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Don Rosa

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Don Rosa
Gran Mogol

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #3990: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 20:05:55
    Lo Straniero:
    >>>>>Talking of western genre, do you prefer classic western or spaghetti-western? From which sub genre and movies you took inspiration for western adventures of Scrooge McDuck?

    Well, I bow to no one in my love of Sergio Leone's movies. I have all his westerns on DVD or BD. I think his ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST is one of the best westerns ever made. And as for Ennio Morricone, I have many, many CDs of his music, including soundtracks from westerns I've never even seen.

    But I definitely prefer the classic old American western movies. Despite the very realistic look of the "spaghetti westerns", far more realistic than the old American western films, dramatically and cinematically the "spaghetti westerns" are too surreal. Too "cartoony". But that's one reason I like them as a different style -- they always struck me as "comic book" westerns. Fun stuff.

    For me, the truly great directors of western movies are people like Anthony Mann, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway, William Wyler, John Sturges... Sam Peckinpah's best work was on TV westerns, but I consider his second western film (which is not well known) RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY as one of the very best westerns of all time. And then there is the very best western director who is head & shoulders above even all the above, and you know who I mean, eh?   John Ford.

    If I was ever being unconsciously influenced by western movies while creating one of my $crooge cowboy stories, it must have been by the American school.
    « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 20:16:42 da Don_Rosa »


    Don Rosa
    Gran Mogol
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #3991: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 20:13:09
      il principiante:
      >>>>>what do you think about the soundtrack of ''THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SCROOGE MCDUCK'' made by Nightwish??

      That's hard for me to say. It hasn't been recorded yet.

      But I am in touch with this Finnish band's leader and I will be participating in the album by contributing some new artwork. He already has a recording date set for the music to be performed by the London Symphony Orchestra.


      Kim Don-Ling
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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #3992: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 21:03:14
        >>>>>quale capitolo della Saga è il tuo preferito? Ho letto che è il settimo (quello ambientato in Australia), è vero? E qual è la tua storia "normale" preferita?

        Dove hai letto questa supposizione che il settimo capitolo sarebbe il mio preferito? Sono abbastanza sicuro di non averlo mai detto. Ho sempre pensato che, dovendo sceglierne uno fra i 12, il capitolo 10 sarebbe quello che più amo. Ci sono l'arrivo a Paperopoli, Nonna Papera nella sua giovinezza, Teddy Roosevelt, la Banda Bassotti, Ortensia e Matilda, la prima apparizione del Deposito, le prime Giovani Marmotte, un attacco della cavalleria, un bombardamento navale, uno scontro fra titani e tutto ciò per la maggior parte accade in un giorno invece di essere una sequenza di eventi che dura molti anni. Ho pensato che fosse piuttosto divertente!

        E qual è la mia preferita del resto della mie storie? Non ho mai cercato di scegliere una singola storia. Ma quelle che preferisco di più sembrano avere tutte una cosa in comune... Doretta Doremì. So di essere molto fiero di "Cuori dello Yukon", "Qualcosa di veramente speciale" e la "Prigioniera del Fosso dell'Agonia Bianca". L'ultima mi è piaciuta così tanto che ho deciso che non avrei mai più potuto eguagliarla. Non voglio lentamente affondare nel corso degli anni con stanche, mediocri o addirittura scarse storie come accade a coloro i quali trascinano una buona cosa troppo a lungo. So anche che il sistema Disney aveva rotto qualcosa nel mio spirito dopo 20 anni, e io stavo incontrando difficoltà a trovare l'ispirazione per continuare. Fortunamente, si fa per dire, il mio occhio sinistro, rovinandosi, ha preso l'inevitabile decisione al posto mio subito dopo.
        "Se nato cigno nessuno ti trasformerà in avvoltoio"


        Kim Don-Ling
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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #3993: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 21:21:44
          Lo Straniero:
          >>>>>Parlando del genere western, preferisci il western classico o lo spaghetti western? Da quale sottogenere e da quali film hai preso ispirazione per le tue avventure western di Paperone?

          Bè, nel mio cuore, io non mi inchino di fronte a nessuno dei film di Sergio Leone. Ho tutti i suoi western in DVD o BD. Penso che il suo "C'era una volta il West" sia uno dei migliori western mai fatti. E quanto ad Ennio Morricone, ho molti, molti CD della sua musica, comprese colonne sonore di film western che non ho mai visto.

