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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #2805: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 11:10:19
    >>>>>PS: ma c'era bisogno di chiedermelo in inglese?

    Questo è, per decisione di qualcun altro, il "thread di Don Rosa". Non credi che io mi chieda di cosa si parla? Era semplicemente educato. Io lo ringrazio.
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #2806: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 11:37:54
      This is, by someone else's decision, the "Don Rosa thread". Don't you think I naturally wonder about everything that is being discussed? He was only being polite. I thank him.

      no problem ;)

      PS: i gusti culinari degli americani non possono che ricordarmi questa scena mitica:



      @Don: It's a famous scene of an old italian movie "An American In Rome". The protagonist is Alberto Sordi and interprets a young guy who wanna become a *real* american. He tries to make an American meal with some typical food (for a guy who knows USA only with movies!) like mayonnaise, mustard, milk, jam all together... but, disgusted, he prefer to eats pasta and drink wine ;D
      « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 11:41:18 da andrea87 »
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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #2807: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 11:52:55
         ;D ;D


        Don Rosa
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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #2808: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 17:07:32
          Andrea 87:
          >>>>>It's a famous scene of an old italian movie "An American In Rome". The protagonist is Alberto Sordi and interprets a young guy who wanna become a *real* american. He tries to make an American meal with some typical food .....but, disgusted, he prefer to eats pasta and drink wine


          But... why does he call the pasta "macaroni"? Looks like spaghetti.

          And sounds like he's also calling the mayonaisse "yoghurt". What we call yoghurt is fermented milk, while mayonaisse is a sauce containing eggs, oil and vinegar. The two have nothing in common. Maybe you guys call our mayonaisse "yoghurt", but I feel pretty sure that what you call macaroni is the same as here -- short hollow noodles. Si?

          Or was part of the joke that he was obviously using the wrong term?
          « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 17:17:11 da Don_Rosa »


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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #2809: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 17:28:33
            well... I wrote without listen the video so i added mayonnaise for mistake instead of yoghurt :( ...

            "maccheroni" (macaroni is the english name) is a kind of pasta ;)
            Nel tempo dell'inganno universale dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario (G. Orwell)


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #2810: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 17:36:27

              for example: in a story there is Duckburg's mayor with our first minister Silvio Berlusconi and they seems good friends ::)

              I had not noticed it when I read that story: it's a nice detail! ;D
              However, the kind of examples I had in mind are more permeating the development of the stories (see for example Paperino portaborse: here the Duckburg Parliament is a portrait of the Italian one at the time - including its most infamous member!) or even the behaviour of the main characters (as in many stories by Guido Martina).

              By the way: a nice example of the "Italianization" of the Duckworld was Paperino pendolare - if I remember correctly, it was the story people in the forum translated for our friend.

              Citazione da: Don Rosa
              >>>>>For example, while I can enjoy eating it, I have some problems in calling "pizza" what goes under that name on the other side of the Atlantic.

              Then we are in complete agreement on that matter. In fact, that sentence could be spoken word-for-word by both an American and an Italian.

               ;D Actually, I remember some Canadian friend telling me they would hate to eat Italian pizza.

              Non l'avevo notato quando lessi quella storia: una battuta carina! ;D
              Comunque, quel che avevo in mente e' piuttosto il modo in cui la politica italiana e' alla base dello sviluppo di certe storie (come Paperino portaborse, dove il Parlamento paperopolese ritrae quello italiano dell'epoca - compresa la deputata piu' discussa!) o influenza il comportamento dei personaggi principali (come in molte storie di Martina).

              A proposito: un buon esempio di "Paperopoli italianizzata" e' Paperino pendolare - se ricordo bene, e' la storia che alcuni forumisti avevano tradotto per il nostro amico.

              Citazione da: Don Rosa

               ;D In effetti ricordo qualche amico in Canada che dichiarava che la pizza italiana l'avrebbe probabilmente disgustato.


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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #2811: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 18:01:26
                Mi sembra che minerva abbia fatto un paio di errori - e il Don ci tiene a non essere frainteso.

                 Ed anche questo potrebbe non essere vero  dal momento che qualcuno ha anche trovato un modo per friggere gli spaghetti.   [\quote]

                Direi che l'originale
                But even that would not be true if someone ever figures out a way to deep-fry spaghetti.
                andrebbe tradotto
                Ma nemmeno questo sarebbe vero se qualcuno trovasse il modo di friggere gli spaghetti.

