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Fumetti Disney in Arabo

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Giovane Marmotta

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    Re:Fumetti Disney in Arabo
    Risposta #15: Lunedė 12 Ago 2024, 22:58:26
    But Google alone is not Enough, especially in Arabic
    I copy all the sentences in the page then I put it in the translator, then I look for some words meaning in context reverso if it doesn't seem right, because many words have many meaning or simply Google gave me the wrong one

    I advise you to use deepl too (I have never used it but I know it's good): https://www.deepl.com/it/translator

    Grazie, Geena
    I am certainly working on the Spectralia Antarctica and It will definitely help 😁
    I have already found a sentence that I couldn't translate

    Che frase č? Magari posso aiutare. Comunque complimenti per il font in arabo dei titoli, mi piace tantissimo!

    This one


    Giovane Marmotta

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      Re:Fumetti Disney in Arabo
      Risposta #16: Lunedė 12 Ago 2024, 23:04:19
      No, wait
      I think that it makes sense in English ( my, didn't I take a look at the English translation as always? )
      I would like to read your answer anyway
      « Ultima modifica: Lunedė 12 Ago 2024, 23:16:55 da Eurasia »


      Grande Tiranno
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      PolliceSu   (2)

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        Re:Fumetti Disney in Arabo
        Risposta #17: Martedė 13 Ago 2024, 01:03:58
        No, wait
        I think that it makes sense in English ( my, didn't I take a look at the English translation as always? )
        I would like to read your answer anyway
        La tradurrei cosė: The Cinereon's one was an unfriendly and haughty barony, as well as very ambitious.
        « Ultima modifica: Martedė 13 Ago 2024, 01:06:13 da Grande Tiranno »
        Catturamento Catturamento!


        Giovane Marmotta
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          Re:Fumetti Disney in Arabo
          Risposta #18: Mercoledė 14 Ago 2024, 08:35:34
          No, wait
          I think that it makes sense in English ( my, didn't I take a look at the English translation as always? )
          I would like to read your answer anyway
          La tradurrei cosė: The Cinereon's one was an unfriendly and haughty barony, as well as very ambitious.

          After finishing the story I will gather all the words that I couldn't handle and ask about them


          Giovane Marmotta
          PolliceSu   (2)

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            Re:Fumetti Disney in Arabo
            Risposta #19: Lunedė 2 Set 2024, 03:02:50
            In the Arabic magazine We have a kind of censorship that I don't think exists in any of the other publications in other countries

            When two characters kiss each other (on the lips), the panel is replaced by another one or modified.
            For example these panels from the story The Prisoner Of White Agony Creek

            Or this page from the story Topolino & Minni in: scoppiati!

            You can notice the difference if you compare it with the original.
            Although they did a very good job, I always notice that there is something wrong and I immediately realize that something had changed.

            Oh, and I did it myself once in the story Orgoglio e pregiudizio
            « Ultima modifica: Lunedė 2 Set 2024, 03:38:31 da Eurasia »


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