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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #3975: Mercoledì 16 Gen 2013, 17:10:05
    About Rockerduck: in Italian comics, $crooge always calls Rockerduck a "pivello" ("youngster", or maybe "newbie"). This is because among the years Rockerduck's character has been used in deeper ways, and made more definite, up to the point of him being the perfect figure of the "new rich", the "son of daddy" which simply inherited his wealth and who prefers to waste money on luxuries and big fashion parties. He's, in a way, a character which, differently from $crooge, still has a lot to learn about business (that's why, at least in Duckburg, he's always "second" to $crooge). Because of all these things I have always thought he was quite younger and less expert than $crooge. Not as young as Donald, but I could say his age could be around 40/45 (although he looks older).
    Over the years, many writers have given different interpretations for the character, but I guess the figure of a "newbie who just got rich and wastes money" is a missing and useful piece in $crooge's life, beyound the "evil and dishonest twin brother" which belongs, I think, to Flintheart Glomgold. I like to think that Rockerduck is quite younger than both $crooge and Glomgold, also to avoid confusing him and Glomgold.



    A proposito di Rockerduck: nei fumetti italiani, Zio Paperone si rivolge a Rockerduck apostrofandolo sempre con il termine "pivello". Questo perché il personaggio di Rockerduck negli anni è stato approfondito e definito fino a permettergli di interpretare la perfetta figura del novellino arricchito, il "figlio di papà" che ha semplicemente ereditato la sua fortuna e che preferisce dedicare la sua vita agli sprechi, ai lussi e alle feste in grande stile. Si tratta insomma di un personaggio che, a differenza di Paperone, ha ancora da imparare molto sugli affari (per questo è "l'eterno secondo", almeno a Paperopoli), e in virtù di tutti questi aspetti ho sempre immaginato che il personaggio fosse abbastanza più giovane e inesperto di Paperone. Non giovane quanto Paperino, ma diciamo che la sua età - secondo me - potrebbe aggirarsi intorno a degli ipotetici 40/45 anni (portati un po' male).
    Nel corso degli anni svariati autori hanno dato diverse interpretazioni del personaggio, ma suppongo che la figura del "pivello arricchito e sprecone" sia un tassello mancante e utile della vita di Paperone, in aggiunta al ruolo del "gemello malvagio e truffaldino" che a mio avviso appartiene di diritto a Cuordipietra Famedoro. Anche per non confondere eccessivamente i due antagonisti mi piace pensare che Rockerduck sia abbastanza più giovane di ZP e Famedoro.

    « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 16 Gen 2013, 17:17:04 da Dollarone_89 »


    Don Rosa
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #3976: Mercoledì 16 Gen 2013, 19:31:34
      >>>>>Over the years, many writers have given different interpretations for the character, but I guess the figure of a "newbie who just got rich and wastes money" is a missing and useful piece in $crooge's life, beyound the "evil and dishonest twin brother" which belongs, I think, to Flintheart Glomgold. I like to think that Rockerduck is quite younger than both $crooge and Glomgold, also to avoid confusing him and Glomgold.

      And that's exactly the idea I was going for in chapter 3 of my "Life of $crooge", and yet I didn't know anything about how the character had been treated in Italia. Previous to that series, I had done a one-shot story titled "Of Ducks and Dimes and Destinies" about how young $crooge earned his #1 Dime, and I decided the dime originally came from an American millionaire who had gotten rich during the 1849 Gold Rush. Then when I needed a mentor for $crooge when he was learning prospecting, I decided to reintroduce that American millionare '49er. And then I also decided to bring young Rockerduck into the story to show the irony of it being bis father who teaches $crooge the tricks of the profession that would someday make him wealthy also, as well as being the original source of his #1 Dime. And that way I could also make a distinction between Glomgold as being a dishonest self-made-man, and Rockerduck being an undeserving and spoiled inheritor of all his wealth, even though I had no plans to ever use Rockerduck.

      Now... maybe an Italian friend had suggested that idea to me? Or maybe making Rockerduck rich by inheritance was my own idea? I guess it could just be a coincidence -- it seems to be an obvious way to distinguish him from Glomgold.


      Don Rosa
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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #3977: Mercoledì 16 Gen 2013, 20:54:43
        By the way, Vito -- your "avatar" image... is that a Steampunk $crooge???

        I am a HUGE fan of steampunk, and have been ever since about 1965 when the ORIGINAL, first-ever "steampunk" entertainment was on TV. I refer to that classic TV series THE WILD WILD WEST. Is it known in Italia? There was an *exceptionally bad* movie based on it in 1999, although the steampunk designs were the only good part of the film. The TV series involved a lot of science-fictiony elements set in circa the 1880's. That's the earliest example of purposeful "steampunk" design, even though the style would not be named until decades later.

