Donald and Gyro, after some other stops in the past and in the future, must literally flee from the end of the world, after mankind had already been wiped by its own greed.

        Un altro e più ampio viaggio nel tempo mentale si ha in Re Paperone Primo, dove i paperi rivivono le azioni dei loro antenati di 4000 anni fa.
        Don, presumo che non ha mai letto le storie Disney di Jerry Siegel, mai stampate negli USA. Ha ideato un'interessante storia centrata sul viaggio nel tempo, Zio Paperone e la scorribanda nei secoli, dove Paperone, Paperino e Archimede, dopo alcune altre soste nel passato e nel futuro, devono letteralmente sfuggire alla fine del mondo, dopo che l'umanità è già stata spazzata via dalla propria avidità.



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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #3693: Martedì 31 Gen 2012, 02:06:00
          Don, I suppose you never read Jerry Siegel's Disney work, never printed in the USA. He made a interesting time travel story, Zio Paperone e la scorribanda nei secoli, where Scrooge, Donald and Gyro, after some other stops in the past and in the future, must literally flee from the end of the world, after mankind had already been wiped by its own greed.

          Wow, I never knew that the creator of Superman wrote exclusively for Topolino! And a Scarpa story even! :o


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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #3694: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 10:47:44
            Quote from this other topic:

            I hope someone will translate this into Italiano for me.

            The Google translator is giving me a garbled edition of this discussion, but as near as I can tell, at least one person thinks that there has been an American English edition of my complete works.

            That is absolutely NOT true. There is no market for Disney comics in America.

            But there is a HUGE market for Disney comics in Europe! Yes, there has already been one edition of my complete works in Germany, then a more elaborate 10 volume hardback edition in many European countries, and now a VERY elaborate giant hardback edition in Norway, Germany, Sweden and Finland that goes back to even comics I created when I was 5 years old.

            I profoundly wish that my fellow Italians could ever see these books! However, I control the copyright on all the extra material, texts, bonus features, etc., and Disney-Italia would need to ASK MY PERMISSION to use this material. I would READILY, EAGERLY give my permission, but I don't think Disney will ever ask permission from a mere cartoonist to publish something. I hope I'm wrong. But if not, my Italian friends will never see these this very well done 9 book set.
            (And also, there may not be enough potential buyers for such a Rosa book set in Italia to make it worth doing.)

            I'm afraid you might be right. :(
            My hope is that we could at least see this "well done 9 book set" in English - maybe published by the same Egmont? Do you think it would be possible, sooner or later?

            Temo che tu abbia ragione.
            La mia speranza è che si possa vedere questo "set di 9 libri ben fatto" almeno in inglese - magari pubblicato dalla stessa Egmont? credi che sia possibile prima o poi?


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #3695: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 11:30:05

              Wow, I never knew that the creator of Superman wrote exclusively for Topolino! And a Scarpa story even! :o

              Jerry Siegel wrote for 'Topolino' 155 stories until 1979.


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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #3696: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 11:44:44

                Jerry Siegel wrote for 'Topolino' 155 stories until 1979.

                From Superman to Topolino! Now that's what I call progress! ;D


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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #3697: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 14:36:07
                  I tried to find it in google but i didn't. Does it exist a website regarding
                  the 9 books Don rosa library for the northern european countries?

                  Thanks, V


                  Francis Drake
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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #3698: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 14:55:06
                    I tried to find it in google but i didn't. Does it exist a website regarding
                    the 9 books Don rosa library for the northern european countries?

                    Thanks, V

                    buona traduzione! :P

                    EDIT: se lo visiti con chrome hai la traduzione simultanea. Tra l'altro in una pagina FAQ l'ultima risposta dice chiaramente che non ci sono piani per una edizione in lingua originale. Cominciamo a scrivere in massa alla Egmont? ::)
                    « Ultima modifica: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 15:04:37 da Francis_Drake »


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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #3699: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 20:51:33

                      buona traduzione!

                      Se un tempo gli Italiani imparavano le lingue scandinave per 'colloquiare' con le turiste, oggi lo potrebbero fare per leggere il 'Tutto Don Rosa'.


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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #3700: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 21:10:11

                        EDIT: se lo visiti con chrome hai la traduzione simultanea. Tra l'altro in una pagina FAQ l'ultima risposta dice chiaramente che non ci sono piani per una edizione in lingua originale. Cominciamo a scrivere in massa alla Egmont? ::)

                        Quando scrivi che non ci sono piani per una edizione in lingua originale intendi l'inglese? E per quanto riguarda edizioni in italiano, nessuna notizia?


