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Don Rosa

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Don Rosa
Gran Mogol
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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1920: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 10:20:49
    >>>>>We have a gift for you: our english version of Paperino pendolare (Donald Commuter) is going to be completed soon!
    We hope you'll enjoy this wonderful story of Marco Rota, very Barksian in script and art
    PS: in the first panel you see in the link Rota portrayed the Milano railway station

    Yes, I see it!!! The thing I love MOST about Rota's art is his cityscape views, exactly like that one! I can't do that! My cityscapes are so stiff and cardboard-like because I just have no idea how to do it! Gosh, I wish I could draw like Rota! (And I've been in the Milano railway station!)

    By the way, I'm starting to get curious... what is that panel of art in all your messages that looks like a castle on a coastal skull-shaped rock?
    « Ultima modifica: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 10:24:42 da Don_Rosa »


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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1921: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 10:39:57
      One thing I've always loved is the "interactive" level of your stories, Don. I mean, I don't just reed a story when you're the artist: I look for hidden treasures, like D.U.C.K.s, I try to deiscover all the citations, I want to follow the gags on the background (how many little animals!!!), ecc...
      Well, one of my favourites "goodies", in that sense, are the several little Mikey Mouse you use to camouflage in wierd places. Simply legendary is that one under the elephant feet in the african chapter of Lo$.
      I would like to ask you: how did this thing born(expecially for the mice, but also for all the other "bonuses")? I mean, did you just think: "Maybe I can hide a mouse here...", or is there a story about that wonderful usage? What's your favourite "hidden treasure" in your stories?
      (Here in the forum we tried to find every single detail, but I'm sure we miss something... ;))

      In it: ho chiesto al Don come nasce la consuetudine di celare piccoli "tesori nascosti" per rendere le sue storie interattive e tanto care ai fan (vedasi il famoso topolino sotto la zampa dell'elefante in Africa, che, almeno per me, è stato un po' come il manifesto di questa abilità del Don). Oh, gli ho anche domandato quale sia il suo dettaglio nascosto preferito in assoluto... sempre che li ricordi tutti e duecentomila!!!
      "Sarò tanto di quel che sono, sono tanto di quel che ero" (Nostal Gino)


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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1922: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 12:38:18
          After some weeks mostly away from this forum, it has been a great happy surprise to find that Don Rosa himself had joined it.

          Dear Don, first of all I want to thank you for all the wonderful stories you gave us: I have passionately loved many of them, fiercely quarreled with a few others, enjoyed all.
          Some personal memories closely related to my perception of your work. My first encounter with it was in the last page of some Gladstone issue of the late 80's (randomly bought in a visit to England - the shop in front of the British Museum), announcing the forthcoming publication of Last sled to Dawson. Unfortunately I could read that story only many years later, but the advertisement came with a beautiful drawing of yours, showing Scrooge against a mountain landscape in Klondike: I was quite impressed, because that really looked like the "real" Scrooge, much more than the somewhat mollified character appearing in most Italian stories at the time. And in my college years a magnified photocopy of that drawing was the most important poster in my room, as a source of inspiration.
          When Lo$ started to appear in Italy, I was preparing to leave for Canada for my Ph.D: your work being published just in that moment provided me with a pleasant parallel with young Scrooge departing from Scotland - a little fact that I found extremely nice. Also, after my arrival in Montreal (in time to buy the last available Gladstone issue of your wonderful Hearts of Yukon: such a pleasant welcome!), it was quite disheartening to find out the ghastly (if compared to Italy) reality of North-American "Disney" comics: let's say that for my spiritual well-being I needed to read regularly a certain amount of new Duck stories, and that was quite hard there, with so few publications, many of them being just reprints of adventures I knew too well. But there were your stories appearing, if maybe not every month, at least often enough: so that, relatively to this (minor, but extremely important in my mind) aspect of my life, discovering your work was the best thing happening in those years.
           Because of all of this I want to thank you (and, for the Canadian years, Gladstone, for their heroic efforts at keeping alive the publishing tradition).

