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Don Rosa

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Francis Drake
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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1620: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:15:41

    thanks again for the answers, but…I disagree with you about the "Prisonier of the white agony" creek.

    well, Don Rosa, you create a lot of masterpiece, you did a wonderful job that will be a milestone in disney (and comics) history, but...you made a “mistake” with your last story.

    Your vision of the love between scrooge and goldie, shows is many stories, was great because it was something "special": sometime the love was presented with little but "strong" scenes or “clues” (like in "Beagle vs Money bin" or in "The Coin"),  sometime again there are stories that show their love in a "sublime" way, a great and real passion ("last slept to dawson","dream of a lifetime" and "something special" ) or, again, stories (or, better, THE STORY) where their love is at the maximum power: "heart of the yukon" (that final scene was...i've no words...)

    then, you made "the prisonier", and the magic view of their love..."poof", vanished. I read the story, your “last” story, and I said…”no, this isn’t don rosa, this is not his story”. Bad words, eh? But, for me, it was very strange: the plot itself is nothing special, it sounds like "Don Rosa want to represent again scrooge and goldie, no matter what story he will do" (but the story was always important for you, right?), and often the exagerations ruins the plot (scrooge beat many west legends without weapon, then ride two mooses in a slavine, then again he walks on ice on a watherfall and...he is scrooge or superman??? This is too much even for scrooge, and the “power of love” can’t justified this). it remains a funny story, superior from many other adventure but it has nothing special like your others,  and, more important, it do not present "true love"...i don't feel the passion that i can find in the other stories mentioned before... it is a "cold" adventure. All the “Prisonier” seems like that the "sex" scenes and the "adult" lines (ok, not so sexy  ;D) were your real target, not to tell a story about a period in the life of scrooge. No magic view, no passion.

    And, last but not least, the story itself is “not useful”: the ducks and we all already understand that the “special one” for scrooge was goldie, because you told us in the story “Something special” (another great end in that story)

    sorry for the things that i say, but i belive that do a critic is as important as do questions and congratulation...friends like before   ;) ?

    Well, Don still haven't show us what happened in that month between Scrooge and Goldie... and this is the first "Goldie's plot", the one Barks show us first in "Back to the Klondike". I feel that in that way he has completed the circle... I've enjoyed this story like any other from him! Always IMHO... let's speaking the author now! :)
    « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:19:09 da Francis_Drake »


    Papero del Mistero

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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1621: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:19:17

      Well, Don still haven't show us what happened in that month between Scrooge and Goldie... and this is the first "Goldie's plot", the one Barks show us first in "Back to the Klondike". I fell that in that way he has completed the circle... I've enjoyed this story like any other from him! Always IMHO... let's speaking the author now! :)

      he complete the circle (but we really want to know all about the life of scrooge? ), but in what manner? not in a sublime story like "heart of the yukon" or "dream of a lifetime" (for me the real end of the circle), but with the problem i mentioned before


      Don Rosa
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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1622: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:20:07
        >>>>>sorry for the things that i say, but i belive that do a critic is as important as do questions and congratulation...friends like before    

        No problem at all! I was already thinking there were too many wonderful compliments here and that's what sometimes makes other fans angry or intimidated. It's always good to have criticism! You should hear some of the things I say about my own stories & art!
        And you never heard me say (read me write) that "Prisoner..." was a good story. I said that after it, I felt like I had no more stories to tell.
        (Also, where were the "sex scenes" in that story? Whatever happened in that cabin was for the reader to decide. Maybe they were playing gin rummy.)


        Papero del Mistero

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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1623: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:24:51
          >>>>>sorry for the things that i say, but i belive that do a critic is as important as do questions and congratulation...friends like before    

          No problem at all! I was already thinking there were too many wonderful compliments here and that's what sometimes makes other fans angry or intimidated. It's always good to have criticism! You should hear some of the things I say about my own stories & art!
          And you never heard me say (read me write) that "Prisoner..." was a good story. I said that after it, I felt like I had no more stories to tell.(Also, where were the "sex scenes" in that story? Whatever happened in that cabin was for the reader to decide. Maybe they were playing gin rummy.)

          the part that i've underline in red...it was my mistake with english: i use "disagree" in the sense: i want to talk (in a bad way) about about a story, etc..."...sorry for that...

          but at this time, tell us more about YOUR vision of the "prisioner" (always the words "your vision"...i don't know any way to say this  ;D)
          « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:27:17 da sed »


          Don Rosa
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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1624: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:41:00
            Francis Drake:
            >>>>>Do you include the "Three cabaleros" movie in your canon? or the comic adaptation?

            Now, let's not get too hung up on this "canon" stuff. I'll give you my personal view of my own stories, but it's only MY view, not an "official" view, so who cares what I think?
            But obviously the "Three Caballeros" can't be something that "really happened" -- as much as I *love* that film (for me, the only good use Disney ever made of Donald Duck), the characters were "actors" appearing in a fantasy travelogue. There was no reality to it -- it was song and dance. (Too bad you never see my long texts I write for Egmont to accompany each of my stories -- they explain many things you're all asking me here.)

