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Don Rosa

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Don Rosa
Gran Mogol
PolliceSu   (1)

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1590: Lunedì 10 Ago 2009, 23:43:43
     Paperinika and F.D.:
    >>>>>And how about the gold coins in $crooge's bin?  
    >>>>>Yes, another example!

    Good question. This is *definitely* a mistake, not a "goof", but a "stupido errore", in all non-American editions. Making all the coins in the Bin GOLD ruins the whole joke! It's one of Barks' best background gags about $crooge, and it's been completely spoiled forever in European editions. The whole idea, the whole joke, is that the money in the Bin is NOT valuable coin for coin. It's ordinary pocket change. Pennies and nickels and dimes and quarters (which are all silver except copper pennies). The joke is how could somebody be so cheap and stingy that he fills a Bin with ordinary pocket coins?! I'm afraid I've been telling Europeans about this error ever since I first visited there and saw that $crooge's money is miscolored in the European comics. And some fans get downright mad at me because that's the way the money has always been colored since they were kids, and that don't want to be told it's not right. Another example of me tampering with other fans' personal interpretation of the Ducks. (But in this case, it IS an incorrect interpretation.)

    >>>>>>And this time there are also difference between the American comics (silver) and Barks' paintings (golden)... he painted them like golden coins in the oil paintings to improve the visual effect of $crooge's money.

    That's absolutely correct! The gold coins simply were more colorful. And remember, lots of the buyers (most?) of Barks' paintings and lithographs were not necessarilly people who had grown up with the Barks comics -- they were collectibles investors. I was told that buyers even complained about one painting, the "Disaster at Money Lake" dam-breaking scene, because they didn't understand what it was about, since they had never read "Only a Poor Old Man". And that's why Another Rainbow had me write/draw "Return to Plain Awful" to be in a comic given away to the buyers of that lithograph since those American buyers would not understand why there was a square chicken in the scene, since they'd never read "Lost in the Andes". My story explained the history of Plain Awful. (They couldn't send them reprints of the Barks story since $crooge was in the painting but not in the original story.)


    Don Rosa
    Gran Mogol
    PolliceSu   (1)

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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1591: Lunedì 10 Ago 2009, 23:52:33
      >>>>>Do you mean that some sequences of your published stories have been changed, and so are different from your original plot? Or perhaps I've not understood?

      Um... yes, that is correct. I submitted a finished storyboard-script, but then the editor (or I) decided that one part (a few panels or a page or two) was not quite right, so I rewrote that portion and then completed the story. I don't mean that something was changed AFTER I completed the story --  in other words, I didn't have to redraw anything. I would never do finished art until I *knew* it would be published.
      So I have a number of pages of storyboard-script that were never used in the final story. And most of those have been published in the HALL OF FAME books. Too bad you don't have those in Italia -- they are well done by Egmont. And the finished books are all AVAILABLE to be used by the Italian publisher (after translation) -- they choose not to use it. Maybe they wouldn't sell well there.


      Don Rosa
      Gran Mogol

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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1592: Lunedì 10 Ago 2009, 23:53:35
        >>>>>>a mad "nerd story" that only Don Rosa could do...



        Don Rosa
        Gran Mogol
        PolliceSu   (1)

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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1593: Lunedì 10 Ago 2009, 23:57:59
          >>>>>So i have a question for you: who, except waiters in luxuriuous restaurants, wears white gloves in America?

          Nobody. That's why nobody wears gloves in any of my comic stories. (The Beagle Boys might have white hands in your Italian editions of my stories, but if you look closely you'll see those "gloves" have hair and fingernails. Which is... yes... weird!)


          Imperatore della Calidornia

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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1594: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 00:07:43
            a mad "nerd story" that only Don Rosa could do...
            ;D In any case a very funny one! Some cartoons are absolutely spectacular.


            Pifferosauro Uranifago

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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1595: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 00:09:38
               :D I have to read your stories one more time
              Every time it's like the first time...
              « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 00:10:24 da gongoro72 »
              temo che, per quanti sforzi possa fare, non potrò mai diventare famoso! - Paperino


              Don Rosa
              Gran Mogol

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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1596: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:07:01
                >>>>>I have to read your stories one more time
                Every time it's like the first time...

                Oh? Why is that? (It sounds nice.)
                Is it because there's so much in there? (I'm not saying it's GOOD, but I will say it's PLENTIFUL. I put in so much more effort than I'm being paid for, just for my fellow fans, and they often seem to realize that. And that makes me feel good.)