           I wrote above that, even if I enjoyed all of your stories, I "fiercely quarreled" with some of them. I won't be very specific for the moment, in order to keep this message to reasonable length; just to point the main reason behind my occasional problem, let's say it was an instance of what happens when both writer and reader are passionate fans, with a very different "Duck" background. After reading your answers in the previous pages, I understand better how you were lead to some peculiarities (from my Italian-reader viewpoint) of yours. Of course you have a very strong idea of the characters, how they are defined, what makes them tick and so on - and so have I and most of the people in this forum (probably everyone). But our ideas are based mostly on what we have read (especially in the critical period of our "education" as Duck fans) - and there was a huge difference between what I could get in Italy in the '80's and you some decade earlier in USA. (In particular, about the timelessness mentioned earlier by various people and that seemed hard for you to grasp: it is a natural way of seeing the ducks if you grow up in the middle of a living tradition of new stories and reprints, reading for years, and in random order, hundreds of adventures written decades apart, but mostly set in what was the present when they were written.)
          To conclude, a question about your story Mythological Menagerie: when I first read it, most of the strange animals were already known to me thanks to Borges' Manual de zoología fantástica (Book of Imaginary Beings, Wikipedia tells me). I always wondered: was that book your source of inspiration?
        Italian summary follows.
        Riassunto italiano: ringrazio Don per le sue meravigliose avventure, con qualche aneddoto su come le scoprii. Aggiungo che, pur avendo apprezzato tutta la sua opera, con alcune storie mi sono trovato a "litigare" (senza specificare con quali, per ora): dalla lettura dei suoi interventi capisco che in parte e' dovuto al fatto che abbiamo tutti un'idea molto forte del mondo dei paperi, ma che puo' essere alquanto diversa a seconda della nostra formazione (la produzione USA praticamente nulla dopo il pensionamento di Barks, mentre in Italia restava fiorente). E faccio il mio tentativo di spiegare con questo quell'atemporalita' in cui molti di noi vedono il mondo Disney e che sembra incomprensibile al Don. Infine, domando se per la storia Paperino e il serraglio mitologico  sia stato ispirato dal Manuale di Zoologia fantastica di Borges.


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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1923: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 14:15:00
          By the way, I'm starting to get curious... what is that panel of art in all your messages that looks like a castle on a coastal skull-shaped rock?

          It is a panel from a story of Luciano Gatto, Italian Disney artist and forumer here ;)

          I love the Disney witches (my avatar is Granny De Spell, Magica's grandmother), so I chose this wonderful witch-house as a sign :)

          Don Rosa ha scritto:
          >>>Sto cominciano ad essere curioso... cos'è quella vignetta in tutti i tuoi messaggi che sembra un castello a forma di teschio su una roccia costiera?

          E' una vignetta da una storia di Luciano Gatto, artista Disney italiano e nostro forumista ;)
          Io amo le streghe Disney, così ho messo questa meravigliosa casa delle streghe come firma :)
          In memoria di chi ci ha "cucinato" tante storie memorabili...


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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1924: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 14:19:17
            >>>>>Sì, abbiamo grill e giardini dove mangiare all'aperto. Ma non questa domenica per me
            Posso invidiare la tua cena di domani notte?

            No, dovresti invidiare la mia cena della scorsa notte.
            Ti ho tenuto un posto a tavola. Sei sempre invitata (come tutti gli altri forumisti) -- magari la prossima volta?
            In memoria di chi ci ha "cucinato" tante storie memorabili...


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1925: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 14:30:18
              >>>>>Abbiamo un regalo per te: la nostra versione inglese di Paperino pendolare sarà presto completata!
              Noi speriamo che tu apprezzerai questa meravigliosa storia di Marco Rota, molto barksiana per sceneggiatura e disegni.
              PS: nella prima vignetta che si vede nel link Rota ha ritratto la stazione ferroviaria di Milano.

              Sì, ho visto! La cosa che amo DI PIU' dei disegni di Rota sono i suoi panorami urbani, proprio come questo! Io non riesco a farlo! Le mie vedute cittadine sono così fredde e cartolinesche perchè non ho idea di come si dovrebbero fare!
              Gosh, vorrei saper disegnare come Marco Rota! (E sono stato alla stazione ferroviaria di Milano!)

              Comunque sto cominciano ad essere curioso... cos'è quella vignetta in tutti i tuoi messaggi che sembra un castello a forma di teschio su una roccia costiera?
              In memoria di chi ci ha "cucinato" tante storie memorabili...


              Don Rosa
              Gran Mogol

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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1926: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 16:59:11
                >>>>>Granny De Spell, Magica's grandmother

                Magica's grandmother???? What ... who... how........?


                Duck Fener
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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1927: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 17:12:35
                  Magica's grandmother???? What ... who... how........?
                  As you know, in the past in America was two productions of stories: the ordinary stories for comic books, and stories product in America but published abroad, especially in Europe (Fethry's stories, for example).
                  Magica's grandmother was created in this second group by George Davie and Jim Fletcher in this story.
                  Also, Magica live with Mad Madam Mim (and his granny) in a castle.
                  « Ultima modifica: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 17:18:53 da Duck_Fener »



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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1928: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 17:38:51
                    Hello Don Rosa! A fan checking in from Norway :)

                    While you probably know this already, I just want to repeat how incredibly popular you are in Norway. Back in elementary school we traded/borrowed old magazines with your stories in them, and got really excited over your new ones. Everyone knew the names Carl Barks and Don Rosa, and I even remember having discussions about "which one is the one with the details".

                    Now I'm 20, and every time Donald Duck comics comes up in conversation, your name is mentioned. Thanks for being such an important part of our childhoods :)

                    Also want to mention that while I haven't read everything you've made, Forget it! is probably my favourite (unless you count Life and Times as one comic) :)


                    Duck Fener
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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1929: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 17:56:52
                      While you probably know this already, I just want to repeat how incredibly popular you are in Norway. Back in elementary school we traded/borrowed old magazines with your stories in them, and got really excited over your new ones. Everyone knew the names Carl Barks and Don Rosa, and I even remember having discussions about "which one is the one with the details".
                      I WANT live in Norway! ;D
                      Joking aside, welcome to you, Rudi. It's a pleasure have on this forum persons so far from Italy!

                      Non è che c'è stata una fuga di notizie? In capo a una settimana avremo qui mezza Europa a fare domande al Don? ;D

                      Io VOGLIO vivere in Norvegia!
                      Scherzi a parte, benvenuto, Rudi. E' un piacere avere su questo forum persone così lontane dall'Italia.
                      « Ultima modifica: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 21:42:50 da Duck_Fener »


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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1930: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 18:01:53
                        Non è che c'è stata una fuga di notizie? In capo a una settimana avremo qui mezza Europa a fare domande al Don? ;D
                        Intanto sulla wiki di Paperone ho già fatto pubblicità... almeno per l'Italia... ;D


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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1931: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 18:08:08
                          Forget it! is probably my favourite

                          yeah, forget-it and its prequel "a matter of some gravity" are two of the "maddest" story that i've ever read...Don, i became mad to read them... ;D

                          seriously, how difficult was to make these stories (expecially the "matter of gravity")?

                          PS: ehi, don, do you know that you create "monster nerd fans"? if some considered you mad to draw the plant of scrooge's bin, how you can considered the fan that Built the bin following your draws? i've found this on internet, but there are many other pics on the web

                          in breve: quanto è stato difficile fare "una questione di estrema gravità" e il suo seguito (forget it in inglese, non ricordo in italiano...)

                          e come consideri chi ha costruito questo deposito ispirandosi ai tuoi disegni

                          « Ultima modifica: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 18:13:34 da sed »



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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1932: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 18:39:41
                            I WANT live in Norway! ;D
                            Joking aside, welcome to you, Rudi. It's a pleasure have on this forum persons so far from Italy!


                            Non è che c'è stata una fuga di notizie? In capo a una settimana avremo qui mezza Europa a fare domande al Don? ;D
                            Thanks! I've been following the thread for some time :) The leak is Frank's blog ;)

                            yeah, forget-it and its prequel "a matter of some gravity" are two of the "maddest" story that i've ever read...Don, i became mad to read them... ;D

                            I have not read that story, I will have to look it up! Thanks for the tip :)


                            Don Rosa
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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1933: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 19:26:02
                              Duck Fener:
                              >>>>>As you know, in the past in America was two productions of stories: the ordinary stories for comic books, and stories product in America but published abroad, especially in Europe (Fethry's stories, for example). Magica's grandmother was created in this second group

                              I've never known the reason for this oddity, but I can guess. In the late 1960's American comics sales were plummeting. But the popularity of Barks' Ducks in Europe continued. Barks had retired, and there were not enough Duck stories being produced in America to satisfy the Northen European publishers who had been struictly reprint, unlike in Italia. The American production at Gold Key Comics (Western Publishing) was not enough, and NONE of them good. So, since Disney made so MUCH easy money off the foreign comics licenses, they started supplying Europe with new material. And it was BETTER than the material that was being produced by Gold Key for the disinterested American audience -- Disney was hiring the better (higher paid) writers and artists. So starting in the late 60's and into the 70's you Europeans were seeing (what I assume were) excellent American-produced Duck comics, ones that we IN America have never seen to this day!


                              Don Rosa
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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1934: Martedì 25 Ago 2009, 19:35:15
                                >>>>>how difficult was to make these stories (expecially the "matter of gravity")?

                                Believe it or not, when it comes to these short "gag" stories, the ones that turn out the best, like "A Matter of Some Gravity", "Forget It!" and also "On a Silver Platter" (all 3 starring Magica) are an absolute breeze to write! When I come up with such a rare idea that's so perfect to hang a series of slapstick gags on, the story "writes itself". The stories that are lemons are the ones I beat my head on the wall trying to get to halfway work, and the results are never good in spite of all the extra work. One that comes to mind is "An Eye for Detail".
                                But I never liked writing "gag" short stories very often because, as I say, it was so rare that I could think of one of those "perfect" ideas. (Plus I liked the long adventure stories more.)

                                And hello to Rudi in Norway, the Duck country I've visited the most!


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