            >>>>>And what about the cartoons with Ludwig Von Drake, that is clearly not defined by his only appearance in Barks.

            The only LVD "films" I know of are those where he's a TV host introducing the weekly "Wonderful World of Color" TV series in the early '60s. And I liked him in that, and it pleased me that he was referred to as Donald's uncle. But as above, that LVD was an actor playing a role.

            >>>>>And "solo" Donald's cartoon? like "Cousin Gus" or "Donald's nephews"?

            You mean Disney animated cartoons? No, that doesn't look or act like the same Donald that I see in Barks' comics. And yet, when I'm forced rto find a name for Gus' mother for my Family Tree, I first look to see if any other writer has ever given such a name, and if so I use that name. And I found that the name "Fanny" was given in a Disney cartoon (or was it the newspaper strip?). I never set myself up as having the better idea -- I use whatever idea came first.
            Okay, you might ask me why I didn't use the name "Dumbella" for Donald's sister. Because that's a plain insulting name! (I assume you know what a "dumbell" is?) It was better to use the name "Della" (wasn't that in the previous Talliaferro strip?) and decide that "Dumbella" was only a cruel nickname Donald had for his sister, as brothers do for sisters.

            >>>>>And, so, what about the Taliaferro strip that were also the base for the future work of Barks... are all these sources, in some way or another, part of your canon?

            Wow. I swear I've never even thought about this! I mean, sometimes I had to decide that stories that Barks himself did were "not canon" because they involved early ideas about $crooge that Barks revised when he refined the character. One example is "The Magic Hourglass". (And I discuss this sort of thing in those texts I mention.)
            But please don't encourage other people reading this to get distracted by all this "what is canon?" stuff! It's not important.


            Don Rosa
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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1625: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 21:46:32
              >>>>>the part that i've underline in red...it was my mistake with english: i use "disagree" in the sense: i want to talk (in a bad way) about about a story, etc..."...sorry for that...

              You might need some help to express yourself because I have no idea what you're trying to say or why you highlighted that sentence in red.

              >>>>>but at this time, tell us more about YOUR vision of the "prisioner" (always the words "your vision"...i don't know any way to say this  ;D)

              But... you read my version of "Prisoner...". There're no secrets. That story said as much as I wanted to say. Again, perhaps I don't understand the question?


              Papero del Mistero

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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1626: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 22:00:34
                wow...language differences are a great problem...
                hovewer,  it was only a stupid misunderstanding...stop thinking about it  ;)

                about the "prisioner" i only asked if you had something else to say to us: what you belived about their love, what you belive about the story (it's a good story? there was  the necessity to tell this story? etc...), if you want to say something else about my "critic" post etc...

                if you still don't understand...i'll go back to school, in the same class of Huey, Dewey e Louie  ;)


                Diabolico Vendicatore

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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1627: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 22:13:50
                  Hi Don!
                  You said that you have read two Scarpa stories. What exactly?
                  Alle volte uno si crede incompleto ed è soltanto niubbo.


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1628: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 22:35:59
                    Hi Don!
                    You said that you have read two Scarpa stories. What exactly?
                    If I remember, they were "The McDuck Foundation" and "The last Balaboo". ;)


                    Uomo Nuvola

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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1629: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 22:58:23
                      Dear Mr. Rosa, what do you think about the lack of Disney Comics in your Country? Don't children read (or aren't they really interested in) ducks stories anymore? In Europe we (luckily) still have a copiousness of Ducks!
                      Thank you very much, Mr. Rosa. :)
                      « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:06:40 da iuventuri »


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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1630: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:01:01
                        >>>>>about the "prisioner" i only asked if you had something else to say to us: what you belived about their love,

                        Again, I have nothing to add to that story.

                        >>>>> what you belive about the story (it's a good story?

                        I *never* say that any of my stories are good. That's for the reader to decide. I sometimes say when I *like* a story, but me liking it doesn't make it good. I enjoyed doing "Prisoner" because I enjoy all the stories I write/draw about $crooge's early life because it lets me involve him with actual historic people and events (just like my favorite historical novelists do to their characters, like Fraser's "Flashman" and Cornwell's "Sharpe" and many others), and I especially enjoy stories with Goldie because (as with Magica) she is actually an *interesting* female character in Duck comics, which is unheard of (as I don't know the Italian characters). All we have is Daisy and April, May & June. (Ugh and ugh, ugh, & ugh.)

                        >>>>>there was  the necessity to tell this story?

                        ??? No, there's no "necessity" to tell ANY story. It's simple entertainment.

                        >>>>> if you want to say something else about my "critic" post etc...