        I even designed a steampunk super-hero when I was in high school. The unwritten stories would have been set in the 1890's and, among other things, he wore a cape that had a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top.

        And I'm wondering -- I've heard that my friend Vittorio opened a new comics shop in Turin named "Steamboat". Is that meant to relate to steampunk? I'm not sure, because in America the term "steamboat" definitely would NOT suggest a steampunk reference. But perhaps it does in Italia?

        On the other hand, if your $crooge was NOT meant to look steampunky... never mind.


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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #3978: Mercoledì 16 Gen 2013, 23:36:31
          Don Rosa :
          >>>>He also posted lotsa photos of me at the signing so people can see what that sort of event looks like. (Remind me which is you in the group photo!)

          Let me see...
          Tere where 8 of us as.

          >>> I'm not sure if he followed my other policy suggestion which is that the next person in line AFTER the last allowed drawing should receive a nice present from the store. I just think that softens the unavoidable blow of someone having such terrible luck!

          From what I recall - nope.
          It's a very nice idea by the way...

          >>>>> Anyway, I hope that I see Maik and his Polish Pals again at another signing! (And that we all have better luck!)

          And we hope to see You agian Mr. Rosa :)  

          We also hope You will come to Poland one day. People here are crazy about your work (especially the "Life and Time of Scrooge" series) and we still puzzled why Egmont Poland didn't invited You here yet since they geting popular artists here pretty often...
          « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 00:08:00 da Maciek »


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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #3979: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 00:15:43
            By the way, Vito -- your "avatar" image... is that a Steampunk $crooge???

            I am a HUGE fan of steampunk, and have been ever since about 1965 when the ORIGINAL, first-ever "steampunk" entertainment was on TV. I refer to that classic TV series THE WILD WILD WEST. Is it known in Italia? There was an *exceptionally bad* movie based on it in 1999, although the steampunk designs were the only good part of the film. The TV series involved a lot of science-fictiony elements set in circa the 1880's. That's the earliest example of purposeful "steampunk" design, even though the style would not be named until decades later.

            I even designed a steampunk super-hero when I was in high school. The unwritten stories would have been set in the 1890's and, among other things, he wore a cape that had a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top.

            And I'm wondering -- I've heard that my friend Vittorio opened a new comics shop in Turin named "Steamboat". Is that meant to relate to steampunk? I'm not sure, because in America the term "steamboat" definitely would NOT suggest a steampunk reference. But perhaps it does in Italia?

            On the other hand, if your $crooge was NOT meant to look steampunky... never mind.

            In March 2012, sadly, Rodolfo Cimino, the man that many, me included, consider to be the "Italian dad" to $crooge passed away. It's not a wrong definition: he almost always dealt with $crooge in his stories, since the 60s, and his last story was published a few months ago. I let you imagine the big saga of the character that came out of his pen. You probably would not like very much his stories: very often he would send the Ducks in absurd imaginary places, and "logic" almost always was subdue to imagination and to the bizarre (while your Ducks are very realistic, as we all know). He was also a great fan of the steampunk genre (he had a HUGE passion for steam locomotives): his $crooge would go hunting for treasures traveling with the most different and strange vehicles, whether they had a steam engine or something else. And almost always, his $crooge would wear goggles on his hat just like the ones you can see on my avatar.

            Another element that confirms Cimino's passion for steampunk themes was the fact that he invented a domestic robot named Camillino, which lives in the Money Bin's boilers room and takes care of maintenace. All this is to say that my avatar comes from one of his stories, as you may have guessed, as an homage to his memory.

            The TV series you talk about was dubbed into Italian and aired on tv many years ago, even though we cannot say it was very popular (maybe it's a cult series in America). We know much more the horrible Will Smith movie.
            I would like to see the TV series: I, too, have a passion for steampunk and I really like western atmospheres (I'm among the few who REALLY liked the last Back to the Future movie).


            Nel marzo del 2012 è purtroppo venuto a mancare quello che molti, tra cui il sottoscritto, considerano il “papà italiano” di Zio Paperone, Rodolfo Cimino. Non è una definizione impropria: si è quasi sempre occupato di Paperone fin dagli anni 60 e la sua ultima storia è stata pubblicata pochi mesi fa. Ti lascio immaginare dunque la grande epopea del personaggio nata dalla sua penna. Probabilmente le sue storie non ti piacerebbero moltissimo: spesso mandava i suoi paperi in località inventate ed assurde, e la “logica” cedeva quasi sempre il posto alla fantasia e al bizzarro (i tuoi paperi sono invece molto realistici, come tutti sappiamo). Era anche un grande fan dello steampunk (aveva una ENORME passione per le locomotive a vapore): il suo Paperone andava a caccia di tesori muovendosi molto spesso a bordo dei più svariati mezzi meccanici, che avessero un motore a vapore o altro. E quasi sempre il suo Paperone indossava degli occhiali sul cilindro come quelli del mio avatar.