          Ma preferisco decisamente i vecchi, classici film western americani. Nonostante l'aspetto molto realistico degli spaghetti-western, decisamente molto più realistici dei vecchi film americani, drammaticamente e cinematograficamente gli spaghetti-western sono troppo surreali. Troppo "cartoni animati". Ma quella è la ragione per cui mi piacciono, con un differente stile -- mi colpiscono sempre come western "fumettosi". Roba divertente.

          Per me, i veri grandi registi dei film western sono gente come Anthony Mann, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway, William Wyler, John Sturges... il miglior lavoro di Sam Peckinpah è stato nei western TV, ma considero il suo secondo western (che non è molto ben conosciuto) "Sfida nell'alta Sierra" veramente come uno dei migliori western di ogni epoca. E poi c'è il miglior regista western che è testa e spalle sopra tutti gli altri, e sai chi intendo, no?   John Ford.

          Se sia mai stato inconsapevolmente influenzato dai film western mentre creavo una della mie storie di Paperone cowboy, deve essere stato a causa della scuola (registica, ndr) americana.
          "Se nato cigno nessuno ti trasformerà in avvoltoio"


          Kim Don-Ling
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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #3994: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 21:26:49
            il principiante:
            >>>>>cosa pensi della colonna sonora della Saga fatta dai Nightwish?

            E' difficile per me dirlo. Non è stata ancora registrata.

            Ma sono in contatto con il leader di questa band finlandese e sto per partecipare all'album contribuendovi con alcune nuove illustrazioni. Lui ha già una data stabilita di registrazione perché la musica sia suonata dall'Orchestra Sinfonica di Londra.
            "Se nato cigno nessuno ti trasformerà in avvoltoio"


            Cugino di Alf
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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #3995: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 22:13:13
              Oh my God, then it's true!! I heard about the Nightwish soundtrack some months ago but I though it was only an idea.... Ok here my face right now

              -Sex Drugs & Duck'n'Tales-


              Don Rosa
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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #3996: Mercoledì 23 Gen 2013, 23:51:34
                >>>>>here my face right now

                Um... sorry, but what sort of expression is that? Is that "tears of joy" or "horrified & traumatized"?

                I've never heard any of Nightwish's music. But I've met the leader and he is a big Duck fan (like any typical Finn). I very likely would not like their music if it's "heavy metal" as I am inclined to assume. But that doesn't mean he's any less of a true Duckfan and I would always help anyone spread the enjoyment of Barks' great hero.

                Besides, I couldn't stop the project even if I'd wanted to. $crooge is not my character. My stories are not my property.


                Cugino di Alf

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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #3997: Giovedì 24 Gen 2013, 00:09:42
                  >>>>>here my face right now

                  Um... sorry, but what sort of expression is that? Is that "tears of joy" or "horrified & traumatizad"

                  Tears of super joy :D

                  A "life and times" soundtrack has always been one of my dreams... Plus I'm a rocker!! I can't stop smiling :)

                  -Sex Drugs & Duck'n'Tales-


                  Don Rosa
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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #3998: Giovedì 24 Gen 2013, 01:01:17
                    >>>>>A "life and times" soundtrack has always been one of my dreams...

                    Really?! You might not believe this (*I* find it hard to believe) but I already have 3 or perhaps even 4 different CDs of music that are "soundtracks to 'The Life and Times of $crooge McDuck'". They are very impressive, fully orchestrated. Some are symphonic pieces created (I assume) with computer software, and others are performed on a piano by the composer. The compositions contain pieces for each individual chapter of the series and come to me with "liner notes". All the composer/musicians are naturally Europeans. The music is not created for any other reason than for the private pleasure of the composers, and perhaps to show me their appreciation for my comics. It is PROFOUNDLY touching!!! Almost as wonderful as a group of wonderful people surprising me at a dinner with a book written about me and containing super artwork! (But not quite.)

