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Don Rosa

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Francis Drake
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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #3645: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 10:49:22
    In ogni caso, io pensavo di includere le traduzioni nel "paginone". Tanto lavoro non si discute neanche che vada mantenuto.


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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #3646: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 12:44:42
      Non è così facile capire l'inglese per chi lo ha imparato a scuola
      Spero che manchi un NON. (Anche perche' personalmente posso dire di aver ottenuto dalla scuola pubblica italiana una conoscenza della lingua inglese decisamente buona.)
      « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 12:45:01 da ML-IHJCM »


      Francis Drake
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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #3647: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 14:19:06
        Spero che manchi un NON. (Anche perche' personalmente posso dire di aver ottenuto dalla scuola pubblica italiana una conoscenza della lingua inglese decisamente buona.)

        Penso non manchi il "non". Di mio, dalla scuola ho avuto ben poco. L'inglese me lo sono sudato a forza di libri, film, corsi e qualche periodo all'estero. (E ancora è ben distante dal livello a cui lo vorrei)
        Purtroppo con le scuole va molto a fortuna...



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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #3648: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 15:43:05
          Se qualcuno ha voglia di darmi una mano e Don ci dà il permesso di usare le sue risposte, io sono pronto a finanziare e mettere su il progetto...

          Finanzare? Did someone say money? *starts collecting people's questions and Don's answer's in a txt file* ;D


          Francis Drake
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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #3649: Venerdì 23 Set 2011, 16:15:57

            Finanzare? Did someone say money? *starts collecting people's questions and Don's answer's in a txt file* ;D

            Just like $crooge? you "smelled" something related to money? ;D
            Anyway, in the last posts we were discussing about collecting all the Q&A of this topic to made more simple read them all and avoid asking question already answered by Don weeks/months/years before.

            And Paperinik1969 proposed to open a wiki with all the information Don gave us. And, if necessary, to "finanziare", give money to the project.


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #3650: Sabato 24 Set 2011, 15:30:43
              Tolte le basi ricevute alle medie, la scuola italiana non mi ha fornito granché..  ;D  Meno male che per interessi miei ho cominciato a tradurre roba che mi interessava (fumetti/videogame ecc che magari esistevano solo in inglese) e poi con l'andare avanti sono arrivato a l non dover più "tradurre", ma a leggere tranquillamente l'inglese capendo quello che succede senza dovermi "fermare".. Certo poi qualche passaggio ostico capita sempre, quindi anche io dovendo scegliere, preferisco avere le cose scritte in Italiano.

              Pur usufruendone meno, ringrazio anche io i traduttori paperseristi, e in effetti si potrebbe fare un copia-incollone di domande e traduzioni.. preservare il loro lavoro e al contempo avere delle vere e proprie info rilasciate dal Don.  8-)


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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #3651: Lunedì 26 Set 2011, 23:41:53
                I really like the stories about Scrooge McDuck, and I believe really want DonRosa
                the only American that can co-write and draw
                this unique character.
                Unfortunately in Italy I could not read a lot of originalU.S. stories
                And sadly I do not know well all the characters
                of the exceptional family of ducks.
                But thankfully in our country there were authors like : Guido Martina ; Luciano Bottaro , Carlo Chendi end Rodolfo Cimino
                that have tried to dramatize a Uncle Scrooge and parentage in the most realistic as possible.
                like the great Carl Barks.
                When I was little I adored to see Uncle Scrooge McDuck swimming in gold coins , see the old cylinder (vecchio cilindro) to splash between the green U.S. dollars.
                I love the stories about the return to the Klondike when Scrooge was a poor duck who polished shoes, when he was a poor gold prospector, when hid his gold under the ground.

                I thank Don Rosa .. and I'm sorry for my bad English
                La vita è un gioco di energia in cui Tu non partecipi, ma devi lasciarti partecipare...

                Vivi ogni momento come se fosse l'ultimo, muori e rinasci ad ogni istante, non pentirti di nulla, non sentirti in colpa per nulla, vivi totalmente senza guardare giù, senza guardarti in dietro.



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                  Return to Duckburg Place
                  Risposta #3652: Giovedì 24 Nov 2011, 17:24:48
                  Question for Don Rosa:
                  Can you tell us some more on your underground story "Return to Duckburg Place" that I've seen is to be published in the Don Rosa Samlade Verk and also in the German Complete Don Rosa Collection?