                Pifferosauro Uranifago

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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1597: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:30:35
                  >>>>>I have to read your stories one more time
                  Every time it's like the first time...

                  Oh? Why is that? (It sounds nice.)

                  I don't know about gongoro's feelings but for me it's quite different! I re-read them many times, but the first time is definitely quite different and unique! Especially when it's one of those stories that adds a piece to the grand puzzle...

                  I will always remember, for example, that time when I read the Gyro's First Invention story. It was at a time when I was no longer visiting the US very frequently, as I used to do before, so I was quite behind with the latest Rosa stories. So one day I was in London (this too only happens rarely for me, even though it's much closer to where I live) and I went to that comics store near the British Museum with a list of the Gladstone comics that had Rosa stories. At the time the publishers had moved to an expensive square-bound format (even more expensive in England, as a "specially imported" comic) and I felt they were not worth the money unless they had Rosa stories, so I had given up on the idea of owning a complete run and was just after the few issues that had Rosa material.

                  Anyway, I find and buy a few comic books and then I go back home and leave them there, to be read one per night. Then one evening I get to this story and panel by panel something happens... a lamp being fixed... hey, this looks suspiciously like the helper... don't tell me he's doing THAT... oh yes he probably is... he probably is... HE'S DOING IT! The creation of the helper! WOWWWW! I can't believe that!

                  That was an amazing moment...

                  And I've re-read that story several times, because it's a great story, but it will never be like that first time, when I was still a "virgin" with respect to knowing what was going to happen... What a thrill in moving from panel to panel until the point where I realized what was happening! Amazing!

                  And tip of the hat to the famous Sigvald, too, even though he'll probably never read this...
                  Frank  (filologo disneyano)



                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1598: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:31:43
                    Don Rosa ha scritto:

                    >>>>>I have to read your stories one more time
                    Every time it's like the first time...

                    Oh? Perché è così? (sembra carino)
                    E' perché c'è così tanto là dentro? (non sto dicendo che è BUONO, ma voglio dire che è ABBONDANTE. Ci metto così tanto sforzo in più di quanto mi paghino, lo faccio solo per gli appassionati come me, e spesso loro sembrano capirlo. E questo mi fa sentire bene.)
                    « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:34:26 da ZioPaperone »


                    Imperatore della Calidornia

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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1599: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:39:25
                      >>>>>I have to read your stories one more time
                      Every time it's like the first time...

                      Oh? Why is that? (It sounds nice.)
                      Is it because there's so much in there? (I'm not saying it's GOOD, but I will say it's PLENTIFUL. I put in so much more effort than I'm being paid for, just for my fellow fans, and they often seem to realize that. And that makes me feel good.)
                      I think it IS nice! It always occurs to me, too. Every time there's something new, even a little mouse or an apparently insignificat detail in the background...
                      And -IMHO- it is good.
                      I mean, I've always been very precise and accurate (especially in my studies, so that mean... in my work, till now), and I like this atmosphere of "detailed reality" in your stories, with plenty of references non only to other stories, but also to historical facts... I feel some kind of "order" in these stories, and I really like it.

                      Credo che SIA bello! Succede sempre anche a me. Ogni volta c'è qualocsa di nuovo, anche un piccolo topolino o un dettaglio apparentemente insignificante nello sfondo...
                      E -IMHO- è un bene.
                      Voglio dire, sono sempre stata molto precisa e accurata (soprattutto nei miei studi, vale a dire... nel mio lavoro, almeno finora), e mi piace l'atmosfera di "realtà dettagliata" delle tue storie, con molti riferimenti non solo ad altre storie, ma anche ai fatti storici... ci percepisco una sorta di "ordine", che mi piace molto.


                      Don Rosa
                      Gran Mogol

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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1600: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 01:55:09
                        >>>>>I think it IS nice! It always occurs to me, too. Every time there's something new, even a little mouse or an apparently insignificat detail in the background...
                        And -IMHO- it is good.
                        I mean, I've always been very precise and accurate (especially in my studies, so that mean... in my work, till now), and I like this atmosphere of "detailed reality" in your stories, with plenty of references non only to other stories, but also to historical facts... I feel some kind of "order" in these stories, and I really like it.

                        Tonight, Aug. 10 2009, you, Paperinika, have made me feel very good. And Frank has as well, but then he always does, that's nothing new. He's a wonderful old friend. And Paperinika is a wonderful new friend.
                        Thank you so very much.