                    The only other related matter I can mention is that a few years ago a famous German singer-songwriter named Reinhard Mey wrote a song that tells a sweet story about a boy who is standing in line at one of my signing sessions. (The story is about the boy, not about me, but STILL what an honor!) I have a translation of the German lyrics sent to me by someone, but that would be a lot of typing.  I just tried to find the lyrics on the Internet so I could just copy them, but couldn't.... maybe somebody else can? The name of the song was simply "Sven".
                    « Ultima modifica: Giovedì 24 Gen 2013, 01:03:15 da Don_Rosa »


                    Lo Straniero

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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #3999: Giovedì 24 Gen 2013, 18:05:12
                      Lo Straniero:
                      >>>>>Talking of western genre, do you prefer classic western or spaghetti-western? From which sub genre and movies you took inspiration for western adventures of Scrooge McDuck?

                      Well, I bow to no one in my love of Sergio Leone's movies. I have all his westerns on DVD or BD. I think his ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST is one of the best westerns ever made. And as for Ennio Morricone, I have many, many CDs of his music, including soundtracks from westerns I've never even seen.

                      But I definitely prefer the classic old American western movies. Despite the very realistic look of the "spaghetti westerns", far more realistic than the old American western films, dramatically and cinematically the "spaghetti westerns" are too surreal. Too "cartoony". But that's one reason I like them as a different style -- they always struck me as "comic book" westerns. Fun stuff.

                      For me, the truly great directors of western movies are people like Anthony Mann, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway, William Wyler, John Sturges... Sam Peckinpah's best work was on TV westerns, but I consider his second western film (which is not well known) RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY as one of the very best westerns of all time. And then there is the very best western director who is head & shoulders above even all the above, and you know who I mean, eh?   John Ford.

                      If I was ever being unconsciously influenced by western movies while creating one of my $crooge cowboy stories, it must have been by the American school.

                      Thank you for your answer and your opinion.


                      tang laoya
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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #4000: Venerdì 25 Gen 2013, 00:13:32
                        The only other related matter I can mention is that a few years ago a famous German singer-songwriter named Reinhard Mey wrote a song that tells a sweet story about a boy who is standing in line at one of my signing sessions. (The story is about the boy, not about me, but STILL what an honor!) I have a translation of the German lyrics sent to me by someone, but that would be a lot of typing.  I just tried to find the lyrics on the Internet so I could just copy them, but couldn't.... maybe somebody else can? The name of the song was simply "Sven".
                        Don, here you are

                        Ein Freund rief an: „Hör' mal, wenn es dich int'ressiert,
                        Ich lese grad, Don Rosa 's in der Stadt und signiert
                        Seine Zeichnungen im „Comix“ in der Manufaktur
                        In der Friedrichstraße heut 16 bis 18 Uhr!“
                        Das muß man einem Schöngeist wie mir nicht zweimal sagen,
                        Der Frau Dr. Erika Fuchs seit Kindertagen
                        Verfall'n ist, von ihrem Gedankengut kontaminiert,
                        Der, wie andre Schiller und Goethe, Donald Duck zitiert:
                        „Und lieg' ich dereinst auf der Bahre,
                        So denkt an meine Gu-itarre!“
                        Für mich umfaßt das Schöne, Gute, Wahre
                        Neben Nietzsche, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kant und Marx
                        Auch die Comics von Don Rosa und Carl Barks.

                        'Ne knappe Viertelstunde später und ich stand
                        In der Schlange vorm Geschäft mit meinem Sammelband.
                        Der Laden war gerammelt voll und allen war klar,
                        Daß das 'ne Aktion für die nächsten Stunden war.
                        Also standen wir auf dem Bürgersteig in Mäandern,
                        Schlurften brav im Zickzack immer einer nach dem andern.
                        Vor mir in der Reihe total aufgekratzt stand
                        Ein kleiner Junge mit 'nem gestreßten Vater an der Hand.
                        Einem von diesen Zeitgeistvätern,
                        Diesen neuen, etwas später'n,
                        Dafür etwas aufgeblähter'n Städtern,
                        Die du am Beifallheischen erkennen kannst:
                        „Alle mal herkucken, Leute: Ich hab' mich fortgepflanzt!“

                        Es ging sehr langsam, das heißt, so gut wie gar nicht voran.
                        Der Junge stand heroisch, nur der Vater begann
                        Zu murren. Don Rosa nahm sich für jeden Zeit,
                        Schrieb und malte mit Geduld und Liebenswürdigkeit.
                        Ich würde ihn um eine Gundel Gaukelei bitten,
                        Oder einen Gustav Gans – die beiden vor mir stritten,
                        Das heißt, der Junge schwieg, aber über ihm hing
                        Der Groll des Vaters für jeden Schritt, den es nicht weiterging.
                        „Sven, das kannst du nicht von mir verlangen,
                        Ich wär' schon längst gegangen,
                        Sven, was willst du mit so 'nem Blödsinn anfangen,
                        So 'ne Unterschrift, Sven – das ist mir schleierhaft!“
                        „Papa, warte, wir haben's doch gleich geschafft!“

