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Don Rosa

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Don Rosa
Gran Mogol
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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1770: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 19:45:34
    >>>>>Don says that, after "the prisionier " (his last story), he belived that he had ended all possible plot,

    No, I did *not* say that. I said that after that story I felt that I had no more stories that I had an urge to tell, not that there were no more stories *possible* to be told. I had no PERSONAL need to tell any more stories -- they had finally broken my enthusiasm after so many years. Perhaps that was misunderstood going through the language barrier.

    >>>>>but there ks a question in my mind: and,if one day some artist use the unfinished plots and the unused scripts of Don to do other sequels, he will be happy or not?

    I don't have any unfinished plots or unused scripts, but if somebody someday chose to do sequels to any of my stories as I've done to Barks', I think that would be very fun and very flattering to see.


    Papero del Mistero

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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1771: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 19:58:45
      sorry if somethime there are misunderstanding  ;)

      I don't have any unfinished plots or unused scripts, but if somebody someday chose to do sequels to any of my stories as I've done to Barks', I think that would be very fun and very flattering to see.

      but you HAVE unused script! there are some unused scripts on the "Lo$" website (a long scene about scrooge and Elvyra Coot in the klondike, a 2-page script about the past of the Mcduck dinasty,an extra page about scrooge activity before his retire ...), : if you create a story starting to a cover of Barks, there is a possibility that another "mad" artist use your script as a base to other stories...maybe difficult, but not impossible.

      and for "unfinished plots" i mean stories that have an "open ending" (like the black night: it is easy to another artist to bring back the dangerous weapon to Arpin Lusène and make the tird part of the story...)
      « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 20:11:25 da pacuvio »


      Pifferosauro Uranifago

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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1772: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 21:01:54
        However, when I first got rid of my sister's comics, I just couldn't bear to part with the issue containing my top favorite "Only a Poor Old Man" and I kept it hidden away in a drawer. It was the first issue of UNCLE $CROOGE comics, but I didn't know that at the time as it had a "#386" number on it rather than a "#1". So I'm VERY pleased that I STILL HAVE the very issue of "Only a Poor Old Man" that I grew up with since I was less than a year old. It has my sister's name written on the cover and my own "art" scribbles on the inside. It's in a special display in my comic "vault".

        Please help me out, here, Don. My memory has never been very good but I do remember that, during the first of my two visits last year, you also told me a much more adventurous story about this comic. So let's get together and try to get the details right.

        As far as I can recollect, the full story is as follows. Yes, when you thought you had grown out of all those "childish" comics you traded them in at the second-hand comics store where you could get one comic for two of your old ones. And yes, you did keep that one with "Only a poor old man", and also your other favourite, the one with the Golden Helmet story. However, later, when you started collecting practically everything, you "upgraded" your tattered old copy with a better one! So you did, at that point, lose the copy of the comic you had when you were a little child.

        Many years later, though, in fact only a few years ago, you came across your very copy (with "Deanna", your sister's name, on the cover) in some other second-hand comics store, or at a convention, or somewhere else I can't remember. Obviously that comic had been traded and traded and somehow, several decades later, you had come across it again. "Hey! It's mine! The one from when I was little! The very paper on which I fell in love with that fantastic panel of the dam breaking! And look at all my scribbles! I gotta have it..." And so you bought it, or maybe traded it, I don't know. Or maybe---wait, maybe I remember---it was a friend of yours who got it, and he asked you "wasn't your sister called Deanna? Couldn't this be YOUR copy I've got here?", and you said "Omygosh YESSS!" and he was happy to give it to you so long as you bought him a replacement copy for his collection---yes, that was probably it, right? So you got your copy from your friend and you bought another, newer copy at market price for him. And that's how it got back into your collection and into your comics vault.

        Riassunto ita: mi pare di ricordare che la storia del giornalino numero uno fosse ben più complicata. Lo conservò ma poi lo scambiò con uno migliore e solo dopo molti anni gli ricapitò sottomano la sua copia. O qualcosa del genere. Chiedo conferma direttamente a lui.

        Oh. Gosh. Is it... my #1 Dime?
        Frank might even have a photo of it. If he can locate it.

        Yes, I'll dig it out and put it up.