                  Domanda per Don Rosa:
                  Ci potrebbe dare informazioni sulla storia "Return to Duckburg Place" che è in corso di pubblicazione nel "Don Rosa Samlade Verk" e anche in Germania nel "Complete Don Rosa Collection"?

                  Grazie e a presto


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #3653: Venerdì 16 Dic 2011, 21:05:50
                    Se qualcuno fosse interessato, in questo blog (in inglese) è in corso un'analisi (un capitolo al giorno) di The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, in verità abbastanza critica:

                      A Question for Don Rosa!
                      Risposta #3654: Mercoledì 25 Gen 2012, 10:53:36
                      Hi, everyonve, and especialy Don Rosa!
                      I got a small question, about one of Don Rosa's scribbles, The Starstruck Duck, witch I just read here yesterday. I thought of, why it was not finished?

                      Thanks again
                      Best Regards from Danish Donaldist Society member no. 299!

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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #3655: Mercoledì 25 Gen 2012, 16:27:10
                        P.S. I dont need a translated reply from Don. I like it best in English.  :D
                        Best Regards from Danish Donaldist Society member no. 299!


                        Don Rosa
                        Gran Mogol
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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #3656: Giovedì 26 Gen 2012, 00:26:52
                          I AM STILL ALIVE.

                          Some months ago I disappeared from this, one of my favorite places on Earth (as you know), the Italian family I never had. I became VERY busy late last year with both traveling and with doing work on the Egmont DON ROSA COLLECTION.

                          This DRC has become a MUCH bigger chore than I expected, but only because I am getting too carried away with it (as I do with everything). In fact, the most recent development is that the editor made the observation that my hobbies seem to be "who I am" (Duh!!!) and asked me to write an article about all my other hobbies besides comic collecting. That launched me into even more work (with great enthusiasm!), writing of my 25 to 30 different ongoing hobbies (I lost count), and it actually became a lot of fun. Then I realized I should help illustrate the article, and that took several more days of acting the part of a professional photographer with a tripod and all sorts of fancy camera angles and setting up displays of various groups of beloved items. What fun! I realized this was a reason to do something I would never otherwise do, and make many many photos of things I'd love to show people even if Egmont doesn't use it all in the book set! (I am SO SAD that my Italian friends will maybe not ever see this book set!)

                          Anyway, it's partly that I was busy, and partly because I knew there was a message that appeared on this thread from a very nice and very devoted fan that was MASSIVE (the message, not the fan... I assume) and I knew that when I did resume my presence here, I would need to answer that massive message or I'd seem very rude. So, that was my poor excuse to constantly postpone when I would rejoin all my dear friends here. I am embarrassed to have such a lame reason to be absent!

                          Another reason was that it did not seem so urgent since this thread has become quite dormant (which is, of course, my fault). But JUST YESTERDAY a message appeared here with a question for me!!! So... I will sieze this opportunity to rejoin this thread and look for any outstanding queries from today working BACKWARDS... until I encounter that very long message from that very nice comics fan... and then I'll set about tackling it.
                          Okay..... here goes....


                          Don Rosa
                          Gran Mogol
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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #3657: Giovedì 26 Gen 2012, 00:45:05
                            Don Rosa Duck:
                            >>>>>I got a small question, about one of Don Rosa's scribbles, The Starstruck Duck, witch I just read here yesterday. I thought of, why it was not finished?

                            I'm guessing you saw this in that DONALD DUCK TREASURY published by @#$%& Boom Comics. I was in the process of preparing to sue that company for its unauthorized use of my name to sell their products. I absolutely objected to everything they were doing -- it's very humiliating for the world's most popular comics to be treated like it's material of minor importance by a third-rate publisher. I gave them permission to reprnt Gemstone's LIFE & TIMES OF $CROOGE McDUCK because that was a book done by people who resected the material and of which I approved every page. But beyond that book, I did not want these Boom people to be using my work without my approval. I did not like seeing Disney comics treated like this in America.
                            They also did not have a license to print collections of one artist's work. Fantagraphics has that license, and they are acting on it with their fabulous Gotfredson and Barks libraries. The Boom DONALD DUCK TREASURY claimed that it was publishing "the work of many great international writers and artists"... but you notice that all issues planned to ("by chance") reprint only Don Rosa stories until they ran out. Anyway, I would not allow them to use any of the texts that accompany my stories in books by publishers of whom I approve. So THAT'S why you need to ask me this question because I would not allow that book to print my text. (I will own no copies of those books, nor will I autograph copies when I travel.)

