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In English / Voting: Top 20 Disney Comics Artists
« il: Domenica 26 Mag 2013, 17:46:12 »
Ciao a tutti,

I’m one of the owners of the small German Disney Comics Website www.fieselschweif.de

I know this great forum for a long time, but unfortunately I can't speak Italian very well (but I'm learning by reading "Topolino"!). That's why I post here to promote a project on our website, so-called "Künstlerwahl". The idea is simple: Every fan can vote for his favorite artists of Disney Comics with a ranking list.

Just a few things you should note:
- Of course you can vote only one time. Your list has to contain between 5 and 20 artists (20 would be better, because the result would be more significant)
- Allowed are writers and designers, who made at least five Disney Comics. Not allowed are translators, inkers, etc.
- The points are distributed as follows: 1st place = 25 points, 2nd place = 23 points, 3rd place = 22 points, 4th place = 21 points, ... , 20th place = 5 points.
- Deadline: May the 31st (next Saturday). In June the "Top 20" will be revealed day after day.

Here’s the link to the German text: http://www.fieselschweif.de/kuenstler/wahl-2013/
Directly to the voting: http://www.fieselschweif.de/kuenstler/wahl-2013/umfrage/
(It’s not necessary to sign up in our forum, you can just vote as guests and confirm your vote by e-mail – of course we don’t pass your addresses on third parties!)

We would be pleased if you would take part! :)

Tanti saluti,

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