            Un altro fattore che conferma la passione per lo steampunk di Cimino è la sua invenzione di un robot domestico di nome Camillino che vive nelle caldaie del Deposito e che si occupa della manutenzione. Tutto questo per dirti che il mio avatar proviene da una sua storia, come avrai intuito, in omaggio alla sua memoria.

            La serie TV da te citata è stata doppiata e trasmessa in Italia molti anni fa, anche se non si può dire che sia famosa (magari in America è un cult). Più conosciuto è l'orrendo film con Will Smith.
            Non mi dispiacerebbe recuperare la serie TV: anche io sono un appassionato dello steampunk e mi piacciono molto le atmosfere western (sono uno dei pochi che ha PARECCHIO gradito l'ultimo film della saga di Ritorno al Futuro).


            Brigitta MacBridge
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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #3980: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 09:47:43
              >>>>>Nel corso degli anni svariati autori hanno dato diverse interpretazioni del personaggio, ma suppongo che la figura del "pivello arricchito e sprecone" sia un tassello mancante e utile della vita di Paperone, in aggiunta al ruolo del "gemello malvagio e truffaldino" che a mio avviso appartiene di diritto a Cuordipietra Famedoro. Anche per non confondere eccessivamente i due antagonisti mi piace pensare che Rockerduck sia abbastanza più giovane di ZP e Famedoro.

              E questa è esattamente l'idea che ho seguito nel terzo capitolo della mia $aga, eppure non sapevo niente su come il personaggio fosse stato trattato in Italia. Prima di quella serie, avevo fatto una storia intitolata "Decini e Destini" ("Of Ducks and Dimes and Destinies") su come il giovane Paperone aveva guadagnato la sua Numero Uno, e avevo deciso che il decino arrivasse da un milionario americano che si era arricchito durante la corsa all'oro del 1849. Poi quando ho avuto bisogno di un mentore per Paperone quando stava imparando a fare il cercatore, decisi di reintrodurre quel "'49er" milionario americano. E allora decisi anche di infilare nella storia il giovane Rockerduck per mostrare l'ironia del fatto che fosse suo padre a insegnare a Paperone i trucchi del mestiere che un giorno lo avrebbe reso ricco, oltre che essere l'origine della sua Numero Uno. E in quel modo ho anche potuto fare una distinzione fra Cuordipietra, self-made-man disonesto, e Rockerduck, immeritevole erede viziato di tutta la sua ricchezza, anche se non avevo in mente di usare mai Rockerduck.

              Ora... può essere che un amico italiano mi avesse suggerito questa idea? O forse Rockerduck ricco per eredità era una idea mia? Penso che potrebbe essere solo una coincidenza -- parrebbe un modo ovvio di distinguerlo da Cuordipietra.
              I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #3981: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 09:57:18
                Uh, sorry, Don... I need some help with the translation here :-[
                Uh, scusa, Don... ho bisogno di aiuto con la traduzione

                The unwritten stories would have been set in the 1890's and, among other things, he wore a cape that had a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top.

                "a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top"? Does it refer to the top of a car? Did I get it right?

                "a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top"? Si riferisce al tetto di un'automobile? Ho capito bene?

                And I'm wondering -- I've heard that my friend Vittorio opened a new comics shop in Turin named "Steamboat". Is that meant to relate to steampunk? I'm not sure, because in America the term "steamboat" definitely would NOT suggest a steampunk reference. But perhaps it does in Italia?

                No, it doesn't.
                I guess the name "Steamboat" is a reference to "Steamboat Willie", Mickey Mouse's second short movie to appear in theaters, the first one to have synchro sound and definitively the one that made Mickey Mouse popular all over America. You might be familiar with the short sequence featuring Mickey Mouse whistling while steering a boat wheel (it's in the opening credits of every Disney movie in recent years): it comes from that movie.