                        Francis Drake
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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #3701: Sabato 4 Feb 2012, 21:25:39

                          Se un tempo gli Italiani imparavano le lingue scandinave per 'colloquiare' con le turiste, oggi lo potrebbero fare per leggere il 'Tutto Don Rosa'.


                          Quando scrivi che non ci sono piani per una edizione in lingua originale intendi l'inglese? E per quanto riguarda edizioni in italiano, nessuna notizia?

                          dalla pagina "fragor & svar" (che con un po' di fantasia immagino essere "domande e risposte") l'ultima domanda è

                          Kommer Don Rosa Samlade Verk att utges på originalspråket?
                          Det finns inga planer på att utge Don Rosa Samlade Verk på engelska.

                          che tradotta in inglese è

                          Will Don Rosa Collected Works will be issued in the original language?
                          There are no plans to pay Don Rosa Collected Works in English.


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #3702: Domenica 5 Feb 2012, 01:18:42
                            >>>>>My hope is that we could at least see this "well done 9 book set" in English - maybe published by the same Egmont? Do you think it would be possible, sooner or later?


                            1) Egmont CANNOT publish it in English because they only have licenses to publish Disney materials in the languages of the countries in which they have licensed branches.

                            2) Even if they COULD publish it in English, their licenses would not allow them to sell it outside of those licensed countries. And there SURELY is no possibility of enough sales in any individual Egmont country to make an English edition profitable... even IF they had an English-language license... which they don't.

                            3) Okay..... there IS a possibility that there will be an English language edition of my complete works. I'd better not say more than that until the publisher decides it's time to announce it. But it WILL NOT be an edition as deluxe as the current Egmont DRC. As I said, there would definitely be no market for something that expensive. If they decide to do it, it would probably be a sorta "Don Rosa Collection Lite"... more like the HALL OF FAME edition that came out in the late 2000's. But that would be better than nuthin'. Maybe.


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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #3703: Domenica 5 Feb 2012, 02:41:48

                              Hi Don, I've a Euroquestion for you!
                              You've been very famous in our continent by many years but I think there is a difference, about your popularity, between  northern countries (where you should be more popular) and latin ones (Italy and France).
                              I mean, do you see or feel this difference, going to the scandinavian comics shows or simply walking in the streets of Copenaghen or Stockholm respect to the italian/french ones (and walking in the steets of Rome or Paris?).
                              Thank you.

                              Salve Don, ho una Eurodomanda per te.
                              Nel nostro continente sei famoso da molti anni ma penso ci sia una differenza, circa la tua popolarità, fra i paesi del Nord (dove dovresti essere più famoso) e quelli latini (Italia e Francia).
                              Voglio dire, tu vedi o senti questa differenza, andando nelle mostre del fumetto scandinave o semplicemente passeggiando per le strade di Copenaghen o Stoccolma rispetto alle mostre italiane (e passeggiando per le strade di Roma o Parigi?).


                              Don Rosa
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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #3704: Domenica 5 Feb 2012, 07:58:46
                                Cornelius Coot 1818:
                                >>>>>do you see or feel this difference, going to the scandinavian comics shows or simply walking in the streets of Copenaghen or Stockholm respect to the italian/french ones (and walking in the steets of Rome or Paris?).

                                Oh, si, si, si!!! Absotively!
                                The simplest way to put it is that in Italia I am known by only a certain percentage of the best informed die-hard comics fans -- after all, my work was only used in ZIO PAPERONE which was like a "fanzine" for comics scholars. And also, in Italia, naturally it's the Italian-style Disney comics which are most popular.

                                Meanwhile in Northern Europe it's the American-style Disney comics which are most popular (though they also love the Italian "digest" comics there), and NOTHING outsells the weekly DONALD DUCK comics in those countries, so I am very well known by everyone who reads comics, which is about 1 out of every 4 people each week.

                                Then there's FINLAND where Barks' Donald is so incredibly popular and beloved by everyone, and where I seem to be known by every single person in the entire nation. And I'm not being facetious -- even people who have never read comics know me since I get such media coverage there when I visit.

                                It would be difficult not to notice the difference.

                                (But I've still never been treated any more special in Finland than I have been by my Italian friends.)
                                « Ultima modifica: Domenica 5 Feb 2012, 18:46:05 da Don_Rosa »


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