                        Der Junge sieht zu ihm auf, fragend und bedrückt.
                        Jetzt sind wir ein paar Zentimeter weitergerückt.
                        Der Junge, der so gern seine Zeichnung will.
                        „Also Sven, mir reicht's!“ Sven ist mucksmäuschenstill.
                        „Schluß jetzt mit dem ganzen Unfug, Sven, ich muß gehen,
                        Du kannst ja bleiben, aber dann kannst du allein zusehn,
                        Wie du danach allein nach Hause kommst!“ - „Papa, bitte, bleib stehn!“

                        Der Vater ging, Sven blieb und über sein Gesicht
                        Ging die Grimasse, die man macht, eh man in Tränen ausbricht.
                        Er weinte nicht, kehrte sich in sich, tränenlos,
                        Die Ungleichheit des Kräftemessens war zu groß,
                        Das Ausgeliefertsein in diesen Nervenkriegen,
                        Zerreißproben, wo immer die Erwachsenen siegen!
                        Inzwischen kamen wir in der Zielgeraden zu stehn,
                        Konnten dem großen Meister schon über die Schulter sehn.
                        Vor uns nur noch zwei, drei Leute,
                        Ganz nah an der ersehnten Beute,
                        Das war der Augenblick, auf den er sich so freute,
                        Der Meister sah zu ihm auf, Sven war so aufgeregt,
                        Vor lauter Ehrfurcht klang seine Stimme belegt:
                        „Please, Mister Don Rosa“, bat er heiser,
                        „Can you write: Für Hans-Dieter Kaiser?“

                        Unfortunately cannot find any official translation in English, just the good old google...but enough to get the basic meaning.. :)

                        A friend called her: "Listen, if you int'ressiert,
                        I read grad, Don Rosa's in town and signed
                        His drawings in "Comix" in the Manufacture
                        The Friedrichstraße 16 today to 18 clock! "
                        This must be one esthete like me twice not to say
                        The Dr. Erika Fuchs since childhood
                        Verfall'n is contaminated by their ideas,
                        Which, like other Schiller and Goethe, Donald Duck quotes:
                        "And I lie 'one day on a stretcher,
                        So thinks of my Gu itarre! "
                        For me, including the beautiful, the good, the true
                        Besides Nietzsche, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kant and Marx
                        Even the comics of Carl Barks and Don Rosa.

                        'Ne quarter of an hour later and I was standing
                        In the queue in front of the shop with my anthology.
                        The store was packed and it was clear
                        That this was' ne action for the next few hours.
                        So we stood on the sidewalk in meanders,
                        Obediently shuffled zigzag always one after another.
                        Excoriated in front of me totally in the series was
                        A little boy with 'nem stressed father's hand.
                        One of those zeitgeist fathers
                        These new, something später'n,
                        Therefore something aufgeblähter'n slickers
                        You can recognize the Beifallheischen:
                        "All herkucken times, folks: I've propagated me"

                        It was very slow, that is, how did not progress as well.
                        The boy stood heroically, only the father began
                        To grumble. Don Rosa took time for everybody,
                        Wrote and painted with patience and kindness.
                        I would ask him for a Gundel jugglery,
                        Or Gladstone Gander - the two were arguing in front of me,
                        That is, the boy said nothing, but hung over him
                        The resentment of the father for every step that it went no further.
                        "Sven, that you can not expect me to
                        I were gone long ago,
                        Sven, what do you want to start with as' nem nonsense
                        So 'ne signature, Sven - this is beyond me! "
                        "Dad, wait, we still managed to have it now!"

                        The boy looks up at him quizzically and depressed.
                        Now we have moved a few inches.
                        The boy who wants so much to his drawing.
                        "So Sven, I've had it!" Sven is dead silent.
                        "Stop it with the whole nonsense, Sven, I must go,
                        You can stay so, but then you can only see to
                        How do you get then home alone "-" Dad, please, stand stay "!