                (you can see it in the following video starting from 0:30)


                Penso che il nome "Steamboat" sia un riferimento a "Steamboat Willie", il secondo cortometraggio di Topolino mai apparso nei cinema, il primo ad avere il suono sincronizzato e decisamente quello che rese Topolino famoso in tutta America. Forse conosci la breve sequenza in cui appare Topolino che fischietta mentre manovra il timone di una barca (è nei credits di apertura dei film Disney degli ultimi anni): viene da quel film.
                « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 09:59:13 da Brigitta_McBridge »
                I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

                "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi


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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #3982: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 11:00:56
                  My dear Brigitta:
                  >>>>>"a frilly fringe like on an old surrey top"? Does it refer to the top of a car? Did I get it right?

                  An automobile? No. It refers to the cloth top of an old horsedrawn buggy. Um... go to:
                  ... and look at the 8th image down. That's a surrey with a fringed top.

                  By the way, your translations... you are magnificent. You are such a good friend to do all this work to help me communicate with the most important comics fans (and people) in the world to me. I only wish there was a publisher in Italia friendly to me to help me as much as you do. My most beloved country will never see my work properly due to who controls the publication there. I am sad.


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #3983: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 12:06:09
                    Comunque, Vito -- l'immagine del tuo "avatar"... è un Paperone Steampunk???

                    Io sono un GROSSO fan dello steampunk, e lo sono stato dal 1965 quando uscì in tv l'ORIGINALE, primissimo intrattenimento "steampunk". Mi riferisco a quella classica serie THE WILD WILD WEST. La conoscete in Italia? Nel 1999 ne hanno tratto un film *eccezionalmente brutto*, anche se i progetti steampunk erano l'unica parte buona del film. La serie TV aveva un sacco di elementi fantascientifici ambientati all'incirca nel 1880. È l'esempio più antico di deliberato design steampunk, anche se questo stile non avrebbe avuto quel nome che decenni dopo.

                    Ho perfino inventato un supereroe steampunk quando ero alle superiori. Le storie, che non ho scritto, sarebbero state ambientate negli anni attorno al 1890 e, fra le altre cose, indossava un mantello che aveva una frangia simile alla capote di una vecchia carrozza (nota del traduttore: vedete messaggio di risposta di Don poco sopra per meglio capire di che si tratta).

                    E mi chiedo -- ho sentito dire che il mio amico Vittorio ha aperto un nuovo negozio di fumetti a Torino chiamato "Steamboat". È un riferimento allo steampunk? Non ne son certo perché in America il termine "steamboat" decisamente NON fa pensare ad un riferimento steampunk. Ma magari invece in Italia sì?

                    D'altro canto, se il tuo Paperone NON voleva essere steampunky... lascia perdere.
                    I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #3984: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 12:16:54
                      I forget in my post of talk about 8x8 that you,in 2002 Torino Comics,was curious of to know how is :-).I'ts Bassotti/Beagle boys 's dog.It was trained to stolen,love sausage and live with Bassotti.He's not a beagle,but wrong Bassett.Here information and some images:
                      http://www.weirdspace.dk/Disney/Ottoperotto.htm (I found in english for you)
                      It's really exist!!!!
                      http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9486/bandabassotti06js9.jpg :D


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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #3985: Giovedì 17 Gen 2013, 16:04:06
                        >>>>>The TV series you talk about was dubbed into Italian and aired on tv many years ago, even though we cannot say it was very popular (maybe it's a cult series in America).

                        Well, THE WILD WILD WEST was a *very* popular series here... not a "cult" favorite. It lasted 4 seasons which, in those days, means it was a smash hit. There was a comic book series, a paperback book novel series, toys, and other spin offs. There were two TV-movie updates in the 1980's. It lasted decades in rerun syndication. And they made a movie based on it which means it was considered to still have wide appeal. I'm surprised Italia didn't love it (the original) since Italians like Westerns more than modern Americans do.


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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #3986: Domenica 20 Gen 2013, 13:10:01
                          Hi Don, I'm a huge fan of yours and of your works. Before saying anything else, I beg your pardon for my english.
                          I'd like to congratulate with you for your great stories and adventures and, of course, for your masterpiece, The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, which is my favourite graphic novel (I consider it a GN in all respects) together with Watchmen.
                          The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck have changed my way of see the world and taught me some important lessons of life: I read it at least twenty times, since i was 7 years old. Today I'm 19, and I feel to have to thank you for this work and all the others stories of yours; without them, I probably wouldn't be who I'm today.
                          I hope you'll come back in Italy soon or later; the only time I had the pleausure of see you, was in Rapallo in 2004, and I was only 11: at that time, I had no idea about who you was. I regret it constantly.
                          Now, a question: which chapter of the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is your favourite? I read it is the seventh (the one setted in Australia), it's true? And what about the "normal" stories?
                          Best whishes,

