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Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.

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    Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
    Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 16:35:53
    Hey. I am new to this forum here, but I am on many other forums. I wondered what you think of a theory of mine that few people approve, but I hope it will be approved here on this forum. My theory is that Grandma Duck is the emporer of Donald Duck and the grandmother of the nephews.
    « Ultima modifica: Domenica 10 Giu 2018, 07:50:28 da Jop Duck »


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      Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
      Risposta #1: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 19:49:22


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        Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
        Risposta #2: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 20:13:31
        Absolutely not. Grandma Duck (true name Elvira Coot) is mother of father of Donald.
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          Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
          Risposta #3: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 20:55:18
          « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 20:58:00 da Cornelius Coot »


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            Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
            Risposta #4: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 23:19:13
            Well, Cornelius, somebody doesn't agree Don Rosa's ideas.
            But even if we don't consider him, grandma Duck was created as Donald's grandmother.
            I don't know why Jop denies it...


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              Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
              Risposta #5: Venerdì 8 Giu 2018, 23:57:52
              Cioè: ma je state pure a risponde??  ::)

                Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                Risposta #6: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 05:53:00

                That is Rosa's, but perhaps I can better substantiate my theory than just say "Grandma is the mother of Donald".
                -If you see newspaper strips from Karp with Grandma, Grandma: "Son" says it to Donald even though this says nothing at all according to other forums, but in: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=ZD+11-43-07 says Grandma: "Boys! Come help your grandma."
                -In "Best Christmas" she is pretty athletic on her second album, but she must be the great-grandmother of at least 3 great-grandchildren. An average relationship is about 30 to 35. 90 to 105 years at the age of the nephews. The cousins are often portrayed by Barks as toddlers in the 1940s. That will then be 94 to 110 years. Try to do that at that age.


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                  Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                  Risposta #7: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 08:23:02
                  Don't be silly, Grandma Duck is Duck Avenger.

                  Have you ever seen the two of them together?

                  Think about it.

                    Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                    Risposta #8: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 11:35:30
                    Don't be silly, Grandma Duck is Duck Avenger.

                    Have you ever seen the two of them together?

                    Think about it.
                    What do you mean?

                      Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                      Risposta #9: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 13:12:18
                      He jokes.

                      In first strips DD says Grandma to Elvira. When she says Son?

                      The Ducks generations can to be at 20 years or before and we do not know the anthropomorphic ducks aging.

                      The 1920s adventures etc. are no more set in original years but after. It is like Marvel Time.

                      I apologize for my english. 
                      « Ultima modifica: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 13:15:00 da Valerio »


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                        Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                        Risposta #10: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:03:50
                        Cioè: ma je state pure a risponde??  ::)
                        Si chiama buona educazione  ::)
                        Quando un utente afferma qualcosa con cui non concordo, cerco un confronto con lui spiegando le mie idee e tento di capire il più possibile il suo punto di vista.

                        Magari lo fa apposta, ma non è detto. D'altronde esistono persone che hanno le opinioni più (o che lo sembrano) assurde: per esempio, a me pare inconcepibile che si possa considerare Fantasia un film minimamente accettabile, eppure molti lo apprezzano

                        -In "Best Christmas" she is pretty athletic on her second album, but she must be the great-grandmother of at least 3 great-grandchildren. An average relationship is about 30 to 35. 90 to 105 years at the age of the nephews. The cousins are often portrayed by Barks as toddlers in the 1940s. That will then be 94 to 110 years. Try to do that at that age.
                        In the years those characters were born, people had sons sooner than today
                        « Ultima modifica: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:07:09 da Eli »

                          Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                          Risposta #11: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:05:06
                          He jokes.

                          In first strips DD says Grandma to Elvira. When she says Son?

                          The Ducks generations can to be at 20 years or before and we do not know the anthropomorphic ducks aging.

                          The 1920s adventures etc. are no more set in original years but after. It is like Marvel Time.

                          I apologize for my english.
                          You are not reading properly. She says in many comics: "son". Just think about it: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+43-10-08, https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+48-09-28 and https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+48-09-29. And they are not all that yet. I do not make jokes anyway. It is more common for people to have 30 years of age per generation.

                            Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                            Risposta #12: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:08:34
                            Cioè: ma je state pure a risponde??  ::)
                            Si chiama buona educazione  ::)
                            Quando un utente afferma qualcosa con cui non concordo, cerco un confronto con lui spiegando le mie idee e tento di capire il più possibile il suo punto di vista.

                            Magari lo fa apposta, ma non è detto. D'altronde esistono persone che hanno le opinioni più (o che lo sembrano) assurde: per esempio, a me pare inconcepibile che si possa considerare Fantasia un film minimamente accettabile, eppure molti lo apprezzano
                            Personalmente non penso che sia un'idea assurda. Trovo piuttosto un'assurda idea che sia sua nonna, ma in realtà ascolto la tua spiegazione, perché posso spiegare perché mi piace, ma perché la pensi così?


                            Dittatore di Saturno
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                              Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                              Risposta #13: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:15:38
                              You are not reading properly. She says in many comics: "son". Just think about it: https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+43-10-08, https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+48-09-28 and https://inducks.org/story.php?c=YD+48-09-29. And they are not all that yet. I do not make jokes anyway. It is more common for people to have 30 years of age per generation.
                              Well, "son" is used also with the meaning of "youngster". I read Gottfredson's strips of the same period, I know that it is

                              Anyway, if the truth is that one you say, I ask: How does Donald call grandma? If the answer is "mum", you're right. Otherwise...


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                                Re:Grandma Duck is the mother of Donald.
                                Risposta #14: Sabato 9 Giu 2018, 15:22:05
                                Si chiama buona educazione  ::)
                                Quando un utente afferma qualcosa con cui non concordo, cerco un confronto con lui spiegando le mie idee e tento di capire il più possibile il suo punto di vista.

                                Magari lo fa apposta, ma non è detto. D'altronde esistono persone che hanno le opinioni più (o che lo sembrano) assurde: [...]

                                Ehi, grazie per avermelo insegnato!  ::)

                                Ciò che mi fa titubare della serietà dell'utente, è che abbia aperto un topic senza presentarsi, e dando al topic il titolo che poi corrisponde al testo stesso del messaggio. La sua posizione può essere provocatoria e si può sprecare tempo a discuterne con lui/lei, ma una provocazione nata- oltretutto- senza il rispetto di una morale generale di netiquette, fa pensare più ad un trollaggio che ad un vero tentativo di confronto.


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