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Post - Andy Moquin

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In English / Donald Duck...full frontal.
« il: Venerdì 17 Lug 2009, 07:35:41 »
Okay, this may sound weird, but Donald Duck probably has been seen without any clothes on. I think the first time he was seen without anything on was "On Ice" when Mickey undoes Donald's sweater and Donald pops up out of the water where Goofy was fishing for fish and clobbers Donald, thinking that he was a fish....And Donald was only wearing a hat. But as for the first comic that Donald Duck was seen in his Birthday Suit was probably in a comic strip released by Al Taliaferro in August 2 of 1938 where he bathes in a cop motorbike.

I may be wrong here.

In English / Donald Goes to Press
« il: Venerdì 17 Lug 2009, 07:21:16 »
Hi all,

Just an FYI for any of you that own Disney Treasures - The Chronological Donald Vol. 4. The DVD contains a nicely done piece on the history of Disney comics, with emphasis on the Duck universe. It only runs a bit over 12 minutes in length, but I really enjoyed it, and learned a few new things. David Gerstein and Bob Foster provide some commentary.

Any other Disney animation lovers on here? I own all the Treasures DVDs containing animation, they are treasures indeed. A dream come true for me. OK, back to talking about comics now. : )


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