                          Ciao Don, sono un grande fan tuo e dei tuoi lavori. Prima di aggiungere qualsiasi altra cosa, mi scuso per il mio inglese.
                          Ci terrei a congratularmi con te per le storie e, ovviamente, per il tuo capolavoro, la $aga di Paperon De' Paperoni, che è il mio graphic novel preferito (la considero tale a tutti gli effetti) insieme a Watchmen.
                          La $aga ha cambiato il mio modo di vedere il mondo e mi ha insegnato importanti lezioni di vita: l'ho letta una ventina di volte, da quando avevo 7 anni. Oggi ne ho 19, e sento il bisogno di congratularmi con te per quest'opera e tutte le tue altre storie; senza tutto ciò, probabilmente non sarei quello che sono oggi.
                          Spero tornerai in Italia prima o poi; l'unica volta che ebbi il piacere di vederti, fu a Rapallo nel 2004, e avevo solo 11 anni: a quel tempo, non avevo idea di chi fossi. Lo rimpiango costantemente.
                          Ora, una domanda: qual è il tuo capitolo preferito della $aga? Ho letto che è il settimo (quello ambientato in Australia), è vero? E riguardo le storie "normali"?
                          « Ultima modifica: Domenica 20 Gen 2013, 17:02:21 da Iron_Ciccius »


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #3987: Domenica 20 Gen 2013, 17:52:31
                            I'm surprised Italia didn't love it (the original) since Italians like Westerns more than modern Americans do.

                            Maybe because Italians didn't watch much TV like Americans. Anyway, the age of the spaghetti-westerns is over, and nowadays too much Italians prefer horrible, awful and horrendous comedies.   [smiley=facepalm.gif]

                            Talking of western genre, do you prefer classic western or spaghetti-western? From which sub genre and movies you took inspiration for western adventures of Scrooge McDuck?
                            « Ultima modifica: Domenica 20 Gen 2013, 17:54:45 da Chased_by_ducks »

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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #3988: Domenica 20 Gen 2013, 19:57:49
                              Ehy, Don Rosa!
                              what do you think about the soundtrack of ''THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SCROOGE MCDUCK'' made by Nightwish??      :D
                              « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 21 Gen 2013, 19:15:05 da adoro_la_Disney »
                              Topolin, Topolin, viva Topolin!
                              Assomigli a tutti noi, sei furbo e birichin
                              e perciò noi gridiam, viva Topolin!
                              Cit.Full Metal Jacket


                              Don Rosa
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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #3989: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 19:42:54
                                >>>>>which chapter of the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is your favourite? I read it is the seventh (the one setted in Australia), it's true? And what about the "normal" stories?

                                Where did you read that the 7th chapter was supposedly my favorite? I'm pretty sure I never said that.
                                I've always thought that, if I had to pick one of the 12, it was chapter 10 that I liked the most. It had the first visit to Duckburg, Grandma Duck in her youth, Teddy Roosevelt, Beagle Boys, Hortense & Matilda, the first appearance of the Money Bin, the first Junior Woodchucks, a cavalry charge, a naval bombardment, a clash of titans, and it mostly took place all on one day rather than being a string of events across years. And I thought it was pretty funny!

                                And which is my favorite of the rest of my stories? I've never tried to pick one single story. But the ones I like the most all seem to have one thing in common... Glittering Goldie. I know I am very proud of "Hearts of the Yukon", "A Little Something Special", "The Dream of a Lifetime", and "The Prisoner of White Agony Creek".
                                I liked that last one so much that I decided I could never top it. I didn't want to slowly sink into tired, mediocre or even poor stories in years to come as does someone who goes on with a good thing too long. I also knew the Disney system had broken my spirit after 20 years, and I was having difficulty feeling any inspiration to continue. Fortunately, so to speak, my left eye falling apart made the inevitable decision for me soon afterwards.


                                Dati personali, cookies e GDPR

                                Questo sito per poter funzionare correttamente utilizza dati classificati come "personali" insieme ai cosiddetti cookie tecnici.
                                In particolare per quanto riguarda i "dati personali", memorizziamo il tuo indirizzo IP per la gestione tecnica della navigazione sul forum, e - se sei iscritto al forum - il tuo indirizzo email per motivi di sicurezza oltre che tecnici, inoltre se vuoi puoi inserire la tua data di nascita allo scopo di apparire nella lista dei compleanni.
                                Il dettaglio sul trattamento dei dati personali è descritto nella nostra pagina delle politiche sulla privacy, dove potrai trovare il dettaglio di quanto riassunto in queste righe.

                                Per continuare con la navigazione sul sito è necessario accettare cliccando qui, altrimenti... amici come prima! :-)