        As I think I said, a kind and competent lady is already hard at work as we speak, translating the first part of our chat. In the second part of the interview we spoke of exactly that business, of you inheriting those comics from your sister and then, in a fit of youthful exuberance later to be regretted, trading them for Superman and stuff like that. Those following this discussion here might like to check out that part of the interview and listen to you retelling all this---to me it's so much more alive than just reading about it. If we get more helpers we could have several parts of the interview translated in parallel. (English to Italian shouldn't be that hard.) I promise I'll have the photo ready to go with it by the time the translation is up.

        Riassunto ita: Don parla di quel periodo della sua vita nella seconda parte (linkata sopra) dell'intervista. C'è già una gentile e competente traduttrice all'opera sulla prima parte. Con eventuali altri/e volontari/e potremmo procedere in parallelo sulle altre parti.
        Frank  (filologo disneyano)


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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1773: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 21:04:05
          Riassunto ita: mi pare di ricordare che la storia del giornalino numero uno fosse ben più complicata. Lo conservò ma poi lo scambiò con uno migliore e solo dopo molti anni gli ricapitò sottomano la sua copia. O qualcosa del genere. Chiedo conferma direttamente a lui.

          riuscì a ritrovare la sua copia :o

          me co...mplimenti! ;D
          Nel tempo dell'inganno universale dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario (G. Orwell)


          Don Rosa
          Gran Mogol

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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1774: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 21:18:00
            >>>>but you HAVE unused script! there are some unused scripts on the "Lo$" website

            Ah. Okay -- more language-barrier problems. A "script" is a full story. Not just a page or two. You refer to discarded scenes, discarded script pages, dropped from an otherwise completed script and story. Somebody might write another story and use some of my old discarded scenes that were scrapped out of old stories, but I don't know how they'd fit into a different story, and I'm not sure why they would want to use sequences which the editor and I decided were no good.
            But you mention the unused sequence where I had Grandma Duck, in her youth, also in Dawson City in 1898 running a hash house. Yes, somebody could use that idea from the discarded pages. I guess we didn't decide those were "no good"... we decided those were "not good ENOUGH" for that dramatic period in $crooge's life.

            >>>>>and for "unfinished plots" i mean stories that have an "open ending" (like the black night: it is easy to another artist to bring back the dangerous weapon to Arpin Lusène and make the tird part of the story...)

            Okay -- that's not an "unfinished plot". That would be a sequel to a finished story. Every time I used the B.K., he would need to lose his Omnisolve armor or he'd still be a menace, so that story was not supposed to seem "unfinished". That's one reason I couldn't think of more plots for him -- each story would be too similar to the previous one. I had trouble coming up with even TWO. But I'd love to see another writer think up another plot for Arpin Lusène.


            Pifferosauro Uranifago

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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1775: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 21:40:18
              riuscì a ritrovare la sua copia :o

              me co...mplimenti! ;D

              Heheheee! I'd love to see someone translate that into English ::)

              Grande battuta, fra l'altro usata magistralmente da Gigi Proietti... Adesso voglio vedere chi riesce a tradurla! ::)
              Frank  (filologo disneyano)


              Don Rosa
              Gran Mogol

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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1776: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 21:40:25
                >>>>>Please help me out, here, Don. My memory has never been very good but I do remember that, during the first of my two visits last year, you also told me a much more adventurous story about this comic. So let's get together and try to get the details right.

                Okay... it's not as adventurous as you recall, but I only left out that over the years I lost track of my UNCLE $CROOGE #1 ("Only a Poor Old Man"), the only one of my sister's thousands of comics I couldn't bear to part with when I traded away all my sister's other comics in 1963. What I'd forgotten was that, when I bought myself a really nice copy about 15 years later, I let my best friend have my old copy. He was the only other comic collector I'd ever met in Louisville. I knew he'd keep it and I'd always know where it was. And I figured I'd get it back from him when he also upgraded to a copy without a girl's name on the cover and without some @#$%& kid's scribbles inside.
                But over the years I forgot all that.
                Then one day a few years ago (about 25 years later) my friend happened to mention during a conversation that he had my old $CROOGE #1. WOW! YIPPEE! CAN I HAVE IT BACK?!?! Sure, but I had to go buy him another copy in excellent shape to replace it. So... I did get my copy back... but the replacement copy cost me $200-$300.