                        Pifferosauro Uranifago

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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1601: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 09:41:29
                          I think it IS nice! It always occurs to me, too. Every time there's something new, even a little mouse or an apparently insignificat detail in the background...
                          And -IMHO- it is good.
                          I mean, I've always been very precise and accurate (especially in my studies, so that mean... in my work, till now), and I like this atmosphere of "detailed reality" in your stories, with plenty of references non only to other stories, but also to historical facts... I feel some kind of "order" in these stories, and I really like it.

                          It's exactly what I meant.
                          Reading Don's stories need to have a cultural background (Barks, history, etc...) in order to appreciate them.

                          Thank you all for the informations that I'm reading in this forum.

                          ...se ho scritto qualche strafalcione vi prego di dirmelo, il mio consulente linguistico e al momento assente ;)...
                          « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 09:43:50 da gongoro72 »
                          temo che, per quanti sforzi possa fare, non potrò mai diventare famoso! - Paperino


                          Imperatore della Calidornia

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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1602: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 09:43:26
                            >>>>>i've search on Internet, but i have not understand: what means "Weird"?

                            It means BIZARRE. DISTURBING. VERY, VERY ODD.

                            >>>>>>there is something strange  in a story published on ZIO PAPERONE: what is the real end of  the chapter-bis "the Culebra Cut"? in Italy scrooge sold the teddy bear to the smithsonian institute for 2 milion dollars, but in the US version scrooge refuse to sold the toy for 10 milion dollars...what was your original idea?

                            My *original* idea was selling the Bear to show how valuable it was rather than the "worst deal" of his life. But then while still working on the art, I decided that he should keep it as an interesting trophy, and refusing an offer of $ would still show it was valuable. I also figured that a wealthy toy collector would offer more than the Smithsonian, so I increased the value. I immediately wrote and told Egmont that I wanted to change that ending, but I guess it was too late to get into their "official" script that they type up themselves. Often they would not pay attention to changes I wanted to make in my dialogue while I was drawing the story, and they would stick with my first draft even if I sent changes. And at that time I was told that even if there is a terrible error in their "official" script, they won't bother to change it. But thankfully, later I was able to correct MANY errors in my old scripts when they were redone for the HALL OF FAME books.
                            >>>> ho cercato su internet, ma non ho capito: cosa significa "weird"?

                            Significa BIZZARRO. CHE DISTURBA. MOLTO MOLTO STRANO.

                            >>>c'è qualcosa di strano nella storia publicata su Zio Paperone: qual'è il vero finale del capitolo bis "L'astuto papero del varco di Culebra"? In Italia Paperone vende il teddy bear all'istituto Smithsonian per 2 milioni di dollari, ma nella versiona americana rifiuta di vendere il giocattolo per 10 milioni... qual'era la tua idea originale?

                            La mia idea *originale* era vendere l'Orsacchiotto per dimostrare quanto valore avesse, piuttosto che il "peggior affare" della sua vita. Ma poi mentre ancora lavoravo sul disegno, ho deciso che avrebbe dovuto tenerlo come un interessante trofeo,e il rifiutare un offerta in denaro dimostrerebbe comunque che abbia un valore. Ho anche immaginato che un facoltoso collezionista di giocattoli offra di più dello Smithsonian, per cui ho aumentato il valore. Ho scritto immediatamente alla Egmont, dicendo che volevo cambiare il finale, ma immagino fosse stato troppo tardi per recuperare i copioni "ufficiali" che stampano loro stessi. Spesso non sono interessati ai cambiamenti che voglio fare nei dialoghi mentre disegno la storia, e rimangono con la mia prima bozza anche se indico dei cambi. E quella volta mi fu detto che anche se ci fosse stato un terribile errore nei loro copioni "ufficiali", non si sarebbero preoccupati di cambiarlo. Ma fortunatamente, dopo fui in grado di correggere MOLTI errori nei miei vecchi copioni quando furono tutti aggiustati per i libri dell'HALL OF FAME.


                            Papero del Mistero

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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1603: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 10:01:00
                              Don, you said that you do not want to talk about your retire, and i respect your decision, but, if you want, i've a question to you: you belived that you have ended all the possible plots, or there are still plots and themes, in your stories (like Arpin Lusène or the relation between scrooge and his parents) that still need a definitive end?

                              an easier question: Donald. your career was sometime called "based around scrooge" (it is not true? you love scrooge...and i like your vision of scrooge too)... and donald duck? in some stories he is similar to the tipical "lazy american" (like Homer Simpson...), in other stories he totally change  (return to xanadu), in other stories he is a mixture  (like in "a letter from home")...what is your real vision of donald duck?

