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Post - MissEccentric

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Testate Straniere / Re: Disney comic books USA
« il: Giovedì 18 Giu 2015, 00:32:51 »
I can not wait for the September issue of Donald Duck, just for Paperinik to finally make a big dayview over here in North America!

As if PKNE was not the biggest PK news for me so far, but now I get read some original stories of Paperinik in English? WITH HIS NAME TRANSLATED RIGHT?! WOO!

Maybe this will also make way for an official PKNA translation, a physcial one, not the digital kind like Pikappa was on Comixology....that was horrible. Mostly since they translated PK's name to SuperDuck :/
 But I appreciated that everyone else was the same as the original.

It is going to be great, I can just feel it!

Testate Straniere / Re: Disney comic books USA
« il: Sabato 18 Apr 2015, 03:54:08 »
An american Disney comics fan? WOW!!! You're welcome!
 Do you like the italian stories by Scarpa and Casty? Or do you prefere the stories derived from TV series like Duck Tales or Darkwing Duck?

 I do not exactly like much of the characters from Scarpa, but I do enjoy his and Casty's art style, and their stories are pretty good from what translated publications I could read online! I like any story, reviewed as bad or as good, derived from TV or not c: I only care that the characters are IN character.

And being born in 1996, so I did not exactly grow up with Ducktales nor Darkwing, thus I have not really read any comics from either of those shows other than the current ones (the new collection, and some snippets from the Ducktales and Darkwing crossover story). So no prejudice there either.

im really happy to know u are from usa,lately over there the publications have stopped,i do not really know what is the last one published,its a shame considering that usa are home to micky mouse stories :)

Yeah, but I suppose it is because over here comics are not so big anymore -- there is only three in the area where I live that are relatively close. We don't sell comics anywhere else but bookstores and the scarce Comic stores. I never hear anyone I know talk about anything comic/graphic novel related, and never talk about them with my friends either -- it is all about movies and anime.

I'm happy we get them back, and hopefully Disney will continue to bring back more of Mickey, Donald, Scrooge, and the rest of them, and stop with all these live-action shows that are just getting so repetitive of their characters and plots.

Pretty sure there was a publication back in 2006? I have no clue, hahaha X) I barely got into comics around 2012, so I'm still new to them and their past.

Testate Straniere / Re: Disney comic books USA
« il: Lunedì 13 Apr 2015, 05:54:39 »
 I can not wait for these comic to come out, I have been waiting since they were announced! Finally more officially translated Uncle Scrooge, Donald Duck, and Mickey Mouse, stories. And in a continuing new publication? PERFECT!

I'm personally getting all the Derek Charm covers (the ones where the triplet's eyes are all more like ovals), because I love his style c:

Meanwhile, I have already bought the Definitively Dangerous Darkwing Duck collection and can say that the dialogue is much better now, and the stories are still dark-toned unlike what some reviews have said.

I hope they do write new stories for the American publications, but I doubt it, we barely have new stories for Darkwing coming, let us not push our luck :/

*** Badly Translated by Google. Apologies!***

Non vedo l'ora per queste comico a venire fuori, ho aspettato da quando sono stati annunciati! Infine più ufficialmente tradotto Zio Paperone, Paperino e Topolino, storie. E in una nuova pubblicazione continua? PERFETTO!

Sono personalmente ottenere tutti i coperchi Derek Charm (quelli in cui gli occhi del triplette sono tutti più simili ovali), becausse amo il suo stile c:

Nel frattempo, ho già comprato la definitiva Dangerous anatra raccolta Darkwing e posso dire che il dialogo è molto meglio ora, e le storie sono ancora scuro toni a differenza di ciò che alcune recensioni hanno detto.

Spero che fanno scrivere nuove storie per le pubblicazioni americane, ma ne dubito, abbiamo appena abbiamo nuove storie per Darkwing venire, non dobbiamo spingere la nostra fortuna :/

In English / Re: Hello, new here: I am a fan and an artist.
« il: Giovedì 18 Giu 2015, 07:52:18 »

Welcome Orora! Happy to see another English speaker (I see you are quite fluent C:)! Oh man, your art is great! I love your style -- and that fast-food comic was hilarious!

Happy to see your learning Italian too (I've postponed my own learning to after I get better at Spanish, then it shouldn't be too hard to learn Italian). Awesome :D!

Off Topic / Re: Saluti & Presentazioni
« il: Mercoledì 24 Dic 2014, 06:48:23 »
Hello everyone! My name is Angelique, but you can just call me Eccy for short (short for my penname of course)!

I'm from California, I am a Mexican-American (Latina,Hispanic, Chicana) and became a fan of Italian Disney comics last year when I found Ultra Heroes, then got sucked in by PKNA and it's sequels, which made me research more about Topolino and what not.

I won't really be posting here since I only know English (with a bit of Spanish), but I'll just be spectating the forums mostly ; u ; Though if anything comes by that may need an American opinion, I guess I'm here (though I'm still fairly new to comics, they are not a big thing over here in my hometown unless it was made into a movie. Or you are hardcore reader).

This is really great forum! Such a lovely layout and graphics @ u @ You can feel the love that was put into this place.

(Also, some of you may recognize me, embarrasedly for me, from the PkFanzone, Tumblr, and my fanfiction account).

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