                The more interesting story about that friend who was the only other big comic book collector in Louisville is that we were born the SAME DAY in the SAME HOSPITAL on June 29, 1951. Then we didn't see each other again until 1966 when we ended up in the SAME private Catholic high school (even though we lived on opposite sides of town). And we had both become rabid comic book collectors during those 15 years we were apart.
                What does that mean.....?


                Papero del Mistero

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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1777: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:06:49

                  Heheheee! I'd love to see someone translate that into English ::)

                  Grande battuta, fra l'altro usata magistralmente da Gigi Proietti... Adesso voglio vedere chi riesce a tradurla! ::)

                  something like "what the f...ortune you had" ?

                  ok, my English is very bad...  :D


                  Brigitta MacBridge
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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1778: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:10:11
                    >>>>>Do you want to share with us some photos of your collection?

                    >>>>>Oh, yes, please! It would be amazing!!!

                    Okay, ho chiesto a Frank di scegliere alcune foto fra le molte che ha fatto qui e dice che quando avrà tempo ne posterà qualcuna. Potrà mostrarvi foto prese nel mio "caveau" dei fumetti o nel mio studio, ma anche (spero) del mio altro amore, la mia casa e giardino. Vivo in una casa di legno in una riserva naturale di 25 acri (10 ettari), e passo la maggior parte del tempo a prendermene cura, e so che ne ha fatto molte foto (ma forse voi non siete tanto interessati a vederle quanto io a mostrarle)

                    ndt: beato lui!!!! (lucky you, Don, for the wonderful place you describe where you live!!!!)
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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1779: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:24:47
                      >>>>>Concepire i personaggi dei fumetti come "senza epoca" non è una peculiarità italiana.
                      Superman è stato creato negli anni '30. L'Uomo Ragno è stato creato negli anni '60. Nei fumetti Marvel e DC nessuno ha pensato di intrappolarli in quegli anni. La storia personale dei supereroi si muove di epoca in epoca, mantenendone il cuore e aggiornando i dettagli storici.

                      Certo! E questo è il modo giusto in cui falro. riscrivono la storia del personaggio, e ammettono, nei confronti dei lettori, di averlo fatto per ovvie ragioni. Ma è completamente diverso da quest'altra idea che non riesco a capire. In altre parole, non dicono che l'Uomo Ragno o Superman siano "creature immortali da fiaba che non invecchiano mai e non possono morire".
                      Ma come si dice, "qualsiasi cosa vi vada bene"
                      In ogni caso, mi piace il modo in cui io lo faccio, e a meno che voi non leggiate i miei scritti aggiuntivi di commento, qui o su libri, non sapreste mai che le cose stavano in modo diverso.

                      >>>>> Secondo la tua visione Ortensia e Quackmore hanno subito lo stesso destino di Della e suo marito?

                      Suppongo che sia possibile, ma forse un po' *troppo* macchinoso pensare che siano *tutti* sperduti nello stesso posto. Immagino di doverli ritenere morti come dice la Egmont. E sì, è per questo motico che Paperino ha quell'espressione nel "sogno di una vita". sed è stato molto acuto a notarlo.

                      >>>>>... E i genitori di Gastone e gli altri... non si vedono mai alle riunioni di famiglia perché sono morti o che?

                      Non lo so. Non ho mai avuto motivo per prendere in considerazione il problema. Ma dato che io *ho* deciso che Gastone ha ereditato la sua fortuna dalla madre, e date che la madre è stata educata da Nonna Papera alla fattoria, di certo lei era una che lavorava sodo -- la nonna non avrebbe sopportato ragazzini poigri che non facevano la loro parte! Così, con la sua fortuna combinata con la volontà di lavorare sodo (a differnza del suo pigro figlio), la mamma di Gastone e suo marito probabilmente sono TANTO ricchi che a questo punto si sono rititrati e sono andati a vivere a Portofino.

                      (e grazie per il gentile messaggio)

                      « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:24:58 da Brigitta_McBridge »
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                      Pifferosauro Uranifago

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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1780: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:26:22
                        Okay... it's not as adventurous as you recall
                        Thanks for setting me straight on this one.

                        Grazie per la correzione.

                        when I bought myself a really nice copy about 15 years later, I let my best friend have my old copy.

                        Right, you gave it to the mythical Ray Fouchée, I had forgotten about that!

                        Giusto, lo desti al mitico Ray Fouchée! Me ne ero dimenticato.

                        And we had both become rabid comic book collectors during those 15 years we were apart.