                        The father went, Sven and remained on his face
                        Went the grimace that you do before one bursts into tears.
                        He did not cry, turned himself in, tearless,
                        The inequality of the power struggle was too great
                        Being the victim in these nerve wars
                        Ordeals, wherever the adults win!
                        Meanwhile, we got to the finish line to stand,
                        Could already see the great master over his shoulder.
                        Before us only two or three people,
                        Very close to the desired prey,
                        That was the moment for which he was so pleased
                        The Master looked up at him, Sven was so excited,
                        Sheer awe his voice is:
                        "Please, Mister Don Rosa," he asked hoarsely,
                        "Can you write? For Hans-Dieter Kaiser"
                        Mi avevano dato le mappe del percorso, ma nessuna idea circa i bizzarri paesaggi che avremmo attraversato durante lunghi mesi. - Per Nettuno Capitano! Con questa luna di sghimbescio gli sgombri cremisi fluttuano flessi!


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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #4001: Venerdì 25 Gen 2013, 22:03:27

                          I wanna show to Don Rosa this Duck Family Tree appeared in an italian magazine in 1984: the autor is Wolker Reiche and he put Rockerduck and Magica DeSpell amoung the different parents also if they don't have any connection with them;
                          Flintheart Glomgold (Cuordipietra Famedoro in italian) has shown with the face of Jake McDuck, Scrooge's uncle appeared in 'A Christmas for Shacktown' (it was Donald 'en travesti' really); Emil Erper (I don't know this character) has the Cornelius Coot face; there are Daisy and nieces too like in your Tree, not as 'Friends of the family' but involved without specific connections.
                          About other characters in the lower part of the Tree do you know some of them or do you think they've been invented?
                          Thank you.

                          In the drawing Donald says "Here is the Ducks' Dynasty!"
                          A nephew says "... and who's the black sheep of the Family, Uncle Donald?"
                          Under the castle is written "McDuck Castle".

                          Voglio mostrare a Don Rosa questo Albero dei Paperi apparso in una rivista italiana nel 1984: l'autore è Walker Reiche e mette Rockerduck e Amelia fra i parenti anche se non hanno relazioni con loro; Cuordipietra Famedoro è mostrato con la faccia di Jake Mc Duck, zio di Paperone, apparso nel 'Ventino fatale' (anche se in realtà era Paperino travestito); Emil Erper (non conosco questo personaggio) ha la faccia di Cornelius Coot; ci sono anche Paperina e nipotine come nel tuo Albero, non come 'Amiche di Famiglia' ma coinvolte senza specifiche connessioni.
                          Circa gli altri personaggi nella parte bassa dell'Albero, li conosci o pensi siano stati inventati?

                          « Ultima modifica: Sabato 26 Gen 2013, 00:15:55 da leo_63 »


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #4002: Venerdì 25 Gen 2013, 23:25:47
                            Gleb... Non per dire... Ma Rockerduck in alcuna storie è cugino di Paperone, secondo l'albeto genealogico ufficioso di Gilles Mauice le loro nonne erano soerlle :o :P


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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #4003: Sabato 26 Gen 2013, 00:07:51
                              Gleb... Non per dire... Ma Rockerduck in alcuna storie è cugino di Paperone, secondo l'albeto genealogico ufficioso di Gilles Mauice le loro nonne erano soerlle :o :P

                              A parte il finale di Storia e Gloria dove PdP e RK nascevano nello stesso periodo (coetanei, dunque), altre mostruosità su di loro non ne avevo sentite.
                              Ma ora ricordo una Genoveffa che era zia di entrambi anche se non si faceva accenno a parentele fra i due (avrebbero dovuto essere cugini per avere una zia in comune): per caso queste storie disegnate da Marco Rota negli anni 70 sono quelle cui fai riferimento?  
                              « Ultima modifica: Sabato 26 Gen 2013, 00:08:52 da leo_63 »


                              Gran Mogol

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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #4004: Sabato 26 Gen 2013, 00:29:11
                                Ora non ricordo l'autore, ma mi riferivo proprio a quelle storie dove compare la zia in comune...
                                l'.N.D.U.C.K.S. mi da ragione! Ecco la scheda di zia Genoveffa
                                « Ultima modifica: Sabato 26 Gen 2013, 00:39:54 da eros »


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