                              PS: i was lucky: i start to read your stories at the age of ten, the day of my birthday...and the first was "the last of the clan mcduck", when there is the tenth birthday of scrooge...wow  :D  ...the only bad thing in this is the fact that, later, i've spent a lot of money to have a "complete" collection of barks stories, or i was not able to understand completely you adventures...can you give my money back ;D   ?
                              « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 10:04:19 da sed »


                              Imperatore della Calidornia

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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1604: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 10:03:13
                                Ancora un po' di traduzioni:

                                Salve a tutti!
                                Direi che avere qui il mio autore preferito è un buon motivo per passare da lettore ad utente attivo di questo forum! :D

                                e quindi, via con le domande:

                                Mr. Rosa, there are many things that I would ask to you, but I'll begin with one little doubt about... coloration.
                                You said in your previous post "another beautiful time was when it was printed in ZIO PAPERONE because then it was colored and lettered so well (much better than in any Egmont comics)" but I've always toughth that the Italian colorations was... wrong.
                                I have some American edition of your stories and the colors are totally different: the money bin in Italy is blue and red instead of metallic grey, Donald's car is red and blue instead of totally red, gladstone is blond instead to have white "hair"... and so on.
                                So... I've always tought the canon was the American coloration (and the one of the Barks' marvellous paintings!) and I'm simply curious to know your point of view on this.

                                And, OK... I try, sorry for that! ^_^
                                I know you've already answered one time on a similar question, but I'm very very very curious about your personal thought about HD&L's parents and their fate. In your works you have "canonized" many things of the ducks' universe that before were untouched by any other author. You have let us discover (and being upset!) by many important aspects of the ducks both in Lo$ and in your other works... so I hope you have an answer on that... that you really "know" even this part of the story.

                                And many thanks, Mr. Rosa, for all the enjoyable moment you've give us with your stories!
                                Mr. Rosa, ci sono molte cose che vorrei chiederti, ma comicerò con un dubbio sulla... colorazione.
                                Nel tuo post precedente hai detto " un altro bellissimo momento è quando veniva pubblicata su ZIO PAPERONE perchè er colorata e letterata talmente bene (molto meglio che nei fumetti Egmont)" ma io ho sempre pensato che la colorazione italiana sia... sbagliata.
                                Ho alcune edizioni americane delle tue storie e i colori sono completamente diversi: il deposito in italia è blu e rosso invece di grigio metallico, la macchina di Paperino è rossa e blu invece che tutta rossa, Gastone è biondo invece di avere i "capelli" bianchi... e così via.
                                Per cui... ho sempre pensato che i canoni fossero quelli delle colorazioni americane (e quelli dei meravigliosi quadri di Barks!) e sono curioso di sapere il tuo punto di vista).

                                E, OK... ci provo, scusa!
                                So che hai già risposto una volta ad una domanda simile, ma sono molto molto curioso sulla tua opinione sul destino dei genitori di QQQ. Nelle tue opere hai "canonizzato" molte cose dell'universo dei paperi che prima none rano considerate dagli altri autori. Ci hai fatto scoprire (sconvolgendoci!) molti aspetti della vita dei paperi sia nella $aga che nei tuoi altri lavori... per cui mi auguro che tu abbia una risposta su questo... che tu "sappia" davvero anche questa parte della storia.

                                E molte grazie, Mr. Rosa, per tutti i bei momenti che ci fai passare con le tue storie!

                                And how about the gold coins in $crooge's bin? ::)
                                E vogliamo parlare delle monete d'oro del deposito di Paperone?

                                Yes, another example!
                                And this time there are also difference between the American comics (silver) and Barks' paintings (golden)
                                Even if I read somewhere that if the coins were originally to be silver in Barks' ideas, because all the US coins are silver, he painted them like golden coins in the oil paintings to improve the visual effect of $crooge's money.
                                Si, un altro esempio!
                                E questa volta la differenza è anche tra i fumetti americani (argento) e i quadri di Barks (oro)
                                Anche se ho letto da qualche parte che originariamente nell'idea di Barks le monete sono d'argento, le ha dipinte come monete d'oro per aumentare l'effetto visivo dei soldi di Paperone.

                                and don't forget the TV : if i remember, Don Rosa want  that the television in his stories are in balck and white, because we are in the 40's-50's,...but the colourists never think about that , and now we have futuristic television of the 40's in colour  ;D
                                E non dimentichiamo la TV: se ben ricordo, Don Rosa vuole che la televisione nelle sue storie sia in bianco e nero, visto che siamo negli anni '40-'50... ma i coloristi non ci hanno mai pensato, e adesso abbiamo futuristiche televisioni a colori degli anni '40.


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