                        And he was the guy who introduced you to Marvel Comics and to the Rocket's Blast Comicollector fanzine! Not to mention to that famous comics store in the dodgy part of town where you could do those trades... I should really unearth and post some of our old 1996 interviews too, as well as the newer ones we did recently!

                        Ed era quello che ti aveva fatto conoscere i giornalini Marvel e la fanzine Rocket's Blast Comicollector! E anche quel famoso negozio di fumetti in quella zona malfamata dove potevi fare gli scambi... Devo proprio scovare e postare un po' delle nostre vecchie interviste del 1996, oltre a quelle recenti.
                        Frank  (filologo disneyano)


                        Brigitta MacBridge
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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1781: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:34:27
                          Duck Fener:
                          >>>>>che ne pensa dei lavori di Murry con Topolino, e, in generale, di tutte quelle storie prodotte quando ancora Barks lavorava? Qui in Italia, generalmente, pensiamo che siano carine, ma non capolavori, prevalentemente riempitivi.

                          Ho sempre oensato che i disegni di Murry fossero MOLTO piacevoli. Non "interessanti" come quelli più dettagliati o stravaganti di Barks, ma molto gradevoli agli occhi. Ma non mi sono mai interessato troppo nelle storie a puntate di Topolino che uscivano su WDC&S perché non riuscivo mai a leggere una storia per intero! Riucordate, io leggevo i VECCHI fumetti di mia sorella, che erano ammucchiati disordinatamente in uno sgabuzzino. Dieci anni pieni di fumetti di ogni genere (non solo Disney!) in un grosso mucchio! Anche quando me li passò, non ho mai cercato di ordinarli. Yow -- che idea! Così ogni volta che afferravo un mucchio di fumetti da leggere, ci poteva anche essere dentro un  WDC&S con un episodio di una avventura di Topolino disegnata da Murry, ma non riuscivo a leggere il seguito (o la parte precedente) per anni, frugando fra quei mucchi. Difficile seguire la trama in questo modo. Ma mi piacevano i suoi disegni!

                          Riguardo al fatto che tutto il resto di quanto si trovava in quegli albi, a parte il mio amore per Barks e il mio accettare Murry, sì, per me erano solo riempitivi. non mi interessava nient'altro (è per questo che non dico *mai* di essere un fan di fumetti Disney... sono solo un fan di Barks)
                          I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1782: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:41:40
                            >>>>>Don dice che dpopo la "prigioniera" pensava di aver finito le trame possibili

                            No, *non* ho detto questo. Ho detto che dopo quella storia sentivo di non aver il bisogno di raccontare altre storie, non che non c'erano più storia da raccontare. Non avevo la necessità PERSONALE di raccontare altre storie -- infine il mio entisiasmo si eraq spezzato, dopo tantio anni. Forse non ci siamo capiti per via della lingua.

                            >>>>>ho una domanda in testa: e se un giorno qualche artista una le trame inconcluse e gli script non utilizzati di Don per fare altri seguiti, ne sarà felice o no?

                            Non ho trame non concluse o script non usati, ma se qualcuno, un giorno, scegliesse di fare seguiti di una qualsiasi fra le mie storie, così come io ho fatto con Barks, penso che sarebbe divertente e molto lusinghiero.

                            I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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                            Pifferosauro Uranifago

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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1783: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:46:51
                              What does that mean.....?

                              ... another fan of Carl Barks? in Louisville? born in the same day?
                              If he draws or/and writes... Maybe another genius...
                              « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:47:38 da gongoro72 »
                              temo che, per quanti sforzi possa fare, non potrò mai diventare famoso! - Paperino


                              Don Rosa
                              Gran Mogol

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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1784: Venerdì 14 Ago 2009, 22:49:35
                                >>>>>Right, you gave it to the mythical Ray Fouchée

                                It's spelled Foushee... but did you mean to write "mythical"? That implies he doesn't exist! Did you mean "legendary"?

                                >>>>>And he was the guy who introduced you to Marvel Comics and to the Rocket's Blast Comicollector fanzine! Not to mention to that famous comics store in the dodgy part of town where you could do those trades...

                                All correct facts except the last one. I did the trades back in 1963 at the used magazine store in the seedy part of town (where my father grew up). Ray introduced me to a different such shop in 1967 in a nicer part of town.


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