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Post - macbee

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In English / Re: Brazilian Disney comics
« il: Giovedì 4 Nov 2010, 18:26:15 »
Thanks Regulus! =D
I still have many Disney comics from Brazil for sale. Feel free to drop me a line at macbee@terra.com.br if you're interested!

In English / Re: Brazilian Disney comics
« il: Mercoledì 22 Set 2010, 00:22:43 »
Hi Malachia! Thank you so much.
Saudações :D

In English / Re: Brazilian Disney comics
« il: Martedì 21 Set 2010, 01:39:20 »
Thank you so much for this info! I used to love Pata Lee's stories when I was young. I believed she was a Brazilian character - specially because her name is a reference to Brazilian rock singer Rita Lee :)

In English / Re: Brazilian Disney comics
« il: Martedì 21 Set 2010, 00:40:16 »
What do you think about Don Rosa? Do you like Fethry Duck's brazilian stories, or prefer american or italian ones?  In my opinion, the stories by Kinney/Hubbard are at the top! ;)

Hi Alec!

I confess I'm not a Disney hardcore fan. I truly love these characters since I was a little kid but I don't know how to differ US, Brazilian or Italian stories on a comic book.

However I'm sure 'Editora Abril' (Brazilian Disney publisher) had printed stories from many different countries. I had probably read stories from all over the world even without knowing this back in the day. :)

Joe Carioca's stories were very easy to relate to Brazil's reality for instance. After this story you could see something completely different - like an old North American Carl Barks story. 'Abril' had published many articles about Barks and other veteran Disney artists so I'm a huge fan of Barks since I was 4 or 5 years old.

I feel very ashamed to say I (believe I) never read a comic by Don Rosa. I stopped to buy Disney comics in 1993 (and I had heard about him only a few years ago).

Now I think that Rosa maybe had drawn a 'Duck Tales' story from one of my Brazilian comics. I was intrigued when I read it for the first time as a kid.. Because this story had the look and feel of a Barks adventure - but modern characters like Capitao Boing (Launchpad McQuack) were there.

My favorite Disney characters are Donald and his family. Peninha (Fethry) always made me laugh. I like to see him as 'the red bat' however I really enjoy his adventures as a regular clumsy duck. :)

In English / Brazilian Disney comics
« il: Martedì 21 Set 2010, 00:02:26 »
Hello! I'm Macbee from Brazil and this is my first post. Hope to make new friends here :)

My native language is Portuguese but I can read and write in English (despite my grammar mistakes) so I'd like to ask a question:

I'm trying to buy an apartment so I'm selling all my comics and toys.
I have many Brazilian Disney comics from 1980s and 1990s to sell but I don't speak Italian.
So can I create a thread written in English on "Il Mercatino"?

If you're curious you can see some of my comics. I'll take better pictures if I get allowed to sell them here on Papersera:

Thanks in advance and I'll perfectly understand if I can't create an English topic on 'Mercatino'
Marcelo 'Macbee' Barbosa

Pagine: [1]

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