                Comunque… In sud Africa non usavano ancora i Rand nel 1952!

                Qui e' piu' sottile, ma crederei che il significato di "still"  nell'originale
                However... South Africa still did not use rands in 1952!
                non sia riferito alla moneta usata nel 1952, quanto piuttosto al fatto che dopo aver contestato gli altri errori attribuitigli Don riconosce di aver commesso quello relativo al Rand. Gli chiedo conferma.

                I am afraid minerva made a couple of mistakes - and since I understand you wants your meaning to be as clear as possible, it's better to correct them. Actually, I have a doubt about the second one (it's rather subtle):
                when you wrote
                However... South Africa still did not use rands in 1952!
                is the word "still" referred to the fact that, after checking everything, this remains as a mistake of yours? I.e., your sentence could be rephrased as "However... since South Africa did not use rands in 1952, I have not rebuked the claim that I made a mistake"?
                « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 18:23:16 da ML-IHJCM »



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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #2812: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 18:56:58
                  @ML-IHJCM hai assolutamente ragione, mi scuso .... :'(
                  ma la colpa non è mia, è il mio stupido cervello  >:(

                  You are absolutely right, I apologize  :'(
                  but the fault is not mine, it's my stupid brain!  >:(

                  Ho corretto il primo errore (e sono molto delusa, avevo capito che qualcuno avesse già provato a friggere gli spaghetti e per curiosità questa sera sarò costretta a  provarci io.)

                  Il secondo, Io avevo già una interpretato still come te, e penso sia chiaro per chiunque abbia seguito la discussione che "ancora" non si riferisse alla data di emissione del Rand ma alla conferma della  precedente dichiarazione del sig. Rosa. (che non diceva di aver commesso un errore, diceva che probabilmete era stato il letteristaad aggiungere la scritta rand )

                  I corrected the frist mistake (and I'm very disappointed, I had misunderstood. I thought someone already had tried fried spaghetti, and  out of curiosity tonight I'll try it!)
                  the second I had already interpreted as suggested by you, and I think it is clear to all who have followed the debate that "still" does not refer to the date of the Rant's  issuance, but refers to the earlier Mr. Rosa' statement. (by the way he did not say he made a mistake. He said the letterer has made a mistake)
                  « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 19:53:26 da minerva »


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #2813: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 19:20:33
                    >>>>> "However... South Africa still did not use rands in 1952!"
                    is the word "still" referred to the fact that, after checking everything, this remains as a mistake of yours?

                    Yes. I was saying that the Quackly's Treasure matter was *not* an error, but the rand business was still clearly a goof.


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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #2814: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 19:32:57
                      Andrea 87:
                      >>>>>I wrote without listen the video so i added mayonnaise for mistake instead of yoghurt  ...
                      "maccheroni" (macaroni is the english name) is a kind of pasta

                      Now I'm really getting confused.

                      Mayonaisse has always been the most popular salad dressing or sandwich spread in America, but that movie character was saying that he also thought yoghurt was a typical American food? But Americans don't eat yoghurt -- certainly not when that film was made. In the last 30 years stores have started selling very sweet fruit-flavored stuff we call "yogurt"... it's more like sweet pudding, sold in small dessert cups. But it's not the sour true yoghurt that Europeans eat.

                      And yes, I know maccheroni/macaroni is a type of pasta, but not the type that movie guy was eating. That was spaghetti.

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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #2815: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 19:34:39
                        I think 'twas a part of the joke to mistake foods' name... ;)


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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #2816: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 19:47:41
                          Andrea 87:
                          And yes, I know maccheroni/macaroni is a type of pasta, but not the type that movie guy was eating. That was spaghetti.

                          In some italian dialects (especially southern Italy's ones) "maccheroni" is used for any kind of pasta.

                          In alcuni dialetti italiani (specialmente quelli del sud Italia) "maccheroni" indica qualsiasi tipo di pasta.