                        No, I don't give opinions on what critics like or dislike -- it's up to others to decide if they agree or disagree.
                        Oh, I *might* say you're unfair to again compare my characters to super-heroes in saying $crooge was acting like "Superman". All he did was knock out people with rocks and dishes (you'd prefer him to shoot them with a gun?), rode two caibou as cowboys often ride two horses in rodeos, and take a look -- it was the big, powerful caribou running on and leaping across the ice floes, not $crooge. I didn't think there was anything super-human about those stunts -- surely other Duck comics have DD or U$ perform far more physically improbable feats, eh?
                        But still..... I won't argue, I just offer my view...
                        « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:48:29 da Don_Rosa »


                        Papero del Mistero

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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1631: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:13:33
                          >>>>>about the "prisioner" i only asked if you had something else to say to us: what you belived about their love,

                          Again, I have nothing to add to that story.

                          >>>>> what you belive about the story (it's a good story?

                          I *never* say that any of my stories are good. That's for the reader to decide. I sometimes say when I *like* a story, but me liking it doesn't make it good. I enjoyed doing "Prisoner" because I enjoy all the stories I write/draw about $crooge's early life because it lets me involve him with actual historic people and events (just like my favorite historical novelists do to their characters, like Fraser's "Flashman" and Cornwell's "Sharpe" and many others), and I especially enjoy stories with Goldie because (as with Magica) she is actually an *interesting* female character in Duck comics, which is unheard of (as I don't know the Italian characters). All we have is Daisy and April, May & June. (Ugh, ugh, ugh, & ugh.)

                          >>>>>there was  the necessity to tell this story?

                          ??? No, there's no "necessity" to tell ANY story. It's simple entertainment.

                          >>>>> if you want to say something else about my "critic" post etc...

                          No, I don't give opinions on what critics like or dislike -- it's up to others to decide if they agree or disagree.
                          Oh, I *might* say you're unfair to again compare my characters to super-heroes in saying $crooge was acting like "Superman". All he did was knock out people with rocks and dishes (you'd prefer him to shoot them with a gun?), rode two caibou as cowboys often ride two horses in rodeos, and take a look -- it was the big, powerful caribou running on and leaping across the ice floes, not $crooge. I didn't think there was anything super-human about those stunts -- surely other Duck comics have DD or U$ perform far more physically improbable feats, eh?
                          But still..... I won't argue, I just offer my view...

                          ok, perfect answer...

                          let me see only one thing: i've talk about "necessity to do that story" maybe because i've a different view of your stories...they are to me not only a series of "entertainment things", but every single story about scrooge is a part of the great rapresentation of his life, past and present. so, in my personal view, all your stories are in some way linked one another and very important to describe the life of scrooge... and i've found that the last adventure is something "not useful" to improve our knoweledge about  the life of the richest duck in the world... like a sequel of a film that non improve the plot of the prequel in any way...

                          ok, from now i'll not take duck adventure in a serious way, i promise  ;)

                          ...but with that scrooge that cry when he found goldie in the "Dream of a lifetime", how can i do that?
                          « Ultima modifica: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:15:32 da sed »


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1632: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:14:36
                            Hi Don,

                            I wanna know what you think about Gideon McDuck (another characters created by Romano Scarpa). He could be the real "last of clan McDuck"?

                            In "The Empire-Builder from Calisota", chapter 11 of Lo$, you wrote that U$ found the Gilded Man (or "El Dorado"). Could this be a story that you can write in future? (I can't believe that my favourite cartoonist is retired :( )

                            By the way, many of yours story are so poetic! I *LOVE* expecially "Dream Of A Lifetime" and "A Letter From Home".

                            thanks ;)

                            Ciao Don,

                            vorrei sapere cosa pensi di Gedeone de' Paperoni (un altro personaggio creato da Romano Scarpa). Potrebbe essere il vero "ultimo del clan de' Paperoni"?

                            Nel "cuore dell'impero", il capitolo 11 della $aga, hai scritto che ZP trova l'uomo d'oro (o El Dorado). Potrebbe essere una storia che potresti scrivere in futuro? (non posso credere che il mio cartoonist preferito sia in pensione :( )

                            Comunque, molte delle tue storie sono molto poetiche! Io *AMO* specialmente "Il Sogno Di Una Vita" e "Una Lettera Da Casa".

                            Grazie ;)
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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1633: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:17:40
                              Ciao Don,

                              vorrei sapere cosa pensi di Gedeone de' Paperoni (un altro personaggio creato da Romano Scarpa). Potrebbe essere il vero "ultimo del clan de' Paperoni"?

                              Ma da quello che ha detto, capace che nemmeno lo conosce, forse nemmeno mai sentito nominare, eh.
                              Alle volte uno si crede incompleto ed è soltanto niubbo.


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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1634: Martedì 11 Ago 2009, 23:41:01

                                Ma da quello che ha detto, capace che nemmeno lo conosce, forse nemmeno mai sentito nominare, eh.

                                oops... non avevo letto il post di paperinika (sono molto lento nel comporre i miei messaggi :( )

                                vabbè, ormai è andata...
                                Nel tempo dell'inganno universale dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario (G. Orwell)


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