                            YOUR ANSWER (finally!)-- Here is the text I would not allow Boom to use that explains "The Star-Struck Duck":

                            THE STAR-STRUCK DUCK

                            Late in 1988 I was asked by Gladstone to create a very special story! The Disney-MGM Studio themepark was nearing completion and Disney had asked Gladstone Comics to create a Donald Duck story to promote the new park, an assignment the editors passed to me. This was especially interesting because I was then invited to have a special VIP tour of the unfinished park! I stopped by DisneyWorld for that purpose while returning from a Christmas vacation in Key West, and I was given a private tour of the entire place. I made various notes and sketches that I would use in writing a Donald Duck story set in the Park.
                            When I was growing up in the mid 1950’s, Dell’s Disney comics sometimes also featured similar special stories where Donald or Mickey or other Disney characters were shown visiting the brand new Disneyland amusement park in California, promo stories surely requested by Disney then just as they had requested a Disney-MGM Studio promo story from Gladstone. The way in which those old Dell stories worked was that we would see Donald taking his Nephews to Disneyland, then after about a page he would say “y’know, this reminds me of the time that…” and the story would switch from involving Disneyland to a flashback tale of something else altogether. Well, I wanted to do something better than that! I would actually have my entire story take place in the new Disney-MGM Studio Park. I would have Donald interact with every attraction in the new park, even with geographic accuracy. I would have lots of funny references to old Disney films and history. And I would even use Mickey Mouse in the story! Now, a few of you may know that in my personal view of Donald Duck’s “Universe” Mickey Mouse does not really exist… at least not as a chum that Donald might sometimes interact with. But I thought it would be an amusing situation if I used Mickey Mouse as being a famous “movie star” in Donald’s world, and having the action involve a Keystone Kops chase through the Park that results when Donald is trying to get the famous Mouse’s autograph. And I thought I did a really magnificent job accomplishing all that! I spent most of January creating a masterpiece of promotion spotlighting every square meter of that new theme park.
                            But the story was never produced. Disney rejected my script when Gladstone showed it to them.
                            You might think that the reason for rejection was the bizarre manner in which I use Mickey Mouse within my own personal vision of the Duck Universe. You might think it’s because I made too many references to old movies or other characters that only film buffs like me would understand. You might think it was because I based the closing gag on an old expression that might no longer be understood (and which you Europeans might not know?): “I can’t remember his name, but his face sure rings a bell”. But no, none of those. The reason I was given for Disney’s rejection was that they thought my story was “too commercial”. BOING! Huh? Wasn’t that the whole idea?!
                            Anyway, this is the only Duckstory I ever wrote that was rejected and that I never completed with finished art.


                            Don Rosa
                            Gran Mogol
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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #3658: Giovedì 26 Gen 2012, 00:49:48
                              Next -- I believe someone had an idea to collect my answers to questions that have appeared on this forum thread and post them in some venue accessible to many more comics fans... but also someone wanted my permission to do so. That's very nice of you to ask (since I have no right to deny permission, as I have already posted my comments on a public forum). But obviously, si, you have my full permission! Thank you for asking, and I am sorry to be so slow to respond!


                              Don Rosa
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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #3659: Giovedì 26 Gen 2012, 01:10:23
                                Danilo 1982 ... sent a message that said some very nice things about my work for which I am truly thankful. But also wrote this:

                                >>>>>When I was little I adored to see Uncle Scrooge McDuck swimming in gold coins ... I thank Don Rosa

                                Well, sorry, I can definitely not take thanks for that. As I've said on this forum before, if my stories were printed in Italia as *I* intended (and as Barks would have intended his stories be printed), $crooge's Money Bin would NOT have been filled with gold coins. The whole idea, the entire joke, behind Barks' idea for the Money Bin is that it is filled with common "pocket change"... primarilly ordinary American nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and silver dollars... low-denomination silver-colored coins... NOT valuable gold coins. The joke is "Yow! This guy is SO cheap that he has an entire 3 cubic acre vault of pocket change!!!"
                                So, the coins in "my" Money Bin (and Barks') are silver (with a sprinkling of copper pennies). Not gold.

                                (When I mention this, someone usually mentions that Barks' later Money Bin oil paintings showed gold coins. But that was the recommendation of the project sponsors since they knew that the gold coloring looked brighter, and most buyers of the lithographs were not readers of the original American comics, they were just Disneyana collectors and investors.)


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