                          This isn't actually the truth, as I've just discovered. "Maccheroni" was also the name of another type of home-made pasta. It was very cheap and was popular among the middle-low classes of the society. It resembled spaghetti, but it was longer and more similar to bucatini. Nowadays it no longer exists, and the word "maccheroni" indicates only the kind of pasta that everyone knows. However, in some southern dialects "maccheroni" is still used as a synonimus for "spaghetti".

                          (Sorry for bad english)

                          Questa non è proprio la verità, come ho appena scoperto. "Maccheroni" era anche un altro tipo di pasta fatta in casa. Era molto economica e popolare tra le classi medio-basse della società. Assomigliavano agli spaghetti, ma erano più lunghi e più simili ai bucatini. Al giorno d'oggi non esistono più e la parola "maccheroni" indica solo il tipo di pasta che tutti conoscono. Comunque, in alcuni dialetti del sud "maccheroni" è ancora utilizzato come sinonimo di "spaghetti".
                          « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 20:59:05 da PORTAMANTELLO »
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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #2817: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 21:01:30
                            Andrea 87:
                            >>>>>I wrote without listen the video so i added mayonnaise for mistake instead of yoghurt  ...
                            "maccheroni" (macaroni is the english name) is a kind of pasta

                            Now I'm really getting confused.

                            Mayonaisse has always been the most popular salad dressing or sandwich spread in America, but that movie character was saying that he also thought yoghurt was a typical American food? But Americans don't eat yoghurt -- certainly not when that film was made. In the last 30 years stores have started selling very sweet fruit-flavored stuff we call "yogurt"... it's more like sweet pudding, sold in small dessert cups. But it's not the sour true yoghurt that Europeans eat.

                            And yes, I know maccheroni/macaroni is a type of pasta, but not the type that movie guy was eating. That was spaghetti.

                            about yoghurt: this may be the joke to use wrong therm , but also he may use yoghurt only because he want to imitate the "strange american food" (strange for the view of those years for italians) using every uncommon food (or using common food in an uncommon way)mix toghether..

                            per lo yoghurt: può essere lo scherzo di usare termini errati, ma può anche essere che usi lo yoghurt per imitare gli strani cibi americani (strani per la visione italiana di quegli anni) usando ogni cosa "non comune" (o in maniera non comune) mischiata insieme...

                            PS: i was reading for the first time "the treasure of croesus" (i've found it on a web-site on internet...only english), and i've seen (we are in the 4th page, inside the duckburg museum) an urn (or amphora? withc therm is better?) with an hand that pop-up and say hello to donald... it is the genius of "the duck who never was", right? wat a funny cameo!

                            PS: stavo leggendo per la prima volta "il tesoro di creso" (trovato su un sito...tutto in inglese) e nella 4a pagina (siamo all'interno del museo di paperopoli) c'è un urna (o anfora? quale termine è miglire?) con una mano che appare e saluta paperino... è il genio del compleanno, vero? che simpatico cameo
                            « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 22:15:56 da sed »


                            Don Rosa
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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #2818: Giovedì 8 Lug 2010, 22:48:09
                              >>>>>i was reading for the first time "the treasure of croesus" ...and i've seen ... an urn ...with an hand that pop-up and say hello to donald... it is the genius of "the duck who never was", right?

                              Your idea is right, but your English word is wrong. It was the GENIE of "The Duck Who Never Was".
                              The GENIUS of  "The Duck Who Never Was" was.... ME! Right?
                              (Sorry -- I couldn't resist!)
                              Okay, let's say it was Gyro Gearloose.
                              « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 9 Lug 2010, 00:49:32 da Don_Rosa »

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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #2819: Venerdì 9 Lug 2010, 14:11:05
                                ... Furthermore, In some Italian stories, Heroes play "Briscola" or "TreSette" and go to mushroom... ;)
                                Are mushrooms in America as popular as here? :-?

                                Now, I've a personal question for Don Rosa...

                                What do you know and think about the charachter Phantom Duck (Paperinik)? Is it true you wanted use him in your stories, but you didn't can? :-?


                                ... Inoltre, in alcune storie di produzione italiana, i protagonisti giocano a "Briscola" o "TreSette" e vanno per funghi... ;)
                                I funghi sono, in America, popolari come qua? :-?

                                Ora, ho una domanda per Don Rosa...

                                Cosa sai e pensi del personaggio Paperinik? È vero che lo volevi impiegare in tue storie, ma non hai potuto? :-?


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