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Post - Indiana Goof

Pagine: [1]
In English / Re: Mickey Mouse in Atlantis
« il: Mercoledì 6 Apr 2011, 02:54:22 »

Thank you so very much, I really appreciate all of your help. :)

In English / Mickey Mouse in Atlantis
« il: Sabato 2 Apr 2011, 09:25:52 »
There was a story in Topolino Magazine called "Topolino e l'anello d'oro di Atlantide", published in Topolino 2337, 2338 and 2339 and reprinted in Raccolta Topolino 211.

It was about Mickey and Goofy going back in time to ancient Atlantis to save Indiana Goof, who has been hypnotized by a villain and renamed "Argo".

I've gotten to see the first two parts, but I haven't been able to locate the third yet. It's been a really bad cliffhanger for me, so I was wondering if anyone has a couple of scans to share of it or can tell me what happens? (I can't imagine Indiana being exactly thrilled once back to normal and learning what happened to him.)

Sorry that I'm so late in replying, I had some connection problems for a while.

But anyway, thank you very much for your help. I'll give it a try. :)

In English / Re: Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
« il: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 16:17:31 »
Wow, thank you all very much for the fast replies! I appreciate your help very much. :)

Are either of those items still being sold, and is there maybe an online store I can buy them from? I live in the United States and would love to get them. :)

It does look like that one link is actually selling the one with the car, is that an actual online store or someone selling it second hand? I'm trying to use the online Babel Fish Translator to read it, but it doesn't always work so well, lol. ;)

In English / Hello! I'm hoping you here can help me find this item.
« il: Lunedì 7 Giu 2010, 10:41:14 »
Hello everyone! I'm new here to this forum, very pleased to meet you. :)

I'm writing because I saw just yesterday the following YouTube clip:


It shows an Indiana Pipps (Indiana Goof) toy, and it appears to be real. Would anyone here happen to know where I can buy it, maybe from an online Italian toy store?

Thanks for your help! :)

Pagine: [1]

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