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Why is there a lack of adventure-style stories?

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PolliceSu   (1)

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PolliceSu   (1)
    Hello everyone! I am a big Disney Comics fan from Greece and I wanted to ask this question for a while (also sorry for my bad english)

    So I have been reading a lot of Italian disney comics in the past two years, mostly from the Μίκυ Μάους(https://inducks.org/publication.php?c=gr%2FMMB) magazine, which is pretty much the Greek equivalent to Topolino. And I have noticed that there are very few stories that include Scrooge Donald and the nephews going on adventures in different parts of the world to find some treasure or something else. Most of the stories tace place in Duckburg and when they do not, it's usually Scrooge trying to do bussiness with foreign people or something similar. When I was reading the classic Carl Barks-Don Rosa stories the adventure ones were my favourites, so I wonder why they are so uncommon now.

    Thank you :D


    Grande Tiranno
    Diabolico Vendicatore
    PolliceSu   (1)

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    PolliceSu   (1)
      Re:Why is there a lack of adventure-style stories?
      Risposta #1: Sabato 10 Dic 2022, 11:07:56
      Hi and welcome!
      In Italy there is a great tradition of adventure stories where Scrooge goes looking for treasure, in particular written by this fantastic author (unfortunately no longer with us for ten years): Rodolfo Cimino.
      In these stories there are typical narrative elements, like the weird means of transportation with US and his family go in other countries or the use of invented or unusual italian words like "Tritumbani" or "Tapiro", but I think that in translations this is lost.

      Moreover, his stories are characterized by a unique poetry that pervades them and makes them unique, so, if you have the possibility, read them!


      The Great Tyrant

      Sorry for my english too!
      « Ultima modifica: Sabato 10 Dic 2022, 12:29:31 da Grande Tiranno »
      Catturamento Catturamento!


      PolliceSu   (1)

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      PolliceSu   (1)
        Re:Why is there a lack of adventure-style stories?
        Risposta #2: Sabato 10 Dic 2022, 11:43:53
        Hi and welcome!
        In Italy there is a great tradition of adventure stories where Scrooge goes looking for treasure, in particular written by this fantastic author (unfortunately no longer with us for ten years): Rodolfo Cimino.
        In these stories there are typical narrative elements, like the weird means of transportation with US and his family go in other countries or a use of invented or unusual italian words like "Tritumbani" or "Tapiro", but I think that in translations this is lost.

        Moreover, his stories are characterized by a unique poetry that pervades them and makes them unique, so, if you have the possibility, read them!


        The Great Tyrant

        Sorry for my english too!
        Very interesting. I see that  a lot of his stories have been released here as well, so I will definately check them out!


        Diabolico Vendicatore

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          Re:Why is there a lack of adventure-style stories?
          Risposta #3: Sabato 17 Dic 2022, 15:57:47
          Γεια σου! Ναι, διάβασέ τες, αν μπορείς να τις βρεις, γιατί είναι πολύ καλά. Ο Cimino ήτανε ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους Ιταλούς (και ξένους) συγγραφείς. Μπορείς να βρεις μια λίστα με τις ιστορίες του εδώ. Αν κάνεις κλικ στον κωδικό (π.χ. I TL 206), μπορείς να δεις πού δημοσιεύτηκαν και στην Ελλάδα. Γεια σου

          Υ.Γ. μιλάω λιγάκι ελληνικά, ελπίζω να μην έχω κάνει πολλά λάθη. Γεια σου

          Ciao. Sì, leggile, se riesci a trovarle, perché sono molto belle. Cimino è stato uno dei più grandi autori italiani (ed esteri). Puoi trovare una lista con le sue storie qui. Se clicchi sul codice, puoi vedere dove sono state pubblicate anche in Grecia. Ciao

          P.S. parlo un po' di greco, spero di non aver fatto troppi errori. Ciao
          « Ultima modifica: Sabato 17 Dic 2022, 16:37